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On 13/03/2018 at 13:42, maqroll said:

Bolton will slither in once McMaster leaves.

This one seems to have legs. If it happens then very likely the Iran deal gets canned. 

Also don’t know if it’s been mentioned previously but the New Yorker article on Christopher Steele and the Trump Dossier is incredible journalism. Well worth a read. 

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4 minutes ago, Awol said:

This one seems to have legs. If it happens then very likely the Iran deal gets canned. 

Also don’t know if it’s been mentioned previously but the New Yorker article on Christopher Steele and the Trump Dossier is incredible journalism. Well worth a read. 

I think the Iran deal is going to get canned anyway. Tillerson's opposition to pointlessly ending the deal was literally the first thing Trump mentioned after saying that they didn't see eye to eye on policy. 

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As a 'funny' aside, Trump yesterday was boasting about his having a conversation with Trudeau where he insisted they had a trade deficit with Canada, when he didn't know, and was as usual wrong.

If you took everything bad about humanity, and boiled and condensed it into one entity, you'd get one of 2 results. A chimp. Or Trump.

And I'd have more sympathy for the chimp if you shot both.

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6 hours ago, StefanAVFC said:


Pure hypocrisy at its finest. All they care about is someone with their political agenda having power. A republican can do no harm in their eyes. 

It's crazy to me. I have my own beliefs, but if someone actually shows me something with proof, or has a good argument, I'll at least listen. I am not so stuck in my ways. 

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1 hour ago, Chindie said:

As a 'funny' aside, Trump yesterday was boasting about his having a conversation with Trudeau where he insisted they had a trade deficit with Canada, when he didn't know, and was as usual wrong.

If you took everything bad about humanity, and boiled and condensed it into one entity, you'd get one of 2 results. A chimp. Or Trump.

And I'd have more sympathy for the chimp if you shot both.

Yep, but to be fair negotiating with Trudeau would be like kicking a puppy around. Nice guy seemingly but wetter than the Atlantic. 

Bizarrely, given the self-immolation of the Republicans and now open goal for the Democrats, Hillary has been spouting that women who didn’t vote for her were influenced by husbands, male relatives or other unspecified rotters. 

Not a very helpful tone to take, imo. 


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2 hours ago, Awol said:

This one seems to have legs. If it happens then very likely the Iran deal gets canned. 

Also don’t know if it’s been mentioned previously but the New Yorker article on Christopher Steele and the Trump Dossier is incredible journalism. Well worth a read. 

Which article? Jane Mayer from March 12th? (There are a few on Steele.)

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The USA is not the world. It may not matter a great deal if they can the deal. The world Island is what matters now, though there are those in the empire who realize this, you wouldn't know it from how the politicos act!

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So Jeff Sessions fires ex FBI director Andrew McCabe.

Damn! He only had 2 days ti'l retirement. Bildresultat för lethal weapon murtaugh retirement

Without knowing the back story it seems like a dick move considering he's now in risk of missing out on $60k/year and free health care for life.

Trump is delighted and has tweeted about it.

McCabe is claiming it was ordered by Trump.

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Trump's lawyer has publicly said he thinks Trump should just fire the guy leading the investigation in to Trump being a treasonous son of a bitch.. I'm not sure why they're so keen to end an investigation that'll clearly prove Trump innocent.




“I pray that Acting Attorney General Rosenstein will follow the brilliant and courageous example of the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility and Attorney General Jeff Sessions and bring an end to alleged Russia Collusion investigation manufactured by McCabe’s boss James Comey based upon a fraudulent and corrupt Dossier,” Dowd then wrote.

In making the statement, a senior member of Trump's legal team joins the calls from his base to end the probe. As late as mid-December, another Trump lawyer, Ty Cobb, had brushed aside talk of stopped Mueller’s investigation, stressing that there was "no consideration at the White House of terminating the special counsel." The president himself has called the Mueller probe a “witch hunt,” but has not publicly urged Rosenstein to shutter it.

When The Daily Beast initially asked Dowd if he was speaking on behalf of the president, he answered, “Yes as his counsel.”  After publication of this story, however, Dowd emailed to say he was actually speaking in his personal capacity, and not on the president’s behalf.


He might not know much about criminal law, ethics, how to conduct himself in interviews, or general PR, but I'm told he's an expert in bird law.

This is typical of the Trump administration though. Say something, then deny it. They love appealing to their retarded base, while simultaneously claiming it's fake news when they get criticised for it. 

Hopefully this chump goes down with his client when sanity is restored.

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Trump's suing Stormy Daniels for $20 million in damages for breaking an agreement that he apparently was not involved in and knew nothing about.

Also lots of stuff around today regarding Cambridge Analytica and what they got up to on behalf of Trump in the election. I believe they were linked to Farage and the leave campaign during the brexit referendum as well.


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2 hours ago, andym said:

Also lots of stuff around today regarding Cambridge Analytica and what they got up to on behalf of Trump in the election. I believe they were linked to Farage and the leave campaign during the brexit referendum as well.

And they absolutely had nothing whatsoever to do with Arron Banks at all. :)

Edited by snowychap
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1 hour ago, villakram said:

Word is the report coming out next week will read particularly poorly for dear McCabe. Good riddance.

Are you...defending sacking someone, via a press release, at 10pm on a Friday night when they're due to retire on the Sunday?

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