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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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Good news about Friedel General. I assume you've seen him play before, but in case you haven't seen much of him lets just say he really is a very good keeper. Looking forward to seeing him at VP this season. It's been too long since we had a real top class keeper here.

Now just wait for the stories about Randy interfering in transfers forcing MON to buy Americans. Wouldn't surprise me if some of the rags in this country came out with that.

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Will there be a change of who runs the official website? I mean, for this game they've put Sid-Coker and Garnight as playing for us. They seem to be complacent in other areas as well.

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Hi General,

Just a couple of quick ones from today's game

1) I noticed no advertising at all on any stands, is that the policy ?

2) also I sat in the upper holte today (usually lower holte) and could not hear the tannoy at all, in fact we never realised it was Friedel on the pitch until others started to clap. I used to sit up there 6 years ago and it simply has not improved.

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General, have to agree about the tannoy in upper holte today (am season ticket holder up there - have been for years) and thought today it was worse than usual (not that it is all that great usually) but couldn't work out anything that was said today

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please pass on my best wishes to Wilf, what a tragic injury for the poor bugger. I assume that now means another player is added to the list, but as much as Im thankful we're through, Im gutted for Bouma.

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now that we're in Europe I understand the odds of MON taking over from Fergie have increased substantially. Can you do us all a favour and make sure that doesn't happen? I'm thinking a simple chain to the wall ought to do it. Or just grab him, grab him and never let him go.

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While I think about it General, something I noticed at the game today was that Acorns kept being flashed up on the advertising boards around the ground, I think if you added a phone number as part of the cycle, or even their website, it would encourage more people to donate. I know it shouldn't, but people (and I'm as bad as anyone) are lazy, I think it's best to spell it out to people. They can see the Acorn 'brand' on the shirts, perhaps the sponsor boards could give a bit more information about how people can help.

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I went to the game yesterday General and took my 4 year old son (decked out in the complete new kit) to his first Villa game. I thought that whole matchday experience is fantastic and the stadium looks great. However, walking to the game from where we parked at spaghetti junction along Lichfield road and Aston Hall road, I noticed something that I thought I should comment on.

I passed two boarded up pubs (the Aston Tavern and one on the corner of the 2 roads) if we want to get into the local community more and of course generate more income, would it be possible to purchase these venues and return them into being watering holes. Thus the community would be able to use them during the week as a pub and the fans could congregate there on matchdays to enjoy a pre and post match drink. I know we have the Holte Hotel but it is only for STH and even then on a rota basis. An AVFC chain of pubs (perhaps offering the Two for One meal deals like other chains) within a mile radius of Villa Park would help to impact on the local community and the club.

P.S. please pass on my best wishes to Freddi and hope that he recovers quickly.

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hi general is there anyway the club can setup some kind of thing for well fans to send well wishes to freddie bouma. after yesterdays horrific injury im sure every villa fan would like to wish freddie the best. im sure his morale is not good at the mo so mabe fans messages might help him in his recovery. he has been fantastic player for us a true professional

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General, I would also like to be able to send some sort of get well soon message to Freddie. He was fantastic for us last season and it was his "never give up" attitude that probably led to his injury. The guy is awesome for us and all the fans love his attitude so it would be nice if we had some way of getting messages of good will to him!

The result was great General and the goal was worthy of winning any game of football! I thought the reception for GB when he came on was quite warming and hopefully it will remind him just how much the fans actually do want him to stay. I am sure you have seen the game and know as much as the fans do that he is calmness personified with a football at his feet. I hope MON sits him down and reminds him that WE actually want him whilst the Liverpool fans do not rate him very highly. Also, if Benitez wanted GB so much, why the hell is he buying Robbie Keane ahead of him?

Come on Gareth, give us another season to help us get to where we ALL want to be!

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Great result yesterday and Villa Park is looking really good.

General a few observations from yesterday's game:

(1) I was in the Upper Holte block K4 and at Half Time one of the kiosks (where 100's of people were queueing for) ran out of ALL cold drinks and had very limited amounts of food left. On the plus side they did have tea and coffee left which I'm sure you can appreciate wasn't very useful given the temperatures! From a health and safety point of view surely the club should have cold drinks available (given the hot conditions). Also, the club are losing a lot of income through this as I know lots of people were just getting frustrated and had to go with out. You would think it should be an easy thing for the club to fix but the problem persists.

(2) I'd just like to agree with the comments about the PA system and this hasn't improved from last season.

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Sad sad news about Bouma, really hope everything gets better for him as he has been a great servant for us in his few years here and was immense last season.

On a lighter note, it now looks like we will need more of your family members to play for our team, what with Mrs K playing right back, do you have any brothers or sisters that could play left back???!!!

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May I comment on the PA in the upper DE it was terrible like listening to a foreign language and in the event of an emergency would be useless so I guess breaking health & safety rules for the stadium.

May I wish Freddie a swift recovery and as an aside have you any other friends or relations that could fill the left back roll until he is recovered to help WHO IS TO BE OBEYED in the right back position.

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General Krulak here:

1. Obviously we continue to need to work on the official web site....it is not just the fans who know it, we do too. At the same time, we do have some very conscientious people working on the site and I am sure we will see improvements. We did a good deal of work last year....we just need to do better.

2. Roger on the Upper Holte issue. We are aware that we have difficulties. Like everything else, we are working down a list of things to "fix"....not everything was "perfect" in the area of infrastructure when we took over. We are going to get to it.

3. Good idea re. acorns and phone number.

4. We are very happy to get Brad...he is quality. The age "thing" was absolutely taken into consideration but MON obviously felt that this was a player who can get the job done. When you are my age, Brad looks like a kid! He is VERY good.

5. Bouma: At first look, his injury was feared to be very bad. A second look has changed that a bit. The simpe fact is that we will have a much better idea of the scope of the injury today. We pray that he will be OK. One of the best things about our training facility is that Randy made the physio area "state of the art." We are very lucky to have the best in the Premiership...with much of the equipment patterned after what we have at the Browns.

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2) i brought an infant kit for my son (3-6 months) this came with no acorns sponser after reading ur other threads i enquired at the shop and although saying it will be free to put this on they cant do it till the end of Aug or early sept ???? why is this ??

Given the nature of the work carried out by acorns it was decided not to put it on the shirts of young kids. this was mentioned earlier.

i understand this as i said i have read the other threads about this, but cant see why it would take 1-2 months to get the template and be ableto put the sponsers on, surley this time frame seems excessive.......?

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