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Confirmed: Paul Lambert new Villa boss


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Lambert just keeps on impressing me, genuinely excited about what he'll do for our club, latest comments via Evening Mail:

Similarites between me and 'gaffer' and exaggerated, says Lambert

Jun 10 2012 by Mat Kendrick, Sunday Mercury

PAUL Lambert insists he has his own individual management style and that too much is made of comparisons with Martin O’Neill.

The new Villa boss admitted he took advice from his ex-Celtic manager, who also spent four years in charge at Villa Park, before moving to the Midlands.

However, anyone expecting him to be the same as the Northern Irishman will be proved wrong because Lambert has his own way of going about his buisness.

“Everyone is an individual, no-one is the same,” he said.

“I wear those glasses because I can’t see two yards in front of me at certain times – not because I want to be like Martin O’Neill.


Aston Villa: Stiliyan Petrov to remain club captain - Paul Lambert

Jun 10 2012 by Mat Kendrick, Sunday Mercury

STILIYAN Petrov will remain as club captain at Villa, confirmed Paul Lambert.

But the recently-appointed boss is on the look-out for a new team skipper to lead the claret and blues in the absence of the influential Bulgarian.

For the past three months Petrov has been fighting against acute leukaemia and football issues are the last thing on his mind.

Nevertheless, Lambert, a close pal of Villa’s players’ player-of-the-year from their time together at Celtic, insists he will retain the honour because of what he has produced for the football club over the past six seasons.

“Stiliyan is still club captain, no doubt,” he said. “Even if I wasn’t manager of Aston Villa, his health is more important to me than anything.

“I just need to look for a team captain but I wouldn’t take anything away from Stiliyan for what he’s done here and what he’s going through at the minute.

“He is a huge influence on this football club.”

Lambert feels Stan’s situation ‘makes a mockery out of life’ because he was always known as the fittest player in the squad when at Celtic Park.

The pair played in midfield together for eight years before the 32-year-old followed Martin O’Neill down to the Midlands.

The tragic story of his good friend is something Villa’s new boss can’t hide away from but he has promised to support Petrov in whatever way he can now the duo have been re-united.

“I will go down and see him again, I texted him to see how he’s feeling.

“A charity game is something I’d support against Celtic too.

“Anything that can help, I think we have to look at. We’re talking about someone’s life here.

“This is an illness that affects thousands of people and it’s hard because of the relationship I had with him.

“I played with him when he was only 19 and he first came to Scotland.

“I had eight or so years with him. That’s a long time to have someone as a team-mate. I just hope and I’m pretty sure he will beat that.

“I’ve always kept in touch with him. I didn’t know (about his illness).

“At the time I was told, we were on our way to Fulham (with Norwich). I was just devastated. I couldn’t believe it.

“When he was at Celtic, he was one of the fittest footballers I’d ever played with.

“It just makes a mockery of life, really, because of how fit he was.

“He’s such a strong lad and a terrific guy. Hopefully he’ll be okay and be here.

“It makes you sick, actually, when you have played with someone and seen them in their prime and are close to them then you know he has an illness like that.

“My God almighty, your health is more important than anything. I’m pretty sure he’ll beat that.

“When I went to see him I was with him for a few hours.

“We talked football but only now and again.

“He was doing great and I’m looking forward to going back down to see him.”

Petrov was also sorely missed on the field last season as Villa were fortunate to avoid relegation under Alex McLeish.

The season started badly with the loss of key performers Stewart Downing and Ashley Young before injuries to the likes of Darren Bent and Richard Dunne made their task even tougher.

While Lambert will aid Petrov through his own personal battle, he too faces a fight to turn around the fortunes of the club that finished 16th in the Premier League with just 38 points and only four home wins.

Keeping hold of Villa’s top stars is a priority on his to-do list.

“I realise the players that they’ve lost have been huge footballers, they are international footballers I’d love to keep here. The ones we need.

“You need your big players to perform and drive the club. I think we have to prove we can keep them to give us a foothold. I will do everything I can to make this club as strong as it can be.

“I will do everything I can do to make the club better – you can never promise anything – but somewhere there’s a feeling of this is going to be a good place to be.”


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Similarites between me and 'gaffer' and exaggerated, says Lambert

Jun 10 2012 by Mat Kendrick, Sunday Mercury

PAUL Lambert insists he has his own individual management style and that too much is made of comparisons with Martin O’Neill.

The new Villa boss admitted he took advice from his ex-Celtic manager, who also spent four years in charge at Villa Park, before moving to the Midlands.

However, anyone expecting him to be the same as the Northern Irishman will be proved wrong because Lambert has his own way of going about his buisness.

“Everyone is an individual, no-one is the same,” he said.

“I wear those glasses because I can’t see two yards in front of me at certain times – not because I want to be like Martin O’Neill.

Thats just brilliant :lol:

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My one reservation about Lambo is that he seems like MON mark 2 (which is why Martinez was my prefered choice). For me its the way his teams play and the type of players he signs that make me thing MON mk2. Always with a big target man. Defending deep and aggressively counter attacking, pace out wide, strength in defense. The type of football we will play I expect to be very similar to what we saw under MON (not really a good omen for some of the youngsters particularly Bannan). Signs players with experience of the english leagues, never signed a player with no experience of the english leagues. So expect his mantra to be similar to MON's in that he want proven premier league experience. Oh and then there is his manner during interviews, to me everything about him screams MON mk2.

None of this is neccesarily a bad thing. MON did well for us and is a quality manager, but for me its a case of been there done that!

But on the plus side he is inheritting a squad with a higher level of technique than what he has had to work with previously plus a wage and transfer budget that dwarfs anything he's had so far so it maybe we will see a different side to Lamberts ability and approach as a manager come to the fore. He has played on the conitnent and in the champions leagues so knows what overseas players have to offer.

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Sick of this MON mark 2 nonsense. Just not true

Thats fine, I am not trying to knock the man, but as I have detailed, his approach (outwardly at least) seems almost identical.

Not singling you out bud, just seems a bandwagnon people are jumping on

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Personally, he reminds me of Fergie when he rocked up at Old Trafford.

There is a steely determination about Lambert, you know he is going to take no dissent within the team. It is his way or the highway, of that I have no doubt. I hope he can do a similar job and leave a legacy, one that is built on graft and development of the team without bankrupting the business

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Sick of this MON mark 2 nonsense. Just not true

Thats fine, I am not trying to knock the man, but as I have detailed, his approach (outwardly at least) seems almost identical.

But it's really not. Several posters and articles have outlined his constantly changing tactics, surely the opposite of MON.

And when would people have expected him to sign players from abroad?

He signed players he knew but you would expect he will broaden his horizons with a bigger budget.

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I am not jumping on any bandwagon, I have been saying this since before Mcleish even got sacked and people started banding about PL's name. From what I have seen of Norwich they were playing a very similar brand of football to MON's Villa. There best attacks always came on the counter, the games were very open as they tended to defend deep, in addtion to aggresively counter attacking. As for his transfer policy we shall see I have already said he MAY be different from MON is this respect. I doubt it though as there wasn't too much wrong with MON's transfer policy if you take out giving high wages to players no better than able back ups (this however wasn't all MON's fault as he didn't get involved in contract negotiations).

It makes sense to base your transfer policy around proven premiership players as we know that they are happy with life in this country, and they have shown an ability to deal with the unique physical strains of English football. The only real problem with this is that many British players that aren't good enough to be snapped up by the top clubs (Villa aren't a top club) tend to be technically inferior to their foreign equivilents (even if they are superior physically). Take Arsenal out of the equation and all the top clubs have a mixture of foreign technical ability and british physicality and determination (although their British players are technically accomplished too)..

You can talk all day about PL changing tactics but MON changed tactics also. This BS about MON never changing tactics always bugged me as it was false. When we were behind we would push up and look to pressure teams, but because we lacked creativity through the middle all we could do was get it wide and cross. When we played a top team like Man U we would not play so openly, press and close down a lot harder. When we took the lead we would drop even deeper to create more space in behind our opponents so we could kill them off on the counter while protecting our lead. Its just most people on football message boards lack the observational and analytical nous to pick up on these things. It must be said though we was pretty shocking with it came to tactical substitions.

Only time will tell how Villa will play under Lambert, and what the transfer policy will be, but don't surprised if you see us playing a big man and a fast man up front, playing on the counter, and signing almost entirely british based players.

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well if Lambert is MON mark2 then bring it on coz those were some of the best days i had supporting this great club....

Randy is not gonna make the same mistake again and let Lambert sign ageing players on shit loads of money and im convinced Lambert will be more astute than MON in the transfer market anyway....

and the style of football? organised defensively, counter attack at pace, tricky wingers, target man up front?

well you can bring that on as well...

like i gave a toss how we played when we were beating Man Utd on their own patch....the thrilling never say die 3-2 victory away to everton........the semi final performance against chelsea only ruined by an awful referee.......a trip to Wembley for the first time in years....the constant drubbings of our neanderthal neighbours.........the 3-1 victory at Anfield......

Lambert's (wannabee MON) Claret and Blue Army!!

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well if Lambert is MON mark2 then bring it on coz those were some of the best days i had supporting this great club....

Randy is not gonna make the same mistake again and let Lambert sign ageing players on shit loads of money and im convinced Lambert will be more astute than MON in the transfer market anyway....

and the style of football? organised defensively, counter attack at pace, tricky wingers, target man up front?

well you can bring that on as well...

like i gave a toss how we played when we were beating Man Utd on their own patch....the thrilling never say die 3-2 victory away to everton........the semi final performance against chelsea only ruined by an awful referee.......a trip to Wembley for the first time in years....the constant drubbings of our neanderthal neighbours.........the 3-1 victory at Anfield......

Lambert's (wannabee MON) Claret and Blue Army!!

Agree MON days were good for the most part. My saying he is MON mark 2 is no insult, I just would've liked something different, and more modern. The board were as much if not more to blame than MON in regards to the expensive flops. My problem with MON is more the manner in which he left us, as I really respected the man.

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think Lambert has a lot different about him than MON and if didnt play under him a comparison wouldnt be made. tactical flexibility, passing football are main difference for me

if we play like Norwich did last season i expect Bent to get 30 goals next season

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well if Lambert is MON mark2 then bring it on coz those were some of the best days i had supporting this great club....

Randy is not gonna make the same mistake again and let Lambert sign ageing players on shit loads of money and im convinced Lambert will be more astute than MON in the transfer market anyway....

and the style of football? organised defensively, counter attack at pace, tricky wingers, target man up front?

well you can bring that on as well...

like i gave a toss how we played when we were beating Man Utd on their own patch....the thrilling never say die 3-2 victory away to everton........the semi final performance against chelsea only ruined by an awful referee.......a trip to Wembley for the first time in years....the constant drubbings of our neanderthal neighbours.........the 3-1 victory at Anfield......

Lambert's (wannabee MON) Claret and Blue Army!!

I agree, I enjoyed watching MON Villa teams so if it's similar then bring it on.
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