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Confirmed: Paul Lambert new Villa boss


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I've already said, imo, you'll get Cully and Karsa, thats not rocket science thats logic.

We will and we probably won't have to pay to do so as you've effectively dismissed them by giving their jobs to the boys from Small Heath. You will more than likely end up paying Culverhouse and Karsa off than us paying for you to release them.

Chalk up another **** up to McNally.

I honestly believe we'll get our deserved comp, via a tribunal if it comes to that....

And I honestly believe you won't get a penny and don't deserve to. We did nothing wrong, we made an official approach and you seemingly broke Lambert's contract.

I don't think you will get a penny from us, those talks McNally said were ongoing don't seem to have gone anywhere do they?

But think on this, your new Messiah who you celebrate in shafting us will, one day, shaft you!

He isn't a messiah, he is just a good football manager with ambition. He will if he is as successful with us as he was with you no doubt move on some day.

If and when that happens I hope that we aren't as bitter about it oh and I hope those that run our club do a slightly better job on our clubs behalf ;)

Oh and perhaps if it does happen we can come and take Hughton off you if he does well. :D

Cully and Karsa still have their original jobs and duties, that was made very clear at the recent press conference.

Lol Jobshare hits the premier league, can see a few ruffled Canary feathers if this is the case, If you truly believe this to be the case then you should move to fantasy island, its words to try and up the ante.

What would have happened if he said they were to move down in the pecking order to make room for the new team and they were really now obsolete, think about it, if he wants comp then this was the only thing he could say, watch this space, they will walk out or resign in the next 3 weeks claiming constructive dismissal.

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I've already said, imo, you'll get Cully and Karsa, thats not rocket science thats logic.

We will and we probably won't have to pay to do so as you've effectively dismissed them by giving their jobs to the boys from Small Heath. You will more than likely end up paying Culverhouse and Karsa off than us paying for you to release them.

Chalk up another **** up to McNally.

I honestly believe we'll get our deserved comp, via a tribunal if it comes to that....

And I honestly believe you won't get a penny and don't deserve to. We did nothing wrong, we made an official approach and you seemingly broke Lambert's contract.

I don't think you will get a penny from us, those talks McNally said were ongoing don't seem to have gone anywhere do they?

But think on this, your new Messiah who you celebrate in shafting us will, one day, shaft you!

He isn't a messiah, he is just a good football manager with ambition. He will if he is as successful with us as he was with you no doubt move on some day.

If and when that happens I hope that we aren't as bitter about it oh and I hope those that run our club do a slightly better job on our clubs behalf ;)

Oh and perhaps if it does happen we can come and take Hughton off you if he does well. :D

Cully and Karsa still have their original jobs and duties, that was made very clear at the recent press conference.

So Hughton now has Calderwood and Culverhouse as his TWO Assistant Managers. Right. Also, he has a Head of Football Operations working with him too. The longer this drags on with Norwich keeping this mish-mash of backroom staff together the more ridiculous McNally will look when they finally leave. Especially as he is still bleating on about nobody going anywhere when we've already taken Lambert for FREE and will likely do the same with Culverhouse and Karsa.

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Tweet from James...regarding compensation row.


Re: #AVFC & #NCFC row latest. Told LMA backing Lambert over resignation decision & a Premier League tribunal set to decide compo case

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Cully and Karsa still have their original jobs and duties, that was made very clear at the recent press conference.

Wiz - if compensation row is going to a tribunal then it's pretty obvious surely that McNasty is using Culverhouse and Karsa as pawns in all this.

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Why would we even bother going to a tribunal? ADR is not binding and why pay counsel fees to tell Norwich to **** off?

Unless its a tribunal to see how much Norwich owe Lambert for breaching his contract?

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Why would we even bother going to a tribunal? ADR is not binding and why pay counsel fees to tell Norwich to **** off?

Unless its a tribunal to see how much Norwich owe Lambert for breaching his contract?

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You may notice a slightly different version of farmyard smell at Sparrow Road next year.

Your new manager has been tainted by the worst kind of shit.

Hopefully he didn't catch the gypsy curse.

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Cully and Karsa still have their original jobs and duties, that was made very clear at the recent press conference.

Wiz - if compensation row is going to a tribunal then it's pretty obvious surely that McNasty is using Culverhouse and Karsa as pawns in all this.

I don't know Julie, thing we don't get this end is that at Colchester, Cully and Karsa resigned two days after Lambert, and yet as of this morning they haven't here.

I'd like to think that in Cullys case its because he has a long history with us and with Hughton at Spuds.

But thats clutching at straws me thinks, only fans are truely loyal these days.

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Unless its a tribunal to see how much Norwich owe Lambert for breaching his contract?

Yes that might mean constructive dismissal claim but I think this is Norwich trying to get 12months compensation off Villa or Lambert.

Villa would have been happy to pay it I'm sure if Norwich had stuck to the agreement. They knew that Lambert was due to speak to Lerner at the end of May because he apparently had a clause in his contract allowing him too. It appears to have all been arranged amicably until McNasty tried to stop him the night before

However if Lambert can't prove constructive dismissal and therefore he didn't have good cause to resign then I wondered if Norwich might

go after Lambert personally for the compensation on his contract. They also refused his resignation, which complicates matters.

Not surprised to see that the LMA are supporting Lambert over this at all.

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But thats clutching at straws me thinks, only fans are truely loyal these days.

Very true Wiz!

As far as I'm concerned the players and the manager are simply employees of the football club I support.

Used to be different because I'm sure Norwich & Villa had former employees who genuinely had an affinity for their respective clubs.

Not anymore - it's ALL about the money and ambition!

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As far as I'm aware you can't actually refuse to accept someone's resignation so it doesn't matter if McNally refused it or not. Once Lambert gave written notification of his resignation that was that and he would have been subject to whatever notice period he had within the terms of his contract.

I can't see that Norwich have a leg to stand on with this one.

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Wiz - I think your right about the level of respect Culverhouse and Karsa have for your club and Hughton. Which is why I think it will all be sorted when the Lambert situation is resolved. IMO both will leave amicably once we have either paid you for Lambert or it's decided that McNally breached PL's contract. With this matter still unresolved the last thing Norwich would want is members of the current backroom team leaving to follow the ex-manager as it could strengthen Lambert's claims.

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As far as I'm aware you can't actually refuse to accept someone's resignation

That's what I would have thought too...but McNasty on SSN said publically that they'd refused his resignation as they're entitled to do.

Of Course some people are so delusional in thinking they are right that they will go to tribunals and even court sometimes for the attention adamant that they will win. Lawyers get paid huge fees if they're involved so they're hardly likely to dissuade someone are they?

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That's what I would have thought too...but McNasty on SSN said publically that they'd refused his resignation as they're entitled to do.

Indeed he did but I think he is wrong. I'm no lawyer but I do work within recruitment and consider myself well versed in employment related matters and my understanding is that you can't refuse a resignation.

Of Course some people are so delusional in thinking they are right that they will go to tribunals and even court sometimes for the attention adamant that they will win. Lawyers get paid huge fees if they're involved so they're hardly likely to dissuade someone are they?

They might go to a PL tribunal but in terms of a legal position, I don't think they've a leg to stand on.

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I agree Trent 100%.

Norwich have just tried to play the wee little victim over all this publically when surely their CEO is the one they should be pointing the finger at.

I notice Villa have tied down Lambert to a 3 year contract, no question of a rolling contract.

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From an employment law perspective - I believe that PL had a fixed term contract, therefore if he didn't honour it, NCFC would be entitled to compensation, from him. PL's resignation from a fixed term contract is, I think, pretty irrelevant. Remember, these guys do not have employment contracts like you and me - where we can resign and leave after, say, a months notice.

However, if he had a clause in his contract allowing him to breach it in certain circumstances (and subject to any compensation agreement), and NCFC didn't honour this - i.e. if another Premier League club wanted to speak to him - then any tribunal may decide that NCFC were in breach first.

With regarding Culverhouse and Karsa, the rumour is that 1 or both have fixed term contracts to 30 June, after which they are free to leave, or sign an extended contract.

However, as a final point, virutally all of this is speculation over the details of 3 peoples contracts of employment - and much like the MON issue, all of this is simply guesswork as we just don't know!

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No employer can stop any employee from leaving, that's just a fact of life in the UK!!

Norwich have taken this stance though so they have to stick to it, in my opinion they've made this situation for themselves. And now they have to see it through in this way.

If Villa had poached Lambert illegally, surely compensation would've had to be paid before we could legally announce him as our manager??

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IC & Karsa will join Villa in due course,they will not be staying with Norwich despite any comments from the Norwich press.

It is merely to do with their contracts and the right time they can leave Norwich.

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From an employment law perspective - I believe that PL had a fixed term contract, therefore if he didn't honour it, NCFC would be entitled to compensation, from him. PL's resignation from a fixed term contract is, I think, pretty irrelevant. Remember, these guys do not have employment contracts like you and me - where we can resign and leave after, say, a months notice.

A fixed term contract does not preclude resignation.

His resignation isn't irrelevant, far from it. It is the entire basis upon our stance of compensation being due following the alleged breach of contract by Norwich.

There has been no suggestion at all that Lambert is or could be liable for a compensation payment to Norwich and I do not believe that is likely to be the case. You are right that none of know the detail of the contracts involved but I think it is highly unlikely that Lambert would sign a contract or that his agent would let him sign a contract that contained such a clause such he resign especially given it was a rolling contract.

However, if he had a clause in his contract allowing him to breach it in certain circumstances (and subject to any compensation agreement), and NCFC didn't honour this - i.e. if another Premier League club wanted to speak to him - then any tribunal may decide that NCFC were in breach first.

I think this is highly likely as I've said previously.

With regarding Culverhouse and Karsa, the rumour is that 1 or both have fixed term contracts to 30 June, after which they are free to leave, or sign an extended contract.

Quite possible.

However, as a final point, virutally all of this is speculation over the details of 3 peoples contracts of employment - and much like the MON issue, all of this is simply guesswork as we just don't know!

Indeed, what we do know though is the certainties of employment law, under which to my knowledge you can't refuse a resignation and you can resign from a contract even if it is for a fixed term.

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