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What Album Are You Listening To Right Now?


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21 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

I’ll get it eventually. It ticks a lot of price / title / graphics boxes.

Essentially exactly my reasoning today. Cheap, the title interests and the shit cover

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I knew I was going to have to buy at least a couple of African Head Charge albums today (there's three more still behind the counter for me)

This one is essentially an outakes album comprising stuff that was cast away in the recording of the Songs of Praise and In Pursuit of Shashamane Albums. The latter I also bought today

That it is an outakes album is astonishing. AMS just discards so much material when shaping an album, its a good job he's now got Pats Dokter sweeping up after him and saving the stuff he's jetisonned. This is a great album full of AHC rythmns and AMS Dub trickery, if they hadn't said it was outakes, you'd never have guessed

African Head Charge - Churchical Chant of the Iyabinghi


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Hahaha, this one is definitely NOT for Mike Mooney, it's not even for me really. This would have been bought for Djing and no other reason. '80s Hip Pop. It's utterly dreadful but somehow I can't part with it because it reminds me of Djing on a Thursday night at the State Ballroom. We used to play a bit of this shit mixed in with the decent stuff because it got people dancing

I doubt it'll last the full play though


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The Vernons - Smithdown Road

Now these were a bunch of students in Liverpool in the '80s. I put them on at The Cosmos a couple of times, so this reminds me of that but it also reminds me that Jonny Fibre was amate back then and Andy Harding was someone I also knew outside of the band, his girlfriend was friends with a friend of mine from School, one of them but we'd often bump into each other and have a chat or a pint

They finished Uni, couldn't get jobs and decided to carry on being a band for a bit to see what happened. Well they managed to put out an album on the Probe Plus label and that is about it, they started to fall apart as they all eventually started getting jobs and this is their legacy. An album appropriately named after the main road through Liverpool's student ghetto

EDIT: The missus just reminded me that Jonny Fibre wrote all the songs in the touring stage musical of The Gruffalo, which in typical Jonny F fashion started out as an ah sod it moment, we can do this, for a school play or something or other.


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Record shopping by appointment is the future!

A bloody good (distanced, masked, gloved) natter and catch up and information exchange and pick up a triple album plus single behemoth.

Windows papered over, door closed, having to do the secret knock to be let in just added to the whole speak easy vibe.

50159063613_d2a851f3c6.jpg 50159855062_f42d428ace.jpg



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I just listened to this and posted the below on FB so people from school could see it...

Listening to records can take your mind to places you never expected.
I was listening to this just now. It's the first ever On-U Sound release and an oddity in itself because it's the only record not produced by Adrian Sherwood on the label. AMS was in the process of setting the label up and The Mothmen were looking for a way of releasing this, so it just kind of happened.
Never heard of it you say. Well thats not much of a shock because really... its a bit odd, it's out there, post-punk avant-garde dub experimental weirdness from former members of the Durutti Column and Albertos Y Los Trios Paranoias
Anyway, I was listening to this just now and I suddenly remember where I heard it first and it didn't ever register until just now.
There was this kid in our year at school, Francis Davies, he wasn't like the rest of us, I'd be guessing but I reckon these days he'd be considered to be mildy autistic. Frank was one of life's unfortunates, he didn't fit in and was very often a figure of fun. A shame because he really was a nice kid who just wanted friends. We became friends for a while, not best mates but I did used to go round his house and we'd listen to music, his music mainly.
He asked me to call round one day because he'd got this new record that he thought was fantastic. So I knocked round at his later and he began to tell me about this group Vu Moffmen (thats how he spoke). I listened to it and thought it was rubbish but I told him I liked it, to make him happy I guess. I mean where was the tune?
Well let me tell you this, Francis Davies was a f***ing visionary! Frank's musical taste was decades ahead of us. I listen to this now, he was listening to it at 16 and loving every second of it
Oh by the way, The Mothmen together with that ginger word removed from the Frantic Elevators became Simply Red but don't let that put you off


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I’m really enjoying that Kaleidescope album, just had another listen to the first four sides and there’s not a duffer not there.

I fully intend to both embrace my autumn, and thoroughly kick against it at the same time.


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11 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

I’m really enjoying that Kaleidescope album, just had another listen to the first four sides and there’s not a duffer not there.

I fully intend to both embrace my autumn, and thoroughly kick against it at the same time.

Gondwana are a good label. Used to listen their titles a lot when I was selling tunes, though that meant I didn't buy much cos they were always on at work.

Not really bought that much modern Jazz over the last couple of years, but my local record dealer says he has a few titles on ReR. If he's got anything by The Necks I'll take them off him?

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55 minutes ago, osmark86 said:

been on a massive Enslaved binge over these past two weeks and currently listening to their 2012 classic Vertebrae. Here's the epic closer:


That is for the genre, excellent.

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William Shatner: Has Been (2004). How come I didn't know about this? Against all the odds, it's weirdly wonderful (and not as a joke, like his 'Lucy in the Sky' era). 


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1 hour ago, Seat68 said:

That is for the genre, excellent.

Enslaved are just a wonderful band and go far beyond their contemporaries. New album is due out in October which is already pre ordered :D 

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2 hours ago, mjmooney said:

William Shatner: Has Been (2004). How come I didn't know about this? Against all the odds, it's weirdly wonderful (and not as a joke, like his 'Lucy in the Sky' era). 

It's fairly common knowledge, that was his second studio album, he's done five more since

The next one was Exodus: An Oratorio in Three Parts (yes he's reading the Bible set to music)

After that was... Seeking Major Tom (Yep all Space themed covers), sounds very cheesy from the off but the musicians include... Steve Miller,  Richie Blackmore, Steve Hillage, Ian Paice, Alan Parsons, Toots Hibbert and Peter Frampton. Oh and Sheryl Crow as well, quite the stellar backing musicians

EDIT: The one after than has even more bonkers musicians on it, Nik Turner, Edgar Froese, Tony Kaye and Robby Krieger 

Shatner pulls in all sorts of people to play for him, its quite the accomplishment

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