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Anyone Watching A Good Tv Show?


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Question for the Aussies on here: is Rake any good?

Are the Aussies of VT too busy cataloging the assortment of venomous spiders and snakes that crawled into their houses to watch television?

And so it goes, Skynet starts to get pissed off with the humans - because of the **** elapids and arachnids in OZ, FFS, how ironic - and we all die soon.

Thanks, assholes. All you had to do was answer a question about TV to save humanity but you **** it up. Why didn't you just answer? For the love and sake of humanity, why didn't you just answer?

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Finally finished watching my box set of the shield last night.


WOW! What a great piece of work every single episode was and in my opinion a very powerful and thought provoking way they ending Vic's character. I expected to see him burst into the barn all guns blazing but on reflection they ended it well. Death would be much of an obvious choice and would rap things up. However now it gives you the ability to make your own mind up on what he did next as he left the office. Also the performance of Walton Goggins (Shane) was truly fantastic, especially when he finally realised he had ran out of options and was clearly a broken man. I admit i did not see him killing his family, that came as quite a shock to me!

I'm thinking of buying the sopranos box set next to fulfill my quality television craving.

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For what it's worth I am flying through the first season of Treme. Fantastic show. A little slow-paced perhaps but the music in it is just great.

Also fun for playing "spot the cast members from The Wire".

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For what it's worth I am flying through the first season of Treme. Fantastic show. A little slow-paced perhaps but the music in it is just great.

Also fun for playing "spot the cast members from The Wire".

Treme is **** awesome. Loved it, absolutely loved it. The title sequence is magnificent.

There are quite a few alumni from The Wire, but the great thing about the show is that you never think "oh, that's Bunk!" or "That's Freamon!" when watching it (or at least I didnt) because the characters in Treme are so strong.

I think you have to accept that Treme is a show about a place dealing with a catastrophic event and the people who live there rather than one central plot. A lot of the characters who get the most screen time never actually meet each other, which is a very interesting angle to take. There are a lot of sub plots and a lot of not so subtle criticisms of the US Government and the Army Corps of Engineers in the show that you might miss if you are not American or havent read up on the fallout of Katrina. I'm sure I missed a ton of stuff, but as an avid listener to Harry Shearer's le show I have heard many rants about New Orleans and the stuff that went wrong following the storm.

Agreed about the music sequences too. There are just so many great ones. Shame, Shame, Shame is inspired, but I think this is my personal favourite, and it is just a montage of people listening to the radio. (potential spoilers if you havent seen the whole of S1 yet.)

Oh, and I still think that Oz is the best show for spotting cast members from The Wire in other roles. Seeing Avon Barksdale as a cop is weird though.

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Spartacus: Vengence

Looks great, really looking forward to this.

I've watched some of these and can't understand why anyone would watch it, unless they're watching it ironically.

It's essentially softcore porn and violence isn't it? Don't get me wrong I'm all for tits but there's far better places out there for that sort of thing, and once you've seen one head get caved in in super slo mo you've seen them all.

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For what it's worth I am flying through the first season of Treme. Fantastic show. A little slow-paced perhaps but the music in it is just great.

Also fun for playing "spot the cast members from The Wire".

Treme is **** awesome. Loved it, absolutely loved it. The title sequence is magnificent.

There are quite a few alumni from The Wire, but the great thing about the show is that you never think "oh, that's Bunk!" or "That's Freamon!" when watching it (or at least I didnt) because the characters in Treme are so strong.

I think you have to accept that Treme is a show about a place dealing with a catastrophic event and the people who live there rather than one central plot. A lot of the characters who get the most screen time never actually meet each other, which is a very interesting angle to take. There are a lot of sub plots and a lot of not so subtle criticisms of the US Government and the Army Corps of Engineers in the show that you might miss if you are not American or havent read up on the fallout of Katrina. I'm sure I missed a ton of stuff, but as an avid listener to Harry Shearer's le show I have heard many rants about New Orleans and the stuff that went wrong following the storm.

Agreed about the music sequences too. There are just so many great ones. Shame, Shame, Shame is inspired, but I think this is my personal favourite, and it is just a montage of people listening to the radio. (potential spoilers if you havent seen the whole of S1 yet.)

Oh, and I still think that Oz is the best show for spotting cast members from The Wire in other roles. Seeing Avon Barksdale as a cop is weird though.

Do you only watch HBO shows?!

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Pretty much, though it has just kinda turned out that way rather than me consciously deciding to just watch HBO. I dont watch much TV at all, I can go weeks without turning my TV on but I will binge on a DVD box set from time to time, and I think I prefer to watch things à la carte these days. I dont know what to watch next, I might blitz Boardwalk Empire before season 2 starts or I might go with Breaking Bad, which by all accounts is excellent (and not a HBO show!)

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Pretty much, though it has just kinda turned out that way rather than me consciously deciding to just watch HBO. I dont watch much TV at all, I can go weeks without turning my TV on but I will binge on a DVD box set from time to time, and I think I prefer to watch things à la carte these days. I dont know what to watch next, I might blitz Boardwalk Empire before season 2 starts or I might go with Breaking Bad, which by all accounts is excellent (and not a HBO show!)

HBO turned it down... But both are well worth watching. There was an interesting debate on the 'boxset binge' on one of the podcasts I listen to. Writers are starting to consider that this is how shows are watched nowadays. 'On demand' TV may be how series are released in the future. Watching Breaking Bad 1 per week is excruciating compared to when I watched 3 seasons in a few days.

It sort of depends if you're into the whole forum speculation thing, fans of BSG speculated for nearly a year about the final five when it was airirng whereas I found out the the following day as i binged on the boxset.

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It sort of depends if you're into the whole forum speculation thing, fans of BSG speculated for nearly a year about the final five when it was airirng whereas I found out the the following day as i binged on the boxset.

When the BBC showed The Wire one episode per night all the way through, it was one of the best things they'd ever done* :)

This may or may not be slightly hyperbolous but you get the point

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For what it's worth I am flying through the first season of Treme. Fantastic show. A little slow-paced perhaps but the music in it is just great.

Also fun for playing "spot the cast members from The Wire".

Treme is **** awesome.


Agreed about the music sequences too. There are just so many great ones. Shame, Shame, Shame is inspired, but I think this is my personal favourite, and it is just a montage of people listening to the radio. (potential spoilers if you havent seen the whole of S1 yet.)

A good friend of my ex's plays trumpet in few bits of treme apparently, and her husband too. Does that make me famous?

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