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Cena as champ going over everybody

Cena vs Lesnar main event scheduled

Goldust, Kane, Jericho, RVD

Just highlights what an amazing job WWE are doing establishing new stars & bringing new ones into the fold.

I'm done with it for a bit again. I'll come back in 6 months.

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Wainy316 you forgot the Bulgarian Brut-ER, SORRY, The Russian...something beginning with R...Alexander Rusev. The guy is stupidly spry for a big man, but this old school iron curtain USSR Soviet Russian destoryer gimmick is shitty. Do you think they need to get permission to use Putin's likeness in ring?


The crowd seems to be bored with the party guy already. Good. Sandow's gimmick of dressing up in random costumes of historical figures is the BEST THING IN THE ENTIRE BUSINESS RIGHT NOW even better than The Juicy Product.


Still waiting for Sami Callihan/Soloman Crowe's NXT debut. I sincerely hope he gets in soon, gets over, makes it the main show and teams up with Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose again. They were a heck of a team. He might just get stuck in developmental hell though v___v Curiously, I heard that when Drake Younger signed for WWE as a referee, it was as a referee and not as a wrestler cos they don't want anymore 'cruiserweight guys'. Which is a bit rubbish, although there is a massive guy in NXT called Colin Cassidy who is alright.

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The gimmick is very sterotypical and out of date, but it's doing a good job getting him over.  I love CJ Perry (Lana's) work too.


Looks like Swagger and Colter turned face and is now going after Rusev, which will be interesting to see.  Got a very good crowd response too from what I've read.  Assume their xenophobic gimmick will be tweaked to make him proud and patriotic.

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I don't think they've ruined them - Cena just 'won' the feud. 

Y2J came back last night and the Wyatt's ambushed him so it looks like that will be a new storyline from now on in.


The best news from last night is that The Miz is back!!!!!1!!!1!!  :rolleyes:

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No the best news was Damian Sandow as Vince McMahon.


Pretty good episode of Raw actually!


Spotted some CZW shirts in the crowd too

Edited by hogso
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