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God Super was weird. The beginning an end of that film are like totally different movies. What is it about these so-called realistic takes on superhero movies that always seem to suffer with an identity crisis? Kick Ass was the same for me.

I really like Super. It was funny but also made me feel really sad, just because of how sad the main character is.
But didn't you find it really jarring the way the tone of the movie changed so drastically? I just thought it was a bit shit really.
Nah. I didn't really think about how the tone had changed, I just watched it for what it was. A bit of fun that quickly got serious... Then sad. I don't mind a film changing like that. It's unorthodox to change to drastically, I suppose, but so what?
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I think that's why I didn't like either Super or Kick-ass then. I don't like that sudden shift because it jars me out of the whole thing and reminds me I'm watching a film. That and it just reeks of a film having no identity and not being particularly well written, but maybe that's a bit harsh of me. Just not my sort of thing I guess.

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Watched frank today, enjoyed it but its one of those films that as soon as it ends you just move on, it's a face value film no deeper meanings or sub text to think about just enjoy the performances and the company of the people for an hour and a half. 6.5/10

No deeper meanings? One of the few mainstream films to deal openly (and with a light tone) (sorry Donnie) with mental health issues. The love, support and friendship shown by the group was as heartwarming as it was upsetting to see their pain and the pain of the parents. I found it profoundly moving.

I'm honestly surprised you saw it that way,

Maybe because i don't have any mental illness in the family it didn't strike any chords with me. I saw the film a different way personally, it seemed like it was more about Domhnall Gleesons character progressing throughout the film. How he changed from the shy slightly awkward kid who went from idolising frank at the start to almost pitying him by the end and becoming the "unofficial" leader of the group. My interest was definitely following him rather than Franks downfall.

Yeah I can see that perspective but

I thought the point of the movie was more to show someone who was a little odd but on the face of it largely normal, completely miss the point that everyone in the band had mental health problems and only see what he could get out of the situation. He couldn't understand why they weren't on the same page as him and why they weren't reaching for critical and commercial success. Turns out that the band existed as a mutual support group and that success was the last thing they needed, they just needed each other. The Gleeson character was a device to bring us in, someone most watchers could readily relate to but the reveal/twist was that he was that he was the a-hole and the eccentricities of the band were revealed as not them being "nutty" but as their way of keeping each other together/loved/supported

Yep very valid points, I watched this while off work sick yesterday so maybe it was just me who was only prepared to watch it on face value, I think only seeing frank with the mask on actually made it hard for me to empathize with the character.

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Watched Glory last night. Surely Denzel's best ever performance.


I think Alonzo Harris would have something to say about that...




Ha, I had a feeling someone would mention his other Academy win.


I haven't seen it.  :mellow:

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Just watched Guardians of the Galaxy and thought it was another solid Marvel movie - what was nice, was not really knowing too much about the characters or storyline that surrounds this part of the Marvel Universe.


Some terrific performances and effects that weren't too 'Michael Bay'!

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The LOTR trilogy is up there in my top 5 favourite films.... probably top 3....I'd say they were my favourite film (if a trilogy can be one favourite) but I might just be getting a bit excited.

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Saw Lucy last night

Started quite promisingly then kinda forgot what type of film it was trying to be and went all look at me I'm so deep and clever

Despite that it wasn't too bad but -1 for no gratuitous shots of Scarlett's arse

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Downloaded thirteen ghosts (or th13teen as it says) (sorry donnie) on my phone. Remember watching it as a kid, though I know it'll most likely be terrible in this day and age

It got slated but I thought it was a decent yarn.

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