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1 hour ago, GarethRDR said:

Friedkin called it (I imagine if he had lived to see it, we'd be getting a takedown more savage than him body-checking Refn mid-interview).

Does warm my heart a bit that Burstyn saw the shit for what it was and had the wherewithal to milk the studio for a bumper payout.  Curiosity got the better of me, but thankfully not so far as parting with physical currency to watch Believer, as I'd have been livid.  Hell, even with Exorcist II at least you could laugh at parts of it.  Nope, just another Exorcist film made by people who seemingly have no idea what actually makes The Exorcist a great film.  Cynical, tired and utterly devoid of value. 

I'd personally throw the TV adaptation in there as well.  Very well done, particularly the second season.  And a shout out to The Entity as a completely separate but absolutely worthwhile watch.

Yeah, Burstyn said that they made her an offer she said no, they doubled it and she said no again, then the doubled it again and she made them also fund scholarships for young actors or something like that, she was purely there for the money and at the grand old age of 90 I don't think you can blame her, she saw it as one last pay day for something she cares about.

I didn't watch the second season of The TV series, once they had concluded Regan's story I lost interest in it.

The Entity is another of my favourites, I used to have a thing for Barbara Hershey in that film when I was a kid...again it makes me wonder why my old man thought it was alright for me to watch it "so Lee, how old are you again...11 you say...here is a film where a ghost continuously rapes a woman, enjoy"

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28 minutes ago, TheAuthority said:

Going to see the Creator on Friday.

first time I’ve been to a cinema since before the pandemic 😵

Now that I did pop to the flicks for, and very much enjoyed it.  Okay, so it's nothing massively groundbreaking, but a solid showing and I haven't been quite so taken with the visual identity of a fresh sci-fi flick since District 9.

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1 hour ago, leemond2008 said:

I didn't watch the second season of The TV series, once they had concluded Regan's story I lost interest in it.

The second season is what convinced me John Cho actually is a terrific actor*, and that I was just used to seeing him in nonsense stuff up to that point.

*The live action Cowboy Bebop would later disabuse me of that notion, though to be fair that whole show was a mess from top to bottom.

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9 hours ago, TheAuthority said:

first time I’ve been to a cinema since before the pandemic 😵

Same here.  Parasite was the last film I saw in the cinema.

Get two free Vue tickets with my Sky package now though so might have to revisit.  Don't think I could ever deal with a really busy movie release night cinema again though.

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5 hours ago, Wainy316 said:

Same here.  Parasite was the last film I saw in the cinema.

Get two free Vue tickets with my Sky package now though so might have to revisit.  Don't think I could ever deal with a really busy movie release night cinema again though.

Before the pandemic I used to have a Cineworld pass and would go to the cinema 3 or 4 times a week, straight after work I'd have a walk up Broad street and catch the 4:20 showing of pretty much whatever was on.

I just go to the VUE at Star City now, its a 25 minute walk and only costs £5.99 so I'll pop along once every couple of weeks.

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2 hours ago, Bizzzle said:

Just watched the new Mission Impossible and I really liked it. Probably my joint favourite with number 6

Cannot wait for part 2 to see how it all unfolds 

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Apparently, apple are going to release a 4hour director's cut of Ridley Scott's new Napoleon film. In a way, I would much prefer it being in French with English subtitles, just for that authenticity, especially for a film that has such a historical figure at its centre. 

I suppose it comes down to money and the difficulty Yanks have with reading subtitles 😉😉. I  could imagine someone like Vincent Cassel doing a wonderful job at portraying Napoleon, still, I l loved Rod Stieger's portrayal in the film Waterloo, so I will definitely be giving it full attention. 

Edited by sheepyvillian
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26 minutes ago, stewiek2 said:

Just got out of seeing it. Spectacular film.

I liked it. Looks really spectacular and the story is good enough to keep you engaged (although it's not mind blowing.) As a father the emotional connection is there with the relationship between Josh and Alphie.

The parallels with what's happening in Gaza were pretty hard to ignore sadly. 

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1 hour ago, TheAuthority said:

I liked it. Looks really spectacular and the story is good enough to keep you engaged (although it's not mind blowing.) As a father the emotional connection is there with the relationship between Josh and Alphie.

The parallels with what's happening in Gaza were pretty hard to ignore sadly. 

I kept watching thinking "how the hell have they made this for $85m!?" Visually stunning. Real lived in world, no crappy green screen or the volume backgrounds. Yeah surprisingly emotional in places especially the end.

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31 minutes ago, stewiek2 said:

I kept watching thinking "how the hell have they made this for $85m!?" Visually stunning. Real lived in world, no crappy green screen or the volume backgrounds. Yeah surprisingly emotional in places especially the end.

Wow I didn’t know they had made it so cheaply!

that’s even more stunning

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Watched Robot Dreams today. A LFF pick, animated film, no dialogue but just the score and the expressions of the character. Aesthetic is an anthropomorphised new york city from the 80s. Conceit a lonely dog calls up and orders a robot who looks a bit like Bender. They bond, but one day robot gets stuck on beach before beach closes for the season. Dog has to wait until the following season to rescue robot. There are dreams. Quirky, but sweet and moving at the same time. Bit long though.

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The equaliser 3. Did not make much sense if you think about it too much, but action was brutal. Nice Easter egg at the end with whom the parents were of the CIA agent thoroughly enjoyed it.

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As usual with anthology movies it's quite patchy, but it was worth a watch just for the final story written and directed by Scott Derickson (Sinister/Black Phone) which could easily have been made into a interesting full length movie.

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The Conference was a passable 6/10 slasher movie. Which is not bad for a Swedish made movie. Bit campy, and intentionally so. But it's not the worst I've seen in this segment.

THE CONFERENCE (2023) Reviews of dark comedy slasher horror on Netflix plus  trailer - MOVIES and MANIA

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Paw patrol mighty pups

Bluey has overtaken peppa and paw patrol in my house but to be fair to them the paw patrol films are good, the jump in quality is nuts, they are what they are, they've not got the adult jokes of the best kids films and they're even younger

Sky is at the middle of this one for those that care, Zuma and Rocky do more but are still under utilised, rubble steals the show (normal)

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