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The Film Thread


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Well, cince I am not able to move too much (other than take a taxy at work) after breaking my leg, I have a lot of time to watch movies.

So I decided to watch the Colours trilogy, directed by Kieslowski.

Saw "Blue" first, then "White" and then "Red".

What an amazing trilogy. Made me think what I miss out on of movies, when I usually watch American Hollywood movies.

Will watch more of those great European director's movies.

Yeah, great films.

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Have you seen "The End of Violence"?

Not yet but it's on the list. Presuming you're recommending?

Yep, based on the three films you linked above.

Very moody and atmospheric, he gets the decaying L.A. thing down pat.

Well worth a watch.

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ive watched a few films over the last few days

first one


jesus...errrr...I dont really know what to say about this film, it was actually pretty good for what it was.

Mel Gibson plays a blinder in it but the beaver stole the show

it shouldnt have worked but for a chance to waste an hour and a half it was alright , the scene when gibson and the beaver have a scrap was brilliant


then I watched


I thought this was brilliant joseph gordon levitt was quality in it, it was strange to see him playing this sort of character when you are used to seeing him in films like inception.

The scenes between him and the grandma were brilliant and at times really funny.

Natalie Portman is in it and even when she is playing a bedraggled geek she would still definately cop it up the wrong'un


the only problem with both of these films were the ''hollywood ending'' both of them could have been ended slightly better I thought

I did try and put the images up but for some reason it worked when I previewed my post but the pictures wont actually show and I cant be arsed to clearing in the woods about to get them to work

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Have you seen "The End of Violence"?

Not yet but it's on the list. Presuming you're recommending?

Yep, based on the three films you linked above.

Very moody and atmospheric, he gets the decaying L.A. thing down pat.

Well worth a watch.

All ready to watch tonight - will let you know what I think tomorrow.

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Watched Rescue Dawn last night. Have to say it's the first film I've seen with Christian Bale that I didn't like that much. Quite boring. Guess there was a good story somehwere in there, but it wasn't very well put through.

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Well, I think the worst part for me was when they were in prison. And I shouldn't get bored by seeing a film about people in a prison like that. Never got the feeling for them. It got way better after that. But yes, there was one guy that wasn't portrayed as a very nice or clever guy.

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