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Fantastic Rubbish is 80s action movies for me, especially ones with Arnie. Personal fav is Commando. Final line in the movie when the cavalry arrive. Did you leave anything for us. "Only Bodies". Classic, he can kill about 100 people and walk away with that being his only explanation

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I work with a guy that has seen none of the 80s action movies. I don't know how you manage that, there was a period that ran through to about the mid 00s where one of those films was on terrestrial tv at some point in the week, every week.

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Yeah, but amongst the rubbish were some gems like Terminator and Predator. Both classics, and I could write an essay on why true lies is a comedy classic.

The Running Man was on last week, utter rubbish, but again enjoyable. It's all to do with what you watched as a kid. Arnie was da man back then.

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Yep, Commando definitely comes under the 'Fantastic Rubbish' banner. Particularly love Vernon Wells OTT/camp performance.


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Yep, Commando definitely comes under the 'Fantastic Rubbish' banner. Particularly love Vernon Wells OTT/camp performance.


One of my favourites among many....

Cindy: Can you tell me what this is all about?

Matrix: Yeah, a guy I trusted for years wants me dead.

Cindy: That's understandable. I've only known you for five minutes and I want you dead, too

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Just watched a classic again.... What a film.... Heat.

I remember this for being the first dvd I bought, about ten years ago, I watched it once, not seen it since, feeling tempted to watch it again now you've reminded me.

I remember watching it with hungarian subtitles just because I could 8)


Do it. Its just a brilliant film.

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I think this one has already been mentioned earlier in the thread (can't be fooked to look) but it's well worth another recommend as it's superb.


Overview and reviews

It's an amazing film about a very important subject. The claymation is absolutely superb and I'm sure everybody can relate to the characters in some way or another.

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Saw True Grit when it came out and loved it. Not seen the original, but the lead performance by the girl is quite excellent tbh and Jeff Bridges throws in another typically great effort. Good cast and not much wrong with it at all, though I found it ended somewhat abruptly.

Definitely worth watching.

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Yep, Commando definitely comes under the 'Fantastic Rubbish' banner. Particularly love Vernon Wells OTT/camp performance.



One of the best film lines ever!

I think another one from it was "I eat green berets for breakfast". :D

Strange to think the little girl from it is Alyssa Milano though.

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