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Celebrity Scandals


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1 hour ago, HongKongVillan said:

Has Jeremy vine offered his insightful opinion on this yet?

We're all waiting with baited breath.

I'll still reserve judgement till I hear from some random ex Newcastle player I can barely remember. 

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Nothing likely to come out this evening, but there has been plenty of whispers down the years of a certain actor who was very successful as a Peckham chancer, being not very likeable and inappropriate in the height of his celebrity status. 


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No scandals here, but Mrs F and a couple of friends once met Jim Davidson at a Village Hotel. He’d been performing at Dudley Town Hall and was staying at the hotel overnight following a stand up gig.

Mrs F and friends were out purely drinking that evening and were having one last drink at the hotel before heading home. Davidson basically tried it on with them, flirting but more creepy (Mrs F’s words) and offered them free drinks all night if they went up to his room. He was very persistent and quite vulgar, to the point where they had to leave. Despicable man.

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3 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

Not that i follow him but why are they lowlifes? Becauss they have different opinions to you?

If i dont agree with someones political views i just disagree with them i dont feel the need to go to this extent.

But you have previously described footballers you don't rate as "wastemen"...

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There have been a number of rumours about current and former high profile celebs and their fondness of children, but it's only been a couple of months since Jeremy Vine was similarly defamed and forced the  accuser to make a public apology and send some cash to charity, you'd think it'd make people think twice about repeating career-ending claims without evidence :) 

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33 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

Confirmed as Brand. 

If only he hadn’t got a non mainstream view, he’d have probably got away with his rapes and assaults

He got too close to the truth and now the establishment want to silence him ;) 

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