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Breakaway League


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2 minutes ago, supermon said:

How will they renegade on s contract though, they can't save face either way.

How did any of the 6 think this was going to go down well, I bet they knew and just felt that they'd ride the tide but in essence the money that will come in on a yearly basis will be worth it... Scum!!

Can break a contract if you have enough money haha

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They'll be able to break the contract unless they signed a really dumb contract. The SL have assured everyone that clubs will still be able to play in their domestic leagues. I would hope the clubs would have been smart enough to write things like that into the contract, and when it turns out they can't play in their domestic leagues, the English teams simply withdraw. 

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6 hours ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

Milners just said he doesn't like it and hope it doesn't happen. In his post match interview, always been solid he has, James Milner. 💪🏽👊🏽


This is important. The players and managers are the most popular people at the clubs and they have the ability to drive supporter narratives. If the players and managers come out in favour of it, the supporters of those clubs will very quickly move to supporting the Super League as well.


I think the SL clubs feel like they won't be evicted from UEFA comps because of the TV deals, but if I were UEFA I'd simply put the 4 non-SL teams from the quarters into the Semis. The punishment has to be swift and comprehensive. Challenge each club to withdraw from the SL, and if they don't, they forfeit their spot in the CL. 

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7 hours ago, hippo said:

Boring maybe.

But owners of these clubs don't care. There are enough not bored punters to keep the big TV audiences rolling in.

Alien as it maybe to you and I . The gigantic clubs sweeping all before them year after year is more marketable than a competition where the victories are spread around. Too many clubs winning things isn't the desired narrative.


Actually don't understand what you're arguing now?

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Perez negotiated all the TV and commercial deals in Spain along with his Barcelona counterpart so that those 2 clubs were always getting the lions share to make that league a closed shop. Real Madrid and Barcelona are globally 2 of the biggest brands that bring in more income than anyone else yet they still live beyond their means so now want to do this. Its an absolute farce. Football should always move in cycles, if you screw up, you fall away like anyone else. Clubs go bust, phoenix clubs rise. Cant screw up then just rip up the rule book so you can run off and start a new league with a new rulebook to ensure you always stay at the top. Cut your cloth accordingly and make cutbacks if you cant afford the wagebill.

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7 hours ago, jackbauer24 said:

If I was an Arsenal fan, I think I'd be more worried about this than I am as a Villa fan.

Villa got relegated and I enjoyed, mostly, our years in the Championship. Different standard, but fun, competitive and interesting. Then we got promoted and had the drama of a last day survival. This year the incredible start which is probably fizzling out to still a solid season. So if this happens, I think I'd be fine with watching whatever standard of football we're left with.

But if I'm an Arsenal fan, I probably get to watch us lose 9 times out of ten. I don't get to see any success even at a lower level. It's just infinite pain, infinite embarrassment with no light at the end of the tunnel. After being seen as a massive club all of the average fans life, they suddenly become the Burnley of the new league. It's like they don't understand SOMEONE has to be the small fish. It might be a closed league, but you're never seeing success again ever.

Then half way through the season, the 'competition' is over. You gain nothing from 2nd down and there is no relegation to fight so all tension disappears. Tottenham vs Chelsea is the new Brighton vs Southampton but without the fear and passion of relegation thrown in. Basically a friendly.

The league may take a little pain for a year or two but sometimes you have to make a stand. Scotland did it in a 2 team league by expelling Rangers. The league suffered a bit but Rangers came back. Remove these teams until they forfeit their place in the SL, they will be back one day. The league won't work, the money will dry up, the plastic fans who like the idea now will get bored, the players will want to play for their national teams and back they'll come starting at the bottom of the league trying to fight back.

Get Sky, BT and Amazon to agree to maintain their current financial packages and not show SL games and you starve the new league of exposure and sponsorship. Most fans would probably adopt another team - Wimbledon/MK Dons springs to mind when you push a fanbase too far.

Brighton vs Southampton would be a bloody good game, south coast derby that! 

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Perez seems to be full of shit. He said that Bayern and Dortmund wasn't invited after they declined 😂

Then the leaked documents show they were invited lol.

Then he said the clubs have committed and are contractually obliged and can't go back on this. A Man City journo/ITK apparently said that's also incorrect and the club can move away from it if it chooses to do so. 

A lot at stake for Perez and Agnelli and they will lie like snakes to get this sorted. 

Edited by KenjiOgiwara
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50 minutes ago, KenjiOgiwara said:

they will lie like snakes to get this sorted. 

Sounds like something else that happened recently. 

Anyway maybe I shouldn't go there. The one good thing about this is the country hasn't been as united in a while.

Edited by Rolta
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7 hours ago, Sulberto21 said:

Perez's comments pretty much confirm what it is. The Euro clubs are losing money hand over fist. But those biggest in debt are Barca and Manure. 

Which is all entirely of their own making. They are already awash with cash and if they wanted to could easily be making enormous profits. 

I still think given the enormous amount of extra money they earn they will still piss it away on stupid contracts and end up on even bigger contracts and end up in the same boat in an even bigger sea. 

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3 minutes ago, sidcow said:

Which is all entirely of their own making. They are already awash with cash and if they wanted to could easily be making enormous profits. 

I still think given the enormous amount of extra money they earn they will still piss it away on stupid contracts and end up on even bigger contracts and end up in the same boat in an even bigger sea. 

As previously discussed here, Real and Barcelona have lost money way before Covid. They're ran really badly. Essentially I think this is the main reason why Bayern and BVB haven't pushed their boards to go for this solution. It's a cash grab for Perez so that he doesn't have to face the music and lose his job over his wild mismanagement.

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But, but, but they are doing it for the fans. For us.

And maybe once every 100 years our club might get an invite to ascend up to their ivory tower for a season of jolly and games before then being thrown out again to live of their handouts.

Please mister Perez may we have some more

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53 minutes ago, magnkarl said:

I think they're banking on it not getting government involvement. The cartel and competition legislation all but excludes these clubs from the league if they're in super league, so don't be so sure about these clubs getting away with this. After all, football is something both parties in our parliament will use as their headline policy. It's good for votes to take a stand against Saudi/American venture capital. The government can start removing working permits if clubs aren't in PL, that means that City will have Foden, Stones and Delph left.

For example in EU comp law.

What these idiots are doing is a cartel. There's no way to say that it isn't as it's a closed shop. I have no idea how the lawyers of these clubs didn't realise this. When the PL 6 are given 250m extra a year for being in a closed league it goes against UK comp law. My guess is that their lawyers said it's a solid case as they want this to run its course in the courts so they get paid the maximum.

The funny thing is that they've pissed off so many politicians that it's likely that we'll just make amends to our laws to combat them, no lawyer can do anything with that.

I was thinking this, I hope government intervention is something they hadn't thought of, although I suspect they have. 

The only thing is that invitational sports tournaments are not unusual. I wonder what precedent this sets. 

Edited by sidcow
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1 minute ago, villalad21 said:

Perez full of himself.

Claiming this is to save football because of the situation with Covid.

Except these plans of a super league started long before Covid.

And I wonder how much of the money made by the Super League clubs will be used to save any other club other than those that are in it. He couldn’t give a shit if every other club went out of business as long as it didn’t impact his ability to line his pockets.

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