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4 minutes ago, Risso said:

Yes, I have a weekly session at our local gym, and it's great. I run three or four times a week now, and in the PT session she mainly works on cardio/core/leg stuff to help with the running. I find with a PT I do much more than I would by myself, because as soon as something starts to be difficult I usually just stop if left to my own devices! I was about 18 stone at the start of 2020, and then lost about four stone, before putting most of it back on again. Now I'm back down to about 13st 10lb, through a combination of eating well, cutting back on drink, and running a fair bit. I can knock out a sub 25 minute 5K now, which isn't too bad for a 52 year old, but I want to get down to about 22 mins if poss. Am doing a half marathon in London in April as well.

Good on your mate !

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  • 3 weeks later...
51 minutes ago, leemond2008 said:

its been a few weeks so just thought I'd drop a quick update in here, I'm currently down 4st 3lbs, its getting to be bloody expensive though because I've had to buy new clothes, the new jeans I bought are already too big for me and I'm gunna have to buy yet another few pairs.

I was trying to hold out for 4st 7lbs before my next treat but I've caved and ordered myself a 16oz piece of fish n chips and I've gotta admit, I'm bloody excited for it, first time I've had fish and chips in about 5 months.

There is no guilt at all about this particular treat, I've worked hard for it, I'll be straight back in the gym tomorrow to start on working it off.

Superb work. Genuinely inspiring and really pleased to read your updates. 

The key is the lack of guilt thing: you’re at a good place atm, so a bit of fish and chips here and there should be something you can have without your world tumbling down. 

I’ve lost about 12% of my body weight this year through better diet and running. Back to where I was about 15 years ago. The big thing for me now is eating without guilt: I’ll binge occasionally and it’s okay. 

Reading your experiences helped kick me up the arse so keep it up. (No Kenneth Williams gif needed) 

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1 hour ago, leemond2008 said:

its been a few weeks so just thought I'd drop a quick update in here, I'm currently down 4st 3lbs, its getting to be bloody expensive though because I've had to buy new clothes, the new jeans I bought are already too big for me and I'm gunna have to buy yet another few pairs.

I was trying to hold out for 4st 7lbs before my next treat but I've caved and ordered myself a 16oz piece of fish n chips and I've gotta admit, I'm bloody excited for it, first time I've had fish and chips in about 5 months.

There is no guilt at all about this particular treat, I've worked hard for it, I'll be straight back in the gym tomorrow to start on working it off.

Thats fantastic, you skinny bastard.

I'm currently at home eating a lump of cheese :( 

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1 hour ago, leemond2008 said:

its been a few weeks so just thought I'd drop a quick update in here, I'm currently down 4st 3lbs, its getting to be bloody expensive though because I've had to buy new clothes, the new jeans I bought are already too big for me and I'm gunna have to buy yet another few pairs.

I was trying to hold out for 4st 7lbs before my next treat but I've caved and ordered myself a 16oz piece of fish n chips and I've gotta admit, I'm bloody excited for it, first time I've had fish and chips in about 5 months.

There is no guilt at all about this particular treat, I've worked hard for it, I'll be straight back in the gym tomorrow to start on working it off.

Mate, you've got the best problems to have right now! I remember someone advising me when I was loosing weight, if you're gonna spend money on anything during this time, buy shoes and watches and anything that will still fit in 3 months, because jeans and t-shirts ain't worth the investment if you're aiming to lose more. Well done mate, proud of you! 

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1 hour ago, leemond2008 said:

its been a few weeks so just thought I'd drop a quick update in here, I'm currently down 4st 3lbs, its getting to be bloody expensive though because I've had to buy new clothes, the new jeans I bought are already too big for me and I'm gunna have to buy yet another few pairs.

I was trying to hold out for 4st 7lbs before my next treat but I've caved and ordered myself a 16oz piece of fish n chips and I've gotta admit, I'm bloody excited for it, first time I've had fish and chips in about 5 months.

There is no guilt at all about this particular treat, I've worked hard for it, I'll be straight back in the gym tomorrow to start on working it off.

Very impressive mate, that’s more than a flash diet it’s a total lifestyle change to lose that. Very inspiring. 

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1 hour ago, KevinRichardsonsMoustache said:

Superb work. Genuinely inspiring and really pleased to read your updates. 

The key is the lack of guilt thing: you’re at a good place atm, so a bit of fish and chips here and there should be something you can have without your world tumbling down. 

I’ve lost about 12% of my body weight this year through better diet and running. Back to where I was about 15 years ago. The big thing for me now is eating without guilt: I’ll binge occasionally and it’s okay. 

Reading your experiences helped kick me up the arse so keep it up. (No Kenneth Williams gif needed) 

Cheers man, but it isn't really inspirational, more of a warning not to end up in the hole that I was in in the first place lol

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On 23/02/2024 at 17:20, leemond2008 said:

its been a few weeks so just thought I'd drop a quick update in here, I'm currently down 4st 3lbs, its getting to be bloody expensive though because I've had to buy new clothes, the new jeans I bought are already too big for me and I'm gunna have to buy yet another few pairs.

I was trying to hold out for 4st 7lbs before my next treat but I've caved and ordered myself a 16oz piece of fish n chips and I've gotta admit, I'm bloody excited for it, first time I've had fish and chips in about 5 months.

There is no guilt at all about this particular treat, I've worked hard for it, I'll be straight back in the gym tomorrow to start on working it off.

This is amazing mate, well done and fair play!

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I'm now 12 pounds down for 2024. Target was a stone before I go to Ireland next week so hoping a final push this week tips me over that threshold.

Another 2 stone before September is then the goal.

Not finding it difficult at the moment if I'm honest. that's not a brag, I just know I can do it, I'm back in the gym which I enjoy and once I put my mind to a diet I'm fine with it. I find the results quite addictive (not in a  problematic way).
Few years back I was in really good shape but Covid and having a kid has completely knocked me off the wagon.

No more excuses now

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4 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

Not finding it difficult at the moment if I'm honest. that's not a brag, I just know I can do it, I'm back in the gym which I enjoy and once I put my mind to a diet I'm fine with it. I find the results quite addictive (not in a  problematic way).

This is exactly like me, basically cutting out all of the crap and knocking the drink on the head has worked an absolute treat, I'd say that is where 80% of my weight loss has come from.

Sticking to the low carb stuff ha also been easy as I have always been a carnivore and I enjoy plain foods for the most part, changing my mindset from eating at set times to just eating when I'm hungry has also had a big part in it.

All in all though, since I signed up to the gym and threw out all the shit food from my cupboards and freezer I haven't struggled at all (apart from on a Friday night when I do still miss my beer and curry) but seeing the weight fall off me at the rate it has makes it a lot easier.

I do need to start making more of an effort to get back to my running, I was either on the treadmill or running 3 or 4 times a week, its been 1 or 2 just lately, my issue with that is that when I push myself my body falls apart, after my  5k yesterday my hips feel absolutely shot to shit today, I'm hoping that they are better tomorrow so that I can get back out before work.

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On 25/12/2023 at 22:48, maltesemike said:

Keto is not a life long sustainable diet. Ketogenic diets stem from a starvation mode our bodies have developed in time of need and clearly people do benefit for short periods of low carb intake. But it’s just not sustainable as it’s too difficult to stick with over the long term and regular fasting can give similar benefits anyways.

I get why people see positive results when trying Keto to lose weight, because you lose it fast. But that weight is largely water and not fat. Low-fat high-carb diets are actually better for losing fat over the long term. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-01209-1

The default food our brains process is glucose. Carbs are probably the main reason why our brains grew so large in the first place! The idea that carbs are “the problem” is simply not true. Refined carbs are bad yes, complex carbs are anything but. The cornerstone of the healthiest and longest living people on earth revolve around diets that are predominately based on complex starchy carbs like corn, rice, oats, sweet potato, whole grains and plenty of legumes - the ultimate source of good carbs, protein and fibre. There is absolutely nothing wrong with these foods and we would all be much healthier if we ate more of them. The experiment has been done for us by people who have eaten such diets and live the longest to prove it.




I'm sorry, but I disagree with the entirety of this post, and in my opinion it's really, really bad advice.

Firstly, I looked up that study you posted. The actual results state the exact opposite to what you say, ie the low carbohydrate group lost 1.77kg in 14 days, the low fat group lost 1.09 kg. In any case, this was over 14 days, so no conclusions can be drawn about the "long term" but even so, more weight was lost eating high fat/low carbs than was lost eating high carbs/low fat.

There are just some basic, factual inaccuracies in your post. Weight loss in a keto diet is not just water at all. The very word 'keto' comes from 'ketogenic' which means fat-burning. Basically, you massively restrict carbohydrates; the carbs which your body usually uses to turn into fuel. Because thse carbs aren't available, your body turns fat into ketone molecules. It's true that you'll lose water in the first week or two, but after that it's burning fat. It's also absolutely nothing to do with starving yourself.

There is an obesity and diabetes epidemic in the western world, and it's mainly caused by processed sugar, but includes other high carb rubbish like fructose, which can cause high levels of triglycerides (which if high can lead to heart disease). Triglycerides fell for the high fat, low carb group in the study you mentioned above, they shot up in the high carb/low fat group.

And there's loads of research that a restricted carb/keto diet has positive benefits for diabetes/cancer/epilepsy/alzheimers outcomes.

From a personal point of view, I've been on a low carb diet (mostly) since 2020. In that time:

I've lost 5 stone - down from 18.5 to 13.5.

My blood pressure was dangerously high, it's now normal.

My blood sugars were considered pre-diabetic, they're now normal

I've never counted a single calorie

I'm never hungry

My resting heart rate has gone down from 74 to 52

I eat a wide and varied diet, just no bread/pasta/sugar/starchy vegetables

I run 4 times a week and am training for a half marathon


Edited by Risso
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  • 1 month later...
4 hours ago, leemond2008 said:

Just a bit of an update because I haven't posted in here for a while now, following that run to Villa park exactly 1 month ago I've only been on one run since then, my hip basically said "nope" 

I'm going out today because I feel pretty much repaired now, I think I have to face up to the fact that no matter how much weight I lose I'll never be able to run large distances because of my shoddy hips and knees, I'm going to start off today with a short 2.5k run and see how my hip is and then slowly increase, if I can get up to running 5k regularly and comfortably I'll be happy with that.

In the last month I have stalled a little bit but overall I've lost just over 5st and the end of this week marks 6 months since I started so I've done fantastic, I've got no doubt that I would be a fair bit lower than what I am now but I've had a few things on over the last few weeks that meant unavoidable food and drink, I don't mind that at all though, I've gotten over the guilt of a treat now, I'm still only having a takeaway once every 2 or 3 weeks and outside of the few days when I've had to socialise and see people I've pretty much stuck to the plan.

My target is another 3st and then I'll be looking to maintain rather than lose so I've still got a while to go yet. 

Congrats on the weight loss.

I sometimes get joint pain from lifting weights and that makes long runs difficult. However I find going on a crosstrainer/elliptical to be absolutely fine for doing cardio as there's none of the impact. 

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On 08/04/2024 at 11:08, leemond2008 said:

Just a bit of an update because I haven't posted in here for a while now, following that run to Villa park exactly 1 month ago I've only been on one run since then, my hip basically said "nope" 

I'm going out today because I feel pretty much repaired now, I think I have to face up to the fact that no matter how much weight I lose I'll never be able to run large distances because of my shoddy hips and knees, I'm going to start off today with a short 2.5k run and see how my hip is and then slowly increase, if I can get up to running 5k regularly and comfortably I'll be happy with that.

In the last month I have stalled a little bit but overall I've lost just over 5st and the end of this week marks 6 months since I started so I've done fantastic, I've got no doubt that I would be a fair bit lower than what I am now but I've had a few things on over the last few weeks that meant unavoidable food and drink, I don't mind that at all though, I've gotten over the guilt of a treat now, I'm still only having a takeaway once every 2 or 3 weeks and outside of the few days when I've had to socialise and see people I've pretty much stuck to the plan.

My target is another 3st and then I'll be looking to maintain rather than lose so I've still got a while to go yet. 

Congratulations on the weight loss mate, keepi it going. As RDS says below, maybe look to do some exercise that's less hard on the joints than running, until you get the final 3 stone off. As you get closer to the target, you can start upping your running. 3 stone is still quite a bit to be carrying if you're hitting the roads, imagine putting 21 bags of sugar in a ruck sack and jogging around with that on, it's all going to impact on your joints, ie back, hips, knees and ankles. Once you get down to your target weight, as you rightly say, start at a relatively easy distance like 3K, then increase that gradually up by about 10% a week. I properly knackered my ankles and back a few years ago by trying to run too much before I'd lost weight, but now with the wegith gone it's much, much easier. Try to mix in some strength and conditioning and mobility work, it all helps massively.

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On 08/04/2024 at 11:08, leemond2008 said:

Just a bit of an update because I haven't posted in here for a while now, following that run to Villa park exactly 1 month ago I've only been on one run since then, my hip basically said "nope" 

I'm going out today because I feel pretty much repaired now, I think I have to face up to the fact that no matter how much weight I lose I'll never be able to run large distances because of my shoddy hips and knees, I'm going to start off today with a short 2.5k run and see how my hip is and then slowly increase, if I can get up to running 5k regularly and comfortably I'll be happy with that.

In the last month I have stalled a little bit but overall I've lost just over 5st and the end of this week marks 6 months since I started so I've done fantastic, I've got no doubt that I would be a fair bit lower than what I am now but I've had a few things on over the last few weeks that meant unavoidable food and drink, I don't mind that at all though, I've gotten over the guilt of a treat now, I'm still only having a takeaway once every 2 or 3 weeks and outside of the few days when I've had to socialise and see people I've pretty much stuck to the plan.

My target is another 3st and then I'll be looking to maintain rather than lose so I've still got a while to go yet. 

Great work overall mate - I only pop into this thread very occasionally, but your posts are fantastic.

One point on the running; if your hip isn't loving life, go for (longer, time-wise) "fast walks" instead.  Running is actually quite a technical thing to do and you should have running shoes fitted to your exact requirements.  Walking, though?  Well, we can all do that without putting much impact on our joints.  A fast walk will get the heart rate going and increase your cardio performance still without (assumed) giving your hip a pounding.

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  • 4 weeks later...

How’s everyone getting on ? Hopefully the New Year regimes are still in full flow ! I’m still not drinking any alcohol ( since October) and feel a million times better , a lot clearer / sharper after improved sleep. I’ve managed to moderate my over consumption of bread but am guilty of a few naughty snacks . Getting quite a bit of walking done as me and the wife take the dog out for a brisk 30-40 mins before breakfast , add work and coaching and my steps sometimes get up to the 16,000 mark , which can give my ankles some stick tbh . Tried swimming for low impact but I’m just crap at it , my feet almost drag on the floor 🤣

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22 minutes ago, Chine said:

How’s everyone getting on ? Hopefully the New Year regimes are still in full flow ! I’m still not drinking any alcohol ( since October) and feel a million times better , a lot clearer / sharper after improved sleep. I’ve managed to moderate my over consumption of bread but am guilty of a few naughty snacks . Getting quite a bit of walking done as me and the wife take the dog out for a brisk 30-40 mins before breakfast , add work and coaching and my steps sometimes get up to the 16,000 mark , which can give my ankles some stick tbh . Tried swimming for low impact but I’m just crap at it , my feet almost drag on the floor 🤣

Incredible work. Don't demonise bread, unless you're eating 10 slices a day. It's very easy to replace those carbs with other equally shit calories. Some may say buy better bread, not really my ethos, but I get it, but if you're doing bread, pack it out with protein and salad. Two pieces of bread with a massive load of piri piri chicken and salad in it is a great lunch. Two pieces of bread, covered in butter and dipped in gravy, less so.

And, never trust a swimmer. I'd rather paint the garden fence than swim. 

I fell off every single routine (not just the gym, but literally everything) after a festival in Feb, but back it on Monday. I've give myself a few days to get everything else in check so I don't need to need to worry about much else, and then it's back to the 5am Power Hour, leeeeet's goooooooo

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