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The Hung Like a Donkey General Election December 2019 Thread


Which Cunch of Bunts are you voting for?  

141 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Cunch of Bunts Gets Your Hard Fought Cross

    • The Evil Abusers Of The Working Man Dark Blue Team
    • The Hopelessly Divided Unicorn Chasing Red Team
    • The Couldn't Trust Them Even You Wanted To Yellow Team
    • The Demagogue Worshiping Light Blue Corportation
    • The Hippy Drippy Green Team
    • One of the Parties In The Occupied Territories That Hates England
    • I Live In Northern Ireland And My Choice Is Dictated By The Leader Of A Cult
    • I'm Out There And Found Someone Else To Vote For

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  • Poll closed on 12/12/19 at 23:00

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The aim of this is to use public funds to create a regulatory environment and a body of knowledge that private companies can use to profit from our health services, and to increase profitability by denying insurance to people who are likely to place expensive insurance claims.

These people must be removed from all positions of public responsibility and influence.




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I'm heading down to South Devon next week, I'll be dropping off some presents.



Charities aren't allowed to speak out. I wish I could talk about the figures I've seen for poverty and homelessness which don't match "official" figures. It's all hidden and people are gagged.

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22 minutes ago, avfcDJ said:

Charities aren't allowed to speak out. I wish I could talk about the figures I've seen for poverty and homelessness which don't match "official" figures. It's all hidden and people are gagged.

Been happening for a while.  I think it was 1988 when I first heard that Shelter had signed a contract for funding housing advice workers with a contractual condition that the life stories the clients were telling could not be used in any publicity.  It might reflect poorly on government policy.

CABx have long been silienced in the same way, I gather.

This is the creeping disempowerment of the third sector.

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28 minutes ago, PompeyVillan said:

Worth sharing only to highlight to any potential Conservative voters that you'll be on the same side of the argument as this waste of skin.

Rhetoric encouraged by Boris Johnson. 


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3 hours ago, PompeyVillan said:

Worth sharing only to highlight to any potential Conservative voters that you'll be on the same side of the argument as this waste of skin.

Rhetoric encouraged by Boris Johnson. 

Wow.  Genuinely chilling.

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5 hours ago, peterms said:

Depends on the constituency.

But, yeah.  As a Green.


Blake's a fool. Like you say, some places voting green is the best option - obviously Brighton Pavilion,but also Bristol, Norwich etc. Plus safe seats where there will be no change, then vote green, if you're a green.

And that's before anyone looks at Labour's weaknesses.

Parties get funding based on their share of the vote. Wanna get more funding for the greens, then vote green, unless it can actually stop a Tory.

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I challenge anyone to watch this and then deny that this election matters:

The outcome of this election must be that the policies and systems that cause this hardship are abandoned. Ultimately, that needs to mean a change in who occupies Number 10. Vote to make that happen. This is one family; four million more children live in similar circumstances in this country.

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7 hours ago, jackbauer24 said:

Slight tangent but this is a common thought I have. You look at some of the Tory/Brexit personalities and, regardless of politics, they are simply vile people that no one would (should) want to be associated with. Farage, Johnson, Trump, Hopkins, Jim Davidson and the late John McCririck. Bigots, racists and greedy self-serving liars. The more reasoned ones seem to have fallen to the side (Ken Clarke). In the Labour camp you get the likes Stephen Fry, the late Stephen Hawkings and about 95% of popular comedians.

Yet the majority of the public seem to feel like the Tories are more 'their type of people'. This is terrifying to start with (and suggests it is clearly me that is so out of touch with what Britain 'needs') but also makes me instantly question why nationally respected figures (and experts!) are so readily ignored in politics and these people are voted for. Furthermore, why is the TV/digital media/social media so openly inclusive and welcoming if it's not what the majority of people want to see? Newspapers are openly hostile but TV in particular certainly advocates for equality, compassion and inclusiveness. All things Tories are largely against, especially those to the extreme right. And yet, nationally, they hold the majority. Where is the TV that caters for these people? Why isn't Roy Chubby Brown on TV if that's what the majority believe?

To me there is a disconnect between what I see in people, in society, in 21st attitudes to race, nationality, gender and sexuality and what people vote for. We've come so far in even the last twenty years and yet we now seem to be going backwards. Small nation, walls and borders returning, racism running wild, them and us rhetoric and a general narrowing of acceptance of others/ care for others.

We easily pity the drowning single migrant but dismiss as garbage the group of them. We laugh at Scotland wanting to leave a bigger nation but push for the UK to leave Europe. We mock Trump for wanting to build a wall but reinstate 'borders'in Ireland. We cut numbers across every public service and then act surprised when schools, police, hospitals and security begins to creak under the strain. We all see it, we all comment on it, many of us experience it directly. And yet MOST still want conservatives in power to continue what they've been doing.

I just don't get it. Surely some right-wing media mogul controlling The Sun isn't enough to swing that many people?!

I think in part because our voting habits are not reflective of society as a whole. Unfortunately, elections are decided by the older voters because in general they are much more likely to vote and they tend to vote Conservative. 

If everyone were to vote or if we had proportional representation we might well rid ourselves of the Conservatives. 


Edited by PompeyVillan
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37 minutes ago, PompeyVillan said:

I think in part because our voting habits are not reflective of society as a whole. Unfortunately, elections are decided by the older voters because in general they are much more likely to vote and they tend to vote Conservative. 

If everyone were to vote or if we had proportional representation we might well rid ourselves of the Conservatives. 


Proportional voting wouldn’t end the Conservative Party but it would splinter the major parties and make them comparable to the smaller parties. 

For example, Labour would split into New Labour and Momentum, whilst the Tories would split between the Johnson/Gove/Raab etc faction and the Clarke/Gawke etc faction. 

These four smaller parties would then need to form coalitions (with each other and with the Lib Dem’s/Greens/Brexit Party etc) to form a majority able to govern. That’s when you get the ‘horse trading’ on manifesto pledges that becomes the main criticism of PR. 

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