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Russia and its “Special Operation” in Ukraine


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16 minutes ago, LondonLax said:

I get the impression Lukashenko didn't want to or wasn't able to (take your pick) get involved, otherwise he would have contributed long before now.

It sounds like he's had the hard word from Putin though, he's only kept in power through Putin's patronage after all.

Russian leadership sees Belarus as just another region of Russia and if mainland Russian regions are contributing (even having their citizens drafted) whilst Belarus are getting a free pass to watch from the sidelines then that's going to have caused some frustrations back in Mother Russia.   

Oh I think he's always wanted to because nothing would please him and his puppet master more. The narrative was that his generals told him in no uncertain terms that they were not going to get involved.

He's also only kept in power because his army protect him. That can and probably will change. There is already an active resistance with partisans blowing shit up all over Belarus, including vital railway lines. There are three battalions of Belarus volunteers fighting for Ukraine right now and they have already stated that they will liberate Belarus when the time is right. (For context, those 3 battalions are probably half the size of the entire Belarus Army that is front line trained 6K vs 3k)

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5 hours ago, Delphinho123 said:

Looks like something is happening in Belarus. Polish embassy telling all their citizens to leave.
It's being reported Putin will have another crack at Kyiv via Belarus. 

Can somebody like @KentVillanor @magnkarl tell me why this is going to fail? IF it is going to fail?

In my humble opinion any order from Luka will be countermanded and lead to infighting in the Belarusian army. There are currently around 2000 more armed policemen in Ukraine than Luka has front line troops.

Bearing in mind that many of said troops were ready to throw Luka under the bus last year were it not for Vlads green men it’s very doubtful that they’d be willing to kill people in a country that is probably their closest cultural neighbour.

Were they ever to go across the border it’d be a complete rout. Belarus has worse and older equipment than Russia that has largely been in storage since 1991.

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10 hours ago, Delphinho123 said:

Looks like something is happening in Belarus. Polish embassy telling all their citizens to leave.
It's being reported Putin will have another crack at Kyiv via Belarus. 

Can somebody like @KentVillanor @magnkarl tell me why this is going to fail? IF it is going to fail?

I don’t know much about military tactics, but struggling to understand how they can improve on the attack which failed at the start of the war, given all the extra weaponry Ukraine now has, the heightened preparedness and the depleted Russian military. Putin wasted a load of elite troops trying to take Kyiv. How does he improve on that with a few thousand unmotivated Belarusians and some Russian conscripts?

Some people have suggested it’s a “fixing” manoeuvre to stop Ukraine from sending troops from the north to the fronts in the east and south, but that requires numbers on the Russian side who could otherwise be fighting in the east and south, so surely that’s a zero-sum game?

Another suggestion is that these troops are so shit and need training anyway, so might as well train them (genuinely) in Belarus and bang the drum a bit to create a distraction. That one makes some sense maybe??

Another suggestion is Lukashenko seriously fearing a coup and Putin can’t afford for it to fall, so this is a genuinely important defensive priority for Russia.

And Lukashenko claiming that Poland are gearing up to invade Belarus.

And then there are always the remaining explanations which have been pretty reliable throughout: Putin is lying/bluffing, or Putin is micromanaging and doing stupid things.

I haven’t seen anyone respectable analyse it in depth yet - or even confirm what the Russians are doing. Hopefully someone will do a Twitter thread!

(Also I probably made some mistakes here, I’m just picking this stuff up from reading & podcasts.)

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Not sure how credible Tulsi Gabbard is but she  has been involved in American politics and also has been an Army Reserve officer so you’d imagine has a pretty good handle on the crisis and a pretty valid insight and opinion. She recently quit the democratic party and called a load of them out for being elitist warmongers.

Anyway found this pretty chilling what she had to say here



Edited by BleedClaretAndBlue
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16 minutes ago, BleedClaretAndBlue said:

Not sure how credible Tulsi Gabbard is but she  has been involved in American politics and also has been an Army Reserve officer so you’d imagine has a pretty good handle on the crisis and a pretty valid insight and opinion. She recently quit the democratic party and called a load of them out for being elitist warmongers.

Anyway found this pretty chilling what she had to say here



Yeah she is well known in the USA as a Putin paid propagandist. She has zero credibility. 


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20 minutes ago, BleedClaretAndBlue said:

Not sure how credible Tulsi Gabbard is but she  has been involved in American politics and also has been an Army Reserve officer so you’d imagine has a pretty good handle on the crisis and a pretty valid insight and opinion. She recently quit the democratic party and called a load of them out for being elitist warmongers.

Anyway found this pretty chilling what she had to say here



I haven't watched this and won't watch anything with Rogan because A: he's a stupid ignormaus B: he's a moron.

But Tulsi is bought and paid for by the Russians and has been for years.

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In a lighter moment I thought this zinger was pretty good from Andy Zaltzman

"The world is still waiting for someone in Russia to do the decent thing and do to Putin what they did to his great uncle Ras"



Edited by ciggiesnbeer
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2 hours ago, BleedClaretAndBlue said:

Not sure how credible Tulsi Gabbard is but she  has been involved in American politics and also has been an Army Reserve officer so you’d imagine has a pretty good handle on the crisis and a pretty valid insight and opinion. She recently quit the democratic party and called a load of them out for being elitist warmongers.

Anyway found this pretty chilling what she had to say here



Both people in this video are worth less than that turd you can't get off your shoe after accidentally walking through a dog park.

Tulsi Gabbard is on the take, more so than George Galloway. Even Republicans are worried about her having the seat she has. That says a lot.

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Interestingly yesterday Ukraine was able to shoot down 90% of Russian missiles. If Russia doesn't do as they did on oct 10th they won't get through the now very capable air defense. Could the few rockets sent yesterday show that the 10th was their last 'large' attack?

A friend of my son manages a forum provider (for universities), and he's had a massive uptick in troll farm accounts being created to post fear mongering posts about nuclear war across the board. They're no longer spreading propaganda, but rather trying to instill fear in the West. It's an interesting climb down, possibly bracing for a defeat? 

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