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Official Website


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Can't see the link to the Chinese version of the site, but looks like the club might have started a 'Weibo' account. Looks like one of the best official sites.

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I think the website looks great, looks more modern and more adjustable in this current era. The website will be easily accessible on phones and tablets furthermore it has links to social media.   

I reckon there will be a lot more improvements made but this is a good start. 

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14 minutes ago, useless said:

Can't see the link to the Chinese version of the site, but looks like the club might have started a 'Weibo' account. Looks like one of the best official sites.

Yep, Seems to be at least 6 articles in chinese as part of the main site if you scroll down a bit, guessing they will split it at some point or it will look a bit clumsy with 2 of every article in different languages sat next to each other

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Looks tons better to me. Much cleaner and actually appears properly on mobile devices like someone said these are now the most common way the site will be accessed so it should be mobile first. That said I havent looked at this on a computer yet. It still obviously needs to look right and work properly on a computer as well. 

Edited by sidcow
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5 hours ago, Mantis said:

I don't like it. Like most websites these days, looks like it was developed with tablets and phones in mind first.

If you get a new website and it isn't designed this way, then it hasn't been built properly

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Seems very plain to me, lots of open space and not much information at first glance.

The current site, you can scroll through the top stories without having to scroll down, it gives a countdown to the next fixture, and a glance of the league table. I liked that. I do like the menu across the top of the beta though.

As for designing websites for mobiles, surely in this day and age it can be detected which device is being used to visit and load a condensed version if you are using a mobile.

I see they are getting rid of the app, seemed pointless having one. It was an app just for apps sake. Too many companies have jumped on the app bandwagon when they offer nothing different to their website. They should just give instructions how to create a shortcut for their website on your phones home page.

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Maybe I'm old school (actually, there's no "maybe" about it) but I hate this current trend with websites. It seems like they are all build on the same template and every website looks the same. Why is there no originality and personality shown in web design any more?

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29 minutes ago, Phumfeinz said:

How many people here actually use the official website out of curiosity? I always go here or to bbc sport to check out the latest news.

I suppose it's useful for buying tickets but aside from that?

I rarely go there myself, I just keep my newsnow: aston villa feed and VT open. If the OS pops with something different first them I go there.

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3 hours ago, Phumfeinz said:

How many people here actually use the official website out of curiosity? I always go here or to bbc sport to check out the latest news.

I suppose it's useful for buying tickets but aside from that?

I used to visit the official website many times a day, until a video started playing automatically on every visit. Now I just check it for tickets or breaking stories once they've been confirmed elsewhere.


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It'd built very much to be responsive as sites which are responsive shoot up in the google rankings. April 2014 was the tipping point where for the first time google saw site searches on mobile devices outweigh desktop and tablet. Incidentally despite what they say the google searching that puts responsive sites first only is when searched on a mobile. But google changes its parameters all the while. Good seo and click throughs are still the order of the day.

The site was built by the company who are working on Liverpool and Evertons sites. No surprise being a Liverpool agency. I like it when compared to the old/current site. Use of a nice clean google font if a bit too busy in places.

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