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The now-enacted will of (some of) the people


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12 hours ago, bickster said:


be interested to know where you got the data ... the Baramoter on the EU's own website doesn't yet include Nov 2017 

it appears that what the graph is doing is combining the  fairly and very positive and then subtracting the difference v fairly and very negative for the net figure , so tbf based on the May 2017 data those figures could well be correct  ...

However that data on that barometer doesn't really reflect the data in the EU's more in-depth reports .....that last report  (Nov 2017) shows that Greece has a 43% negative image of the EU  and  that in 11 Nations the EU's negative image had increased since May 2017 , I know the first graph is May 2016 but it is still suggesting a trend in 2017 that isn't reflected in your chart

A majority of respondents have a positive image of the EU in 14 countries (down from 15 in spring 2017), led by Ireland (59%), Bulgaria and Luxembourg (both 57%).

As in spring 2017, equal proportions of the population see the EU in a positive and a neutral light
in Malta (45% total ‘positive’ and 45% “neutral”). This is also the case in Lithuania (46% total ‘positive’
and 46% “neutral”) and the Netherlands (39% total ‘positive’ and 39% “neutral”).
In ten Member States (unchanged since spring 2017), a majority of the population have primarily a
neutral image of the EU, with the highest scores in Latvia (52%), Croatia (50%) and Estonia (49%).
Greece remains the only country where a majority of respondents have a predominantly negative
image of the EU (43%).
The proportion of respondents with a positive image of the EU has gained ground in 12 EU countries
since spring 2017, most strikingly in Hungary (43%, +7 percentage points) and Cyprus (35%, +7).
Conversely, it has decreased in 11 countries, in particular in Lithuania (46%, -5) and Croatia (31%,
-5), and remains unchanged in five Member States (Luxembourg, Poland, Germany, Malta and


for Uk Nov 2017 is showing 35% positive (down 1%) , 28% Neutral (down 2 %) and Negative 33 % (up 4%)


In  May 2016  , Immigration (48%) was a huge concerns of people polled  , in the Nov 2017 data that had dropped to 39% , even the economic situation dropped as being a concern from 19% to 16%  .. So if you wanted any correlation with that data , it's probably more that Immigration and economic concerns were alleviated and Europeans are fickle (and racist)  ..rather than Brexit ?



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'It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it'

-Upton Sinclair

Maybe we need to change 'difficult' to 'easy', 'understand' to 'forget, or at least pretend to forget' and 'not understanding' to 'forgetting'. 

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"The EU / Korea free trade agreement, which came into effect in July 2011, is just one example. In the year before the deal was agreed, the UK beer and cider industry sold almost nothing to Korea; exports were under £2 million.

By 2017, however, sales to South Korea have exploded to over £93 million"

Vince Cable explaining why people should have a chance to vote in a new referendum? Lord Adonis? Kenneth Clarke?

No, DFDS Liam Fox explaining in a speech why we're better off ditching our free trade deal with South Korea from March next year. We really live in some mind-boggling times.

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I see The Sun has come out with some right old bollocks today about how much high street prices on goods would supposedly be reduced post-Brexit which has been lapped up by Mogg/the 'economists for free trade' lot and others.

They appear to have come up with figures using shit maths, no acknowledgement of VAT, no thought of the source of the particular item they've chosen and, of course, the idea that we'd unilaterally reduce import tariffs on any and all goods to 0%.

But job done. Lie already out there - correction to come in a couple of days on page 22.

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13 hours ago, Chindie said:

You can find every figure, quote every expert, reel off every statistic.

It doesn't matter for these morons.

Well yes. It's just a bit rarer to find all those figures and statistics about how successfully things are going with our current arrangements in a speech explaining why we should scrap them. 

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They're all biased.

The end.

Honestly the most immediate effect of Brexit for me has been the dawning realisation that people really are that stupid, and the system plays them like an orchestra.

I knew that was the case to a degree before. But I now realise I grossly underestimated the power of ignorance, and the extent of it.

Edited by Chindie
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56 minutes ago, Chindie said:

Fallout from the withdrawal bill draft is slowly coming out. The resolution for Northern Ireland the EU proposes is going down like the expected lead balloon.

Begs the question of what they thought they were agreeing to in December.  Unless I've missed something there's nothing new here.

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19 minutes ago, ml1dch said:

Begs the question of what they thought they were agreeing to in December.  Unless I've missed something there's nothing new here.

They didn't have a **** clue nor **** cared


They thought somehow they could fudge it and the problem would go away.

Or perhaps a little of both.

They aren't negotiating with the EU. Everything the government does is for the benefit of the papers, to let them present themselves (and us) as anything other than completely ****. So they do these silly things like fudging big decisions, market it as some great victory, and then whine when the EU reality hammer smashes down.

Speaking of which, David Davis, supposedly in change of all this from our side (stop laughing at the back), hasn't been in Brussels all year. No wonder Barnier is coldly saying he's concerned there's been no progress since December and time is running out.

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