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'Well, perhaps the ration books will be blue'


For some time, one common contention of those supporting Brexit is that the UK should prepare for a “no deal” Brexit.

This preparation would, it is asserted, put pressure on the EU in the exit negotiations because the UK could then threaten to walk away rather than accept a bad deal.

These contentions are all very well while they are glib, pat phrases.

But problems arise when such sound-bites need to be translated into substance.

And it now appears that those problems are arising.

In particular, pro-Brexit government ministers are now – seriously – setting out how food and medicines need to be stockpiled in case the UK leaves the EU without a deal next March.

So, after two years of negotiation with the EU, and after two years of withdrawal legislation clogging up parliament, the most tangible effects of Brexit which pro-Brexit politicians can offer are…

…impending food and medicine shortages.

Well, perhaps the ration books will be blue.

This is not to say that contingency planning is wrong.  It is also not to say that the UK is likely to leave without a withdrawal agreement (on that I am still optimistic, see my post here – but also see the less optimistic comments below).

But Brexit was not supposed to be like this.

What was sold as a form of national liberation is instead becoming a national humiliation.

Another aspect of the government’s botched approach to Brexit came yesterday with the concession in the new white paper that the European Communities Act will, in effect, not be repealed when UK is expected to leave the EU on 29 March 2019.

Through legal sleight-of-hand it will continue in parts until at least the end of the transition period expected to be on 31 December 2020.

This is legal common sense: such far-reaching legislation should not be repealed in a big bang, but dismantled slowly as appropriate.

But the same pro-Brexit politicians who are now reduced to warning of impending food and medicine shortages are the ones who insisted that the government defy legal common sense and have the 1972 Act repealed in one big bang.

Yet again, gesture and superficiality over substance and thought.

And so, as I have set out at the FT, the government now has to amend its own legislation to get round this absurdity.

Stepping back: Brexit did not have to be done this way.  As I have contended elsewhere Brexit could have been done in a sensible way, but it would have taken years and in slow stages.

This would have meant, of course, that Brexit had to be taken seriously.

But few of those in favour of Brexit, either in politics or in the media, take Brexit seriously.

Instead we had short-term headlines and claps and cheers at every unforced error by the government.

So we now have warnings of food and medicine shortages – and from those who not long ago dismissed any concerns as “project fear”.

Any Brexiteers happy about this? Is it still 'Project Fear'?

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21 minutes ago, Chindie said:

'Well, perhaps the ration books will be blue'

Any Brexiteers happy about this? Is it still 'Project Fear'?

The best response from a Brexiteer about this was:

"you don't believe the Tories about everything else, but you do about this??? Stupid remoaner"

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You know in the films about the Wild West, there's always those hacks which sell the hero a magical elixir, and it's almost always is bad for the hero, and the audience know this and laugh at how gullible the hero is for accepting the elixir? 


The people who "bought" what the leavers were selling are just as gullible, just as ignorant without looking for the facts behind the obvious bullshit and they only have themselves to blame.  The only bad (and it's genuinely bad), is that what they "bought" is now mandatory shit-ness for the people who weren't stupid enough to buy it. 

I know Remain were hardly arch-angels of truth, but **** me you'd have to be retarded to vote leave without finding out for yourself what the potential results of that action were.

The head people of the Leave campaign were Gove, Boris and Farage.. THINK ABOUT THAT, and now kill yourself for buying into those ****' lies. 

(Don't kill yourself).

(Ok, kill yourself, you owe it to us). 

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I've started stocking up extra food every time I go shopping now. There are far too many warnings of potential food shortages to not take it at least somewhat seriously.

Worst case, I end up with far more canned and dried goods than I need, but I'll still have saved money for buying in bulk more than I usually do, so no real loss.

Actually no, worst case is the food shortages are far worse than expected, and I have to eat my own legs.

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1 hour ago, Davkaus said:

I've started stocking up extra food every time I go shopping now. There are far too many warnings of potential food shortages to not take it at least somewhat seriously.

Worst case, I end up with far more canned and dried goods than I need, but I'll still have saved money for buying in bulk more than I usually do, so no real loss.

This is bonkers.

Not you, I totally get it.

I mean the whole situation is bonkers.

We're at the stage where a (as far as I know) perfectly normal, intelligent, sound of mind member of the public like yourself is buying extra food incase there is a shortage brought on by a decision that we deliberately made AND COULD STILL STOP. Even if you're overreacting (which I'm sure we both hope is the case) you've still been driven to be extra cautious by all of this.

Just get your head around how mental that is.

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13.  Apply to rejoin the EU

The economy needs to pass a lot of tests to enter the EU iirc?   I am sure it will pass these easily by the time they get round to re-applying to join the EU. 


13. Start a SEU (Special European Union), for countries just like the UK  "Like a normal union but "specifically for the lads"" (In the voice of Rick Mayall)

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Britain could still cancel Brexit and stay in the EU on the same terms it currently enjoys, the French government has said.

Nathalie Loiseau, the country’s European affairs minister, said on Thursday France and other member states still did not want Britain to leave the bloc.

The confirmation by the national minister comes amid the looming prospect of a no-deal, with the two sides apparently deadlocked on the issue of an Irish border backstop.


We should have their bloody hand off.

Does anyone still think Brexit's a winner?


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MEP hints Gary Lineker should be tried for treason for being pro EU

Tory MEP Campbell Bannerman has lashed out at sport icon Gary Linekar for backing the People's Vote 'summer of Action'

A TORY MEP has suggested Gary Lineker be tried for treason for supporting the EU and campaigning against Brexit.

David Campbell Bannerman said the Treason Act should be changed to target those guilty of “extreme EU loyalty” - as well as terrorism.

Football legend Gary Lineker thinks the Brexit negotiations are going 'very wrong indeed'

It came as the Match of the Day host Gary Lineker threw his weight behind the People’s Vote “summer of action” that will include a series of rallies and protests across the country against Brexit.

Calling for a second Referendum, the ex footballer blasted Brexit and called the political chaos “more bewildering and worrying than ever”.

The ex England striker said: “I spent most of the last few weeks totally focused on a fantastic World Cup.

“But it was impossible to avoid what was happening in the Brexit debate back home. Now I’m back I find the whole thing more bewildering and worrying than ever."

Currant Bun

Could have come from a few sources, but it cut & pasted like some of the other papers don't.

Lineker? Traitor?

Look at who funded your cause Mr Bannerman.

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