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Aston Villa Protest Group


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Great effort from all but I have to be honest to postpone is a mistake, you've lost all momentum and Brian little and Bernstein both 5-10 years too late does little to really change what's happened. One swallow doesn't make a summer and that cuts both ways you need to stay the course no for me.

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Just to let you know It's pretty much all keep going on social media, for me it has to keep going until Fox and co are gone. I appreciate the sentiment of halting but it's the wrong thing to do, did this administration halt in the appointment of McLeish? The persistence with Lambert? No so we mustn't either. 

Brian Little is a legend and I'm pleased he's at the club but I can never and will never forgive the last 5 years, 8-0 to Chelsea alone is unforgivable, and should never be acceptable at this club, if i was Lerner lambert wouldn't have even seen the post match interview. I appreciate your efforts and would like you to keep it up lads. I'll be there vs Chelsea and out the door on 74 utv 


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To the guys leading this.  I understand the critics here, and they are not without a point.  But I think your decision was a good one.  You PAUSE to acknowledge positive movement but it's coupled with a clear statement that this movement is not enough and the protest will continue.  It shows you are rational and truly supportive, not just angry hot-heads.  I have been extremely impressed with the wisdom shown by those of your leading this.  Hat's off.

Just wanted to make it clear that there are those that support your wise decisions, you will of course, always have critics, and at some point I'm as likely to be one as anyone else is.   :) 

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Just a quick one to let you know we've had a 7 hour debate on the back of this. I don't say that in an "oooh look at us" kind of way, but in the sense that I want you to know that whatever we do it's not by way of knee jerk reaction and stubbornness. We're releasing a new statement tomorrow, we probably jumped the shark a bit earlier without giving it the attention it deserved. I can't promise you at this stage that the overall facts will change much but I hope you understand our stance better all the same. 

Up The Villa. 

Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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Look customers they ain't listening, Lerner can't sell for a price he want's so Hollis is here to bring in more austerity.

We have a piss weak squad, awful management.

Walk, don't walk it's not going to change anytime soon.

God knows how most of you get to 74 mins anyway.

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Postponing this is a bad idea in my opinion, as said before it will lose momentum. People will start to doubt the whole thing.

If the club make a similar announcement before the Chelsea game will you postpone that one?

It was the only thing about Sunday I was looking forward to as well!

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I'm in agreement with the majority here and think the pressure has to be kept on them with this Sunday's walkout. A few trophy appointments to the board wasn't the overall aim of the protest so it makes little sense to me to pause.

It's a step in the right direction, absolutely, but enough to make me 'happier' about the state of the club? Gods no. The club need to know that we won't stop until leaps in the right direction are made, not baby steps.

Ultimately I don't think it matters. I believe there will be a walk out protest tomorrow, organised by OTDO74 or not. People who did the last walkout and want to do it again will do so.

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Firstly and most importantly the work that has been done behind the scenes is amazing and you guys deserve huge amounts of credit and have my total respect for what you have achieved already.

However, IMO the wrong call was made to call off the protest here and you will lose a decent portion of momentum by doing this.

To me although the appointments on the face of it seem positive it is not enough. 





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As one of those involved in this group and the decision to postpone let me give my thoughts.

We called on the club to do three things. Firstly asking Randy Lerner to release a public statement stating he was once again a motivated seller and would price the club accordingly to achieve a sale.

Secondly whilst a buyer was found commit to providing the necessary financial support to ensure we can win football matches. For me that always meant ensuring we could build a squad to to get promoted next season.

Thirdly that people with the correct expertise and a proven track record are brought into the club to provide the tools for the manager to succeed.

Yesterday with the announcement of Little and Bernstein a third of those actions were met. For me the last one represented a lot more than that though as the biggest issue for us over the last few years hasn't been spending money it has been putting money into the hands of the wrong people. I'd imagine we have a wage bill in the top 12 in the league yet sit rock bottom. Money is being wasted and that is down to a continued failure to have the relevant knowledge on the board and until we rectified that we would always fail to employ a manager who could bring us relative success or allow him the tools/support to do so.

Lerner, as shown by the accounts, is still putting money into the club and he will need to commit to do that over the summer. Just as money without expertise wasn't enough, expertise without investment also won't work they have to go hand in hand.

With regard to a sale I think due to the accounts, the imminent relegation, the club is clearly a tougher sell at the moment and I think it unlikely it will be sold any time soon which made it even more important that the expertise was brought on to the board. Lerner still needs to become a more motivated seller and needs to state that though and give it the best chance possible of being sold to the right people who can provide it with a brighter future.

I know some of you are disappointed in the decision but it was one made as a collective that we felt was the right one. It may not be. We are adamant though that this is just a postponement and the club now need to act otherwise we will walk against Chelsea.

For too long there has been a divide at this football club between the club and the fans due to a lack of trust and belief that those at the club know what they are doing That needs to be rectified and it needs to be a relationship built on trust and belief that the club has people on board who can deliver. By playing fair now, taking the high ground, we have shown we will support good decisions and we have left the ball in the clubs court. We have stated this is only a step in the right direction though so we will pause, but this isn't enough and requires other positive action is taken over the next couple of weeks otherwise we will walk against Chelsea. We have made that clear.

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I don't really 'get' the protest anyway so it would be contradictory to criticise the decision to pause. 

However, I am totally lost as to the reasoning to stop and then start again? 

Is it going to be a weekly decision to decide whether the protest goes ahead or not? Based on what occurs during the week? 

The protest is supposed to be disappointment at the way the football club has been run, and it's been halted by the appointment of Brian little?? 

All a bit fickle if you ask me.

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43 minutes ago, Woodytom said:

I don't really 'get' the protest anyway so it would be contradictory to criticise the decision to pause. 

However, I am totally lost as to the reasoning to stop and then start again? 

Is it going to be a weekly decision to decide whether the protest goes ahead or not? Based on what occurs during the week? 

The protest is supposed to be disappointment at the way the football club has been run, and it's been halted by the appointment of Brian little?? 

All a bit fickle if you ask me.

They didn't.

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