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The banker loving, baby-eating Tory party thread (regenerated)


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Brilliant. Literally the first clip of PMQs today I've come across is Johnson responding to a question about the recent revelations with "let's concentrate on rolling out the vaccines..."


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Boris Johnson has said he “apologises unreservedly” for a video showing Downing Street officials joking about a staff party that took place amid the peak of lockdown last December, while still insisting that, as far as he was aware, no party took place.

“I can understand how infuriating it would be to think that the people who have been setting the rules have not been following the rules,” the prime minister said, adding: “I was also furious to see that clip.”

He told the Commons at the start of prime minister’s questions on Wednesday: “I apologise unreservedly for the offence that it has caused up and down the country, and apologise for the impression that it gives.”

Johnson said that while he had been “repeatedly assured since these allegations emerged that there was no party and no Covid rules were broken”, he had instructed Simon Case, the cabinet secretary, to look into the matter, and that disciplinary action would be taken against any staff found to have breached rules.


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We shouldn't castigate folk coming back from the dark side.

Unless they still think privatising the NHS is the way to go?

In that case you go right ahead and build that wickerman.

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1 hour ago, desensitized43 said:

Just out of interest. Why is this the straw that broke the camels back? Not the illegal proroguing of parliament? Barnard Castle? A thousand U-turns? 140 thousand deaths? Billions wasted on Track and Trace? Afghan allies left to die on the tarmac? Betrayal of the fishing and farming industries?

This is why nothing will change. Outrage for a few days, all forgotten and then repeat the next time something like this happens. 


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5 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

This is why nothing will change. Outrage for a few days, all forgotten and then repeat the next time something like this happens. 


Then he really is genuinely untouchable. What more can be said or done? I can't get my head around anyone who's looking at this and thinks "he's my guy" regardless how much you hate/don't want Labour in. Are we really at a point where it doesn't matter how bad the tories  (and this particular tory) are because we're so entrenched that we'll forgive them anything?

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Actually lots of people saying things ilke "Ah well it doesn't matter, they/ he'll get in again anyway" etc is actually part of the problem. Keep saying things enough times that people will believe it and act accordingly, saying similar things does not provoke outrage in others it has the opposite effect

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We all knew exactly how Boris was going to answer the questions before they were asked.

Why didn’t those asking them make reference to the point they would not accept an attempt to mention it as “playing politics” or any relationship to the current booster roll out.

They really should get ahead of the obvious answers.

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Guess it would be very awkward were the Prime Minister to deny that a party happened on November 13th. Only for that party to actually have been reported at the time. With apologies for The Heil link.



What a way to run a country! The hatreds, tears and tantrums behind the ousting of Dominic Cummings revealed - and the 'victory party' thrown by Carrie Symonds to celebrate


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My daughter just made a very good point. Boris doesn't need to find something else as a distraction from partygate. Partygate is the distraction - from the social care reform bill, being debated this afternoon. 

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4 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

My daughter just made a very good point. Boris doesn't need to find something else as a distraction from partygate. Partygate is the distraction - from the social care reform bill, being debated this afternoon. 

Bit of a reach, IMO. A simple case of breaking one's own rules and then lying about it is far more politically damaging than reforms to social care which most people won't read about, and fewer will care about. It's certainly more important, but the tories do far worse than that in plain sight, I think there's close to 0% chance of Johnson putting himself through a week of pressure to distract from that bill. And if they were going to leak something like that to distract, it wouldn't have been categorically denied before then leaking that video. The knives are out for Johnson.

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10 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

My daughter just made a very good point. Boris doesn't need to find something else as a distraction from partygate. Partygate is the distraction - from the social care reform bill, being debated this afternoon. 

The unravelling of the legacy left by great politicians rumbles on.

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11 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

Bit of a reach, IMO. A simple case of breaking one's own rules and then lying about it is far more politically damaging than reforms to social care which most people won't read about, and fewer will care about. It's certainly more important, but the tories do far worse than that in plain sight, I think there's close to 0% chance of Johnson putting himself through a week of pressure to distract from that bill. And if they were going to leak something like that to distract, it wouldn't have been categorically denied before then leaking that video. The knives are out for Johnson.

Doesn't have to be Johnson who leaked it. Could easily be someone who wants him gone (potentially to try and replace him) but also for the bill to pass without notice. Two birds, one party. 

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20 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

My daughter just made a very good point. Boris doesn't need to find something else as a distraction from partygate. Partygate is the distraction - from the social care reform bill, being debated this afternoon. 

Not everything that happens in politics is a fiendish, Machiavellian plan.

People who have spent their entire lives being lazy, entitled incompetents sometimes just screw things up.

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12 minutes ago, Rds1983 said:


Gary has spoken! That'll stir up a few people. 

Strangely almost makes me want BoJo to stay as I can't stand GNev. Hate BoJo more though. 

I’m not sure who has less credibility on the subject of politics and morals. Neville or


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