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The banker loving, baby-eating Tory party thread (regenerated)


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11 minutes ago, peterms said:

Oh dear.  After May's disastrous performance, the hyenas are already circling.

Their periodic slaughter of the leader is fascinating to watch, like something out of prehistory being re-enacted.


hasn't that bloke got the memo about 240 characters now  .. then he could write a structured sentence and we'd know WTF he's on about 

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1 hour ago, tonyh29 said:

much as I find the class system snobbery amusing  , Hammond went to Shenfield School and was the son of a civil engineer , he's not even as privileged as Jeremy Prep School Corbyn best I can tell ?

You're quite right Tony, How awful of me - I should realise that multi-millionaire, former company director Phillip Hammond has had very few priveleges in life and so his decisions and involvement in Government policy are no doubt drawn from deep experience of a life of deprivation and envy....And using Jeremy Corbyn to "support" your argument? Cool move Bro'. He's another twunt in my book.

p.s. Hammond's far from the worst of them., I do agree on that. 

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26 minutes ago, darrenm said:

Agent May?

Agreed,  yes I like it.  I like your thinking here...

A secret agent,  becasue as an Agent nobody would hear her coughing and smashing her way silently and stealthily through a window to steal files whilst simultaneously kicking the ladder away from the wall so she has absolutely no escape from either the 1 metre square cleaners cupboard she now finds herself standing in or seemingly her own power crazy desires that have propelled her into a self built mind prison of Tory shame where she sits all day reciting her speech and spinning on her thumb thinking about corn fields and how she has effortless  achieved a level of pure mockery only suffered by the previous Tory Leader/pig farmer in a day.  Is that what you meant ?

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38 minutes ago, Amsterdam_Neil_D said:

Agreed,  yes I like it.  I like your thinking here...

A secret agent,  becasue as an Agent nobody would hear her coughing and smashing her way silently and stealthily through a window to steal files whilst simultaneously kicking the ladder away from the wall so she has absolutely no escape from either the 1 metre square cleaners cupboard she now finds herself standing in or seemingly her own power crazy desires that have propelled her into a self built mind prison of Tory shame where she sits all day reciting her speech and spinning on her thumb thinking about corn fields and how she has effortless  achieved a level of pure mockery only suffered by the previous Tory Leader/pig farmer in a day.  Is that what you meant ?

Yes, someone so heroic they'll bear unbelievable humiliation in the course of their duty.


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3 hours ago, darrenm said:

The plot thickens. 

Agent May?

Rather insulting and belittling of Kahlo that all the left can do is talk about who she dated rather than all she achieved in her life ....  

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7 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

Rather insulting and belittling of Kahlo that all the left can do is talk about who she dated rather than all she achieved in her life ....  

The context was politics, so it was right to mention trotsky, it would have no context if it was "ha Theresa May, stupid woman has the lady that painted big eyebrows". But I guess you find your insults where you can.

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7 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

Rather insulting and belittling of Kahlo that all the left can do is talk about who she dated rather than all she achieved in her life ....  

She also spent her career concerned with the plight of the impoverished, our connectedness to self, nature and the universe, the relationship between pain and identity, and imagined, one day, we could live in a classless society.


I plagiarised that from a Guardian article, by the way.

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On 02/10/2017 at 20:09, Xann said:

Given that Johnson is such a fan of Kipling:

I could not dig: I dared not rob:
Therefore I lied to please the mob.
Now all my lies are proved untrue
And I must face the men I slew.
What tale shall serve me here among
Mine angry and defrauded young? 

- A Dead Statesman

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9 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:


I'd have thought someone who won't watch a film because of it's misogynist content would have been quite offended by that tweet  and that May empowering women would have struck a chord with them  , guess not  .. well ok definitely not the May striking a chord bit :) 



2 hours ago, Seat68 said:

The context was politics, so it was right to mention trotsky, it would have no context if it was "ha Theresa May, stupid woman has the lady that painted big eyebrows". But I guess you find your insults where you can.

 well the context was quite possibly here was a Feminist whose work sent a message of "I am independent"  and don't need you (as in men)  ... quite ironic then that Twitter's finest minds could only come up with who she dated  ... mind you I suspect 99% of the population have never heard of Kahlo so the message may have been a bit too subtle anyway


anyway I'm sure this little side show is interrupting some Tory bashing , so lets move on   ,

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In some respects the side show is only taking place because the actual content of the speech was so underwhelming. We apparently need 100,000 houses yesterday so the solution is to build 5,000 council houses a year... that really is a drop in the ocean. In 20 years time how many houses will we need when they’ve built the 100,000 that we need now. I’ve seen it mentioned in many places that the new ideas / policies in that speech are Labour Lite, they aren’t really, they are just an attempt (a very poor one) to bring straying voters back into the fold. It won’t work, this is the Tory Party, no one apart from the hard core faithful believe them. 

For all their attacks on Labour during the conference, to then go and try to appease voters with extremely watered down Labour policies is an indication of exactly where the Tories are. A party riven by divides trying to maintain their core vote whilst trying to gain ground but most importantly they are actually bereft of ideas, or at least ideas that the electorate will respond to.

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