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Paul Lambert


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Whilst we're in touching distance of safety Lerner isn't going to sack him. I think in the coming days the club will release a statement which will esentially be a vote of confidence. Don't be surprised to see Randy jetting in soon too, to give the players a pep talk it's something he often does when things are looking hairy.

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Tonight was clearly the tipping point for the final few fans who thought Lambert could turn it round.

Even as someone who has wanted him gone for months I genuinely thought we could win tonight but the performance just proves yet again that he is utterly utterly out of his depth. I would be astounded if anyone could make a cogent argument to retain him but we shall see.

I think he is now a poisonous and positively dangerous influence on the players given they clearly have no faith in his coaching or tactics nor seemingly does he have any ability to motivate them to do even the basics properly. If he stays it is only going to get worse if that is conceivably possible.

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This season has been one embarrassing debacle after another:

  • Give the manager a new, undeserved 4-year deal based on a couple of positive results.
  • In turn, said manager gives a new deal to an impotent striker who..
  • Doesn't fit into a new style with no end product.
  • New possession style dropped in mid-season with no transition with all the subtlety of one of those monoliths from 2001.
  • None of the players know what they're supposed to be doing.
  • None of the players care.

You missed out hiring a psychopath as a part time number 2 and then being unable to replace him.

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I have to tell my son we lost - again - in the morning. Depressed beyond tablets. Time for bed. Talking of which, how can Lambert sleep? No amount of money can compensate for performing poorly at work. I'd have thought he's ok for a few quid, so resigning, giving us a chance to survive and taking a load of pressure off himself seems a win for all concerned. There's bravery and commitment, then there's just being stubborn and evading reality.

Edited by GrassyNoel
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Whilst we're in touching distance of safety Lerner isn't going to sack him. I think in the coming days the club will release a statement which will esentially be a vote of confidence. Don't be surprised to see Randy jetting in soon too, to give the players a pep talk it's something he often does when things are looking hairy.

Given our current form I don't actually think we are in 'touching distance of safety'........sadly.

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I've been embarrassed to be associated with Villa for the last few years now; like others have said I'm trying to let my allegiances go from day to day, week to week etc but I do feel so angry at our demise.

We are a complete joke of a football team and it's probably best we freefall down to League One so our illustrious history is defined as HISTORY once and for all.

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Whilst we're in touching distance of safety Lerner isn't going to sack him.

I think you're probably right about this.

The fact that we are in the bottom three at this stage of this season should for any normal human be enough to sack someone but knowing Lerner he will buy into this crap lamebert spouts

A failure a complete loser. This is not blose FC this is the mighty Aston villa here we want winners not a dour loser who can't even beat Bradford over two legs

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He needs to leave. This is the first time I have ever joined the sack Lambert bus, but if we want to be in the premier league next season, Lerner needs to fire him. I bought into Lambert's plan, but it's become apparent that no matter how many seasons he has, the plan will never work. 

It's called the IKEA plan.


It's a cheap solution that takes ages to put together and then you find a few pieces that don't fit anywhere. It turns out to be crap so you replace the lot with proper stuff.

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He needs to leave. This is the first time I have ever joined the sack Lambert bus, but if we want to be in the premier league next season, Lerner needs to fire him. I bought into Lambert's plan, but it's become apparent that no matter how many seasons he has, the plan will never work.

It's called the IKEA plan.


It's a cheap solution that takes ages to put together and then you find a few pieces that don't fit anywhere. It turns out to be crap so you replace the lot with proper stuff.

Stop it, you know I'm out of likes!

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Villa should release at statement at 10 am stating Lambert has left the club. What will happen will be some god awful newspeak article from Guzan/Delph/Vlaar  on the website stating that they will be trying their best to turn it around- and tickets are available for both Leicester and Stoke.


Fox needs to show some leadership and intervene, or that lovely new TV deal will not be lining Randy's pockets in 2016 if this stays like it is.

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It's called the IKEA plan.

It's a cheap solution that takes ages to put together and then you find a few pieces that don't fit anywhere. It turns out to be crap so you replace the lot with proper stuff.

Very good :-)
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