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Paul Lambert


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The best argument is that it can't get any worse. It's just not possible.


I actually think he'll resign tonight.


It could get worse if he stays our manager and invariably gets us relegated.



But the performances themselves cannot get any worse. At least I cannot fathom a way that this set of players could play any worse. 


Surely his position is untenable? Even Lerner will be getting a twitchy bum now. He will want to protect his investment.


I would take Sherwood... I mean for **** sake Paul, look what you have done to me!



I'd take Barry Fry, with Trevor Francis as assistant and Paul Tait as head coach!

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"I'm tough skinned we roll up our sleeves and go again you just have to"


Certain we will hear something like this from the mumbling baffoon


That quote is completely correct, in fairness.  We do have to "go again".


Just hopefully under a new manager.  This isn't improving - our goalscoring is actually getting worse :(

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Should have gone when the Culver house and Karsa fiasco took place. To have to get approval from Faulkner to suspend them totally undermined his position as manager. I remember when he was appointed a Norwich fan coming on here saying saying that he had a similar set up at Norwich as Dither had here. Karsa did the player spotting, Culver house the coaching and tactics and Lambert the motivational aspect. Theory were a team. Those two gone has destroyed that and as head of that team, the bullying showed his lack of power as "top dog." Simply put, he lost his power. His respect gone with the players. My guess is a lot felt, and the hint was that he will be gone last summer, get us through and keep us up and all good. A sale could be on and new manager in. They did that. The sale fell through, he kept his job, the undermined weak leader. His only chance of keeping us up is to either resign now, or promise he will in the summer if we stay up. He now seen as weak manager getting one last surge from his disillusioned, untrusting troops on return he falls on his sword once safe. In my opinion.

My thoughts sway this way too.

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