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Paul Lambert


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Conceded too many goals - "he needs to sort the defence , his defence is rubbish he'll never sort it"

Sorts the defence -"we are too defensive"

Has little possession in winning games - " god look at how awful we are stats stats stats blah blah blah needs to sort out our style of football "

Changes style - " god we are so boring we are passing too much and going nowhere"

Plays youngsters and not the unmotivated old brigade ( was actually told at a forum by fans Hutton should never play for us again ) " this ain't working he needs to play more experience "

Plays experienced players - " can't believe he's changed philosophy it shows he has no idea "

Damned if he does damned if he doesn't


To a large extent you're right. Fans are ridiculous. We care too much. You know what would change the narrative? Winning more games. 

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If he sticks with young and hungry, he's wrong. If he signs experienced players, he's wrong.

Yeah but nobody's said that, have they? People were decrying young and hungry and crying out for more experience, and I haven't seen anyone say that they want young and hungry back.

I want it back. In fact, I never wanted it abandoned in the first place. It was a viable model if executed properly. Signing a bunch of experienced players with no re-sale value is short-term and leads nowhere. Lambert completely u-turning on this policy with it being the entire basis of his 'project' was one of the most cowardly and pathetic things I've ever seen. The problem was only in his execution of it, not in the model itself.

MOST cowardly and pathetic thing you have EVER seen eh.

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If he sticks with young and hungry, he's wrong. If he signs experienced players, he's wrong.

Yeah but nobody's said that, have they? People were decrying young and hungry and crying out for more experience, and I haven't seen anyone say that they want young and hungry back.

I want it back. In fact, I never wanted it abandoned in the first place. It was a viable model if executed properly. Signing a bunch of experienced players with no re-sale value is short-term and leads nowhere. Lambert completely u-turning on this policy with it being the entire basis of his 'project' was one of the most cowardly and pathetic things I've ever seen. The problem was only in his execution of it, not in the model itself.




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Conceded too many goals .........................." can't believe he's changed philosophy it shows he has no idea "

Damned if he does damned if he doesn't


But thats the whole point


no matter what he does its all the same.


Proof he's not good enough as a manager.


If I pick the same numbers for the lottery week in week out and dont win. Then change my numbers once in a while/every week/more attempts at number/less attempts at numbers but still dont win.

Then I'm not good at winning the lottery.


Should I keep trying? or find something I'm good at to make money/a living/Millions?????

buy more tickets gives you a better chance

Thing is we have retained our position in the league which is all you can realistically expect to be honest given the level of investment, it shows he is doing a good job to keep us where we are and in order for us to progress we need to be buying better players



So when Lambert says it is his best squad yet and with the improvement of other players (Westwood, Baker, Clark), and the addition of Hutton and Cissokho who are better than Lowton and Bennett. With one of the best strikers in Europe, a solid keeper, and with Delph who will be playing for a top 6 club next season... added to the fact we don't care if Vlaar is missing anymore, as Okore has stepped in and looked an even better player.


With all of this in mind, he's doing a good job by struggling to improve on two very very very poor seasons?




100% true

I find it quite disturbing that this is not obvious to Lambert himself.

If I ran my business like this I'd have gone under within a year or would have seen the light and done something else

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He probably wanted to wait till we had a reasonable number of points before switching philosophy. Imagine the outcry if these current teething issues occured 3-4 games in.


If he changes style, he's wrong.  If he doesn't, he's wrong.

If he sticks with young and hungry, he's wrong.  If he signs experienced players, he's wrong.



Thats the point i'm making.


I think a change of style was needed, but it was too risky to do so at the start of the season just in case it doesn't instantly translate to points...in which case you spend all season chasing with the fans on your back.

ergo...Lambert is right to be making the changes he is now.

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Most 'boring' team:


What's more, the results were not even close. Villa's average of 1.65 goals (either scored or conceded) per match was roughly two thirds of a goal per game two than the next-worst teams,Stoke City and Hull City (2.3 goals per game apiece).




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