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my dad has prostate cancer


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Today my dad has had it 99% confirmed that he has prostate cancer. At the same time my nan was about 20 steps away in the hospital as well suffering with her breathing and we are being told things look bleak.

For some reason I felt the need to share this but didnt want to post on facebook so here I am.

Dad has an infection in his spine and an inflated prostate meaning they cant do a biopsy or bone test until that dies down, hes 59

Any one able to offer advice or just say hello?

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Very sorry to hear it Daz :-( My approach is never automatically assume the worst in these situations. There's no reason to do so and it can be counterproductive.

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Tough day fella - my thoughts are with you - its ok to share......


Be aware that a diagnosis of cancer isn't the death sentence it used to be. I work at a hospital (not in a medical role) so PM me if you want more info...

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Yeah stay positive pal. My dad was diagnosed with it around 12 months ago. He's now as fit and healthy as he's ever been.

I'm sure I read recently about a new type of treatment they were introducing for this which is supposed to have positive results

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More than a few of us have personal reasons for feeling for you buddy. I expect you are feeling pretty shitty about now, but keep yer chin up. When you get down, come back and have a right old rant if it helps

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That's crap news mate.


Having had a couple of close family members go through the same thing (as i'm sure plenty of people on here have) all I can say is keep positive and offer as much support as possible.


Fingers crossed for you.

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Sorry to hear it, mate. I've had family members fight successfully through their own bouts with cancer and I think the way you have to deal with these things is one step at a time, one day at a time, as a family. Hopefully, it will be something that you will all be able to look back upon as something that brought your family closer together. Best wishes.

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Sorry to hear, terrible news. My dad actually had prostate cancer a few years back, they seemed to catch it really early though, so he was able to have it removed via surgery. Hoping your dad might be as lucky and it will be something he can fight. The best thing to do now though is give him as much support as possible, it will go a long way. 

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They can do so much more with prostate cancer these days. Went through a similar thing last xmas with a family member.

My thought's are with you. Stay strong and be positive. Easier said than done I know but it can be beaten :-)

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Sorry to hear that bud, always horrible to read stuff like that.

On the bright side you could try and talk your dad into cooking meth for a living now.

(Sorry that wasn't supposed to sound insensitive, I posted pretty much the same thing last time someone said about a family member getting the big C, I just kind of wanted to not be all doom and gloom)

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Lost my farther to Brain cancer/melanoma. Absolute nasty stuff. My dad went from being normal to not knowing who anyone was in just over 3 weeks.


As others have said, positivity/support is key. I know a guy who my dad used to drink with that had prostate cancer and he is completely over it and probably feeling better than ever.


Stay strong, mate. Hope it all works out.

Edited by Daniel
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