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Everything posted by dudevillaisnice

  1. Loan with option to buy makes this a good deal risk wise too to be honest
  2. I have no idea if this comes off however Barcelona have a way of playing that if you don’t fit in you look very average. He isn’t “past it” at 29. Fabregas was brilliant in the PL but went to Barca and looked average. I have no qualms if he comes in as I think Gerrard will get the best out of him if he does.
  3. Probably would’ve started over Hause and the result may well have been different.. annoying. That said he hasn’t been great either so..
  4. We need players who will push Konsa/Mings for places. He isn’t that player anymore.
  5. Today was the first time I’ve been really disappointed, hopefully he will find some players just aren’t cut out for where we want to be.
  6. Howe seems a crazier choice each week. Wasn’t know for organising a defence and they are shipping goals at an alarming rate.
  7. If he isn’t careful he can waste his career away. He should take this warning from Pep very seriously. I think he will now though. Probably needed being called out in public as the wake up call.
  8. Honestly I thought he did well yesterday too, surprised by the comments here.
  9. Probably a rushed decision taking the Norwich job.. then again look at Lampard, nobody even bothers to mention him for jobs now. Guess staying in the game no matter how good or bad is the way.
  10. Spurs are back in training today after their outbreak and we only have one player who has tested positive so far.. hopefully it won’t be as serious now. Inconvenience yes but hopefully not a full blown crisis.
  11. Maybe it’s just me but I’m not convinced those three came in via Grealish money. I think that £100m is still there (or will be via installments). Maybe Ings you can probably argue did as I think he came in after he left.. but I’d say he has done more in a Villa shirt then Grealish has in a City shirt so far.
  12. I’m sure the Saudi’s won’t panic and won’t contemplate spending heavily in Jan on mercenaries ala QPR under Fernandes.. sorry I mean players…
  13. Just the small matter of Liverpool, Man City and Man United to come next for Newcastle..
  14. I wish him well… but the video of him looking around etc.. he wasn’t that impressed was he, it was almost like “what is that it?”
  15. Guess tomorrow training starts.. gives just over a week or so to really get ideas basic across etc. Reading upon his time in Scotland it looks like he valued a tight defence, hopefully we can get that sorted asap.
  16. Hmm, Gerrard as a manager seems OK.. the problem I have is I don’t think a club who has ambitions for Europe hires him and that’s probably the most disappointing matter here. That’s not to say I don’t think he can achieve it with us.. I think there are more experienced “better” managers around which is probably the safer option to take us to the next level. I think it’s fair to say the club probably isn’t looking at Europe anytime soon now which looking at the table you could argue is fair.. just hope we have a good season now.
  17. Wonder if they have someone lined up already now
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