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Everything posted by dudevillaisnice

  1. Again, sure but that doesn’t change my mind. I didn’t say he was exactly like Gil, I said he reminds me of Gil. He has quality no one can deny that but the performances so far remind me of Gil of his early days. I don’t get why people are defensive over it. Everyone knows he will improve and Buendia has shown in it in this league, I even said it was very early days. It’s really not a criticism.
  2. I’m sure it will come, doesn’t change my mind that he reminds me of Gil though; that second half in particular he looked lost at times which is somewhat expected. I still don’t like the setup of our midfield but that’s for another thread.
  3. Arsenal are lucky they are based in London. A lot of players would’ve moved on otherwise in my opinion.
  4. If we aren’t going to bring in another midfielder it makes sense he stays and is given a go. Can always reassess in Jan.
  5. Reminds me a lot of Carles Gil.. still very early days though. He will improve as the season goes on.
  6. Ings proving to be a great signing, delighted we got him.
  7. We are lucky Wilson missed that golden chance really, improved since let’s hope we can get a goal… we aren’t creating much though.
  8. I’d be disappointed if we lost this one. Keep ASM quiet and 90% of the job is done. We must have a plan for him.
  9. I think the concerns of our midfield are valid. You can argue Buendia is Grealish replacement and that’s fine but nothing has really changed since last season when at times we got overrun with the current midfield we have. I personally think people are right to be concerned by this. Against Watford it wasn’t pretty at times in midfield.. and that was Watford.
  10. I think Nakamba/Luiz as individual players are ok. The problem is how they fit with the players alongside them. Our midfield can get overrun pretty easily especially if someone like mcginn has a stinker for example.
  11. Midfield is still pretty poor. All over the place against Watford. It will get slaughtered against the so called bigger teams. We need reinforcements there.
  12. To be honest I was surprised by this. He was getting booed whilst they coming out from the tunnel, he hadn’t even kicked a ball at this point. I guess he is an easy target now.
  13. Unless Jack Harrison was sold for £60m I highly doubt it. Last season they also bought Dias/Torres/Ake for like £120m. Sold Sane for £40m. So that wouldn’t make sense either.
  14. Tanganga looks like a very good player for them.
  15. They have to win the title this season with that squad. I think Chelsea will be the main rivals for them.
  16. For me it’s mainly the club, City may not be our rivals but out the usual so called big clubs City are the ones I can’t stand the most. I wish them no success whatsoever.
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