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Everything posted by AVFC_Hitz

  1. Come on guys, we're all too mentally weak to provide insightful discourse.
  2. Stewart Lee's 'gaping arsehole of Jesus' sketch is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
  3. Bulgaria v Israel rugby union match for those who like to stroke armadillos. 34:15
  4. Cord' walls, magnolia woodwork.
  5. I watched Bulgaria v Israel at the national stadium last weekend. I drank eight cans. About 5 years ago that wouldn't have touched the sides. I woke up Sunday morning feeling like I'd been hit by a Carew penalty.
  6. Is VT like it is to you, as it is to me? Standing in a queue? Straight to VT Having a shit? Browse VT Waiting for a bus/metro/tram? Browse VT.
  7. Not ok with Norwich. Who should be getting 100pts in the championship and then 13 in the premier League.
  8. So then who did it? Who locked down VT? Did @bickster shit himself at the general meeting?
  9. Nope, same here. I felt like a bereft aardvark on the bus today. Had to read the news apps.
  10. When I was a kid I idolised a good few players outside of Villa. Never wanted to own their shirt* or support their club though. I think today its the social media presence and sheer amount of merchandise and availiabilty of everything. 20 years ago getting hold of a PSG shirt would be near impossible unless you actually went to Paris. *I did hanker after Zidanes '98 WC shirt. Got a pretty good one on the early days of eBay. Also, I've always wanted an 1860 Munich Lowenbrau shirt from the mid 90's but I neither have the physique or time to pursue that.
  11. AVFC_Hitz


    That's excellent. Can you draw Unai Emery eating chips waiting for the 35 outside Kings Heath library, next?
  12. Yeah, I'm the glory hunter here. I tried on my 2005/2006 home shirt on the other day. Barely got it over my chest.
  13. Bulgarian butter is white and is almost translucent when you run the knife over it. There's a brand in Lidl called Deutsche Marken Butter which is the cheapest butter I know that resembles....butter. Even that's £3.50 for 250g.
  14. Bought two new mid-range IKEA armchairs for the house. They're great and comfortable and I've got them at good angles to the TV. Last night the TV broke. Sound but no picture. Did the whole YouTube rabbit hole thing of trying to fix it myself but we've called it in to be serviced. I'm pissed off because I spent a bit of money on the armchairs in preparation for the family coming for Christmas and I've got two kids who cost a lot, and now throwing in the cost of repairing the TV and I've probably got a very expensive dentist visit next week. I'm hardly on the breadline but it's a 'kin inconvenience.
  15. Sandwiches are catered to personal preferences. Some of my 2am creations are borderline perverse. Last Friday I had buttered wholemeal with pate, pickles, chorizo and cheddar. It was glorious. How do I remember this? I sent a video of me making it to a mate who was trying to put fish fingers into a pita bread.
  16. We've gone the whole October here in Sofia at an average of 20° Celsius a day. I'm still in my shorts.
  17. Yeah, we are actively trying to toilet train her at home and at school so I guess this is the success we've been looking for. Took around 5 months. My son pretty much took 24 hours. Nappies off, pants on. "Oh, you've wet yourself. That's not good. Shall we try the toilet?" "Ok Dad". Done.
  18. Was woken up at 5.30 this morning to my 2 year olds first independent poo. She'd woken up, gone to the bog, even putting her toddler seat on by herself and did a big massive jobby. So there was I staring bleary eyed at this Cuban cigar of a plop with my kid just pointing at it.
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