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Everything posted by Villaphan04

  1. has KKH even made a bench appearance since returning? Think that has to be a priority depending on what we do with Young.
  2. I always see managers that just want to get back in the game right after leaving a club. I think the approach that Eddie Howe did -- taking a sort of sabbatical & going and studying other teams in other nations (he did Atletico) -- really helps with broadening the horizons in coaching. New ideas, tactics, training plans will always be sought after.
  3. Martinelli last year. Blocked a quick free kick or throw and then committed another foul less than 30 seconds later
  4. putting 2 & 2 together, Vitoria & ZED are involved with this tournament as well so I wonder if Sawiris had some input with scheduling.
  5. Excited to see this. I believe this has been in the background for a few months (I know it was already listed on football manager but hey not a reliable source). The links with Sawiris are there as well
  6. not sure if it belongs here but this was just officially confirmed
  7. As a coach myself, I love how he is always looking around at other clubs / playing styles and is analyzing them to allow for new ideas to influence him. He then can tactically tweak parts of what he is doing in training and in games from this. Always being open to learning from others, compared to some of our former managers.
  8. the Vitoria link will help us with making players such as Ugarte more attainable.
  9. I have had to have "the talk" with my classes today, yet again. It really hits home as I teach at a christian school in Tennessee.
  10. I mean the last time they had a huge sale (Bale); they did waste the money spectacularly.
  11. yeah, definitely would be much higher than that.... I was talking more about the idea of getting those 2. Probably won't happen, though
  12. I know a random twitter link but he has been mentioned a few times on here. Giving Sporting 60m for him & Gonçalves wouldn't be the worst idea imo.
  13. I believe that Sinisalo counts as a HG
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