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Everything posted by choffer

  1. Not a sniff of any doorstepping round here. Guess they figure it's 98% immigrants round here so there's no point. My only source of information is my daily email from Uncle Dave, the subject line of which should probably just read "Why you should think the two Ed's are rocket polishers". If I ever find out which of my oh-so-amusing friends signed me up on that email list, there'll be trouble.
  2. http://www.teamtalk.com/championship/9813424/Bolton-suspend-Barry-Bannan-and-Neil-Danns
  3. I don't make a habit of listening to talksport but it was on where I was working yesterday. They absolutely bummed Jack to death. You'd think he'd just won the World Cup, cured aids and solved 3rd world debt the way they were going on. I know that's what talksport do but my word, it was nauseating. I guess it's a bit like having a band you love who suddenly get famous. What once was just your thing is now out there for everyone to see and pass judgement on, when they don't know him like you do.
  4. Poorly worded by the Beeb, I think. Should say he is the first manager to last in the job 3 years without a trophy. Hodgson obviously lasted less than a third of the time.
  5. In my experience, the majority of women who go for this sort of thing are crackers. Get rid, soonest. As for the other stuff, I have little to offer as I've never been in that place but I'm sure time will make it more manageable eventually. VT is 100% the best place to get your advice though.
  6. Missed the leemond announcement on the previous page. Congratulations, Chief. In other news, I was offered the possibility of interviews at two football clubs today. I turned one down but will follow up the other one.
  7. Doncaster Rovers showing the highlights from their match this weekend. Well worth watching.
  8. I love the way Bacuna gives CNZ a hand up but it takes both of them to pull Benteke up!
  9. Why has Benteke got a pound of minced beef stuck to his knee?
  10. Don't think I've ever watched a game with so much at stake with such a level of calm. Delph was top-notch and pretty much everyone put in a great performance.
  11. Why are we presuming that the role of a scout is only to look for new players to sign? I thought in these more modern times, scouts were also tasked with providing information on opposition players.
  12. Wait, what? Shannon Elizabeth is 40? Damn! I got old.
  13. Now I'm concerned. I've seen a lot of Gray this year and I really can't see him playing any higher than the championship. To be honest, I think even the championship is a stretch.
  14. funnily enough when mentioning the shrinking icecaps in the Antarctic nobody mentions the East Antarctica Ice sheet that is growing at some volume ... it's still melting at a faster rate than it's growing to be clear though You obfuscatory tool! (Post-on-poster, I know)
  15. Why does the argument have to be about global warming anyway? The fact is that as a race, we've completely knackered vast swathes of the environment, deforested continents worth of land, filled oceans full of plastic and the rate of species extinction continues to grow (RIP Western Black Rhino). I'm no wooly liberal but the fact that the argument seems to only ever be about the melting icecaps seems like another deliberately obfuscatory tool.
  16. Or maybe complications with the number 1 candidate so they can't afford to rule you out yet?
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