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Everything posted by RunRickyRun

  1. 1994 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nogCbX3Hq4
  2. I enjoyed the show but, for the long slog that were series 2 & 3, I've never been tempted to rewatch the whole show again.
  3. I can play as the Reserve Reserve Goalkeeper (the Andy Marshall role). I am excellent clearing up bibs and cones at the end of training. My aggression should be high and so should be my endurance as I am a huge steroid abuser.
  4. Now that you've posted in Off Topic you have to get 'DHUTWU' as a bumper sticker
  5. Damn - was just about to post that one!
  6. German in cheating shocker! In other news the Pope has pooped in the woods (sorry Voiny) (Sorry donnie).
  7. Merked good n proper. Not really - it was more down to QPR's insistence in not tracking any runs. Dunne was very poor before being hauled off at half time.
  8. Does it play anything like the World Cup game? The World Cup game was vastly superior to FIFA 14 because they ironed out a few exploits. The long lob pass was made flatter so you could no longer play a through ball to your front man from inside your own 6 yard box and pace was more equalised so that you could catch a man running through if the man clear was in possession of the ball. Crosses and corners were also less effective making it a bit easier to play. The pressure game was still overpowered but you could kind of live with it. I enjoyed playing online much more as you could have a proper game rather that the tennis match FIFA 14 has become (lofted ball, sprint, cross, header).
  9. End Women's Suffrage! (pre facebook days) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_L5YH9Qlr4
  10. RunRickyRun


    Study on the effects of magic mushrooms
  11. Do you think Hummels could become the best German CD in Premier League history?
  12. How about : Away goals count 1+(1/2)^n where n is the number of the away goal.
  13. For me, a basic knowledge of Latin (and to a lesser extent Greek) is more useful than a basic knowledge of a 2nd language.
  14. Switched on and Bannan is not starting.
  15. You are PuntersAdvice and I claim my £5!
  16. Tesco putting the price of their chicken thighs up by around 50%. words removed
  17. Not sure how Papers Please will translate to a controller. It's bloody hard enough with the mouse! Awesome game though.
  18. I liked the Dark Knight but the dialogue in the first film was risible. I haven't too much interest in the genre so can't see I've seen any of the other film on the above lists. I quite liked Unbreakable if that counts as a superhero film.
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