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Everything posted by RunRickyRun

  1. Incredible stage today and a fantastic ride from Nibali.
  2. There's no kick on it though so it's very predictable and hittable. I think it ranks around 29 on the tour for percentage points won on it.
  3. It's simple for Murray - he needs to sort out that 2nd serve. It's just bad and causes him to drop too many games against the best players.
  4. To simplify the argument (as it's a long and complex one) - Do you ever ask yourself why football at Villa Park is not as entertaining as it should be? After all, with all the money floating around we should be watching the most technically gifted individuals that have ever graced the pitch. But the everything wrong with modern football, the mercenary nature of the players, the uncompetitive nature of the competition, the ridiculous prices charged to punters (whose presence actually helps sell the league abroad), the pragmatic approach of teams (see Stoke and us) simply to survive on the gravy train rather than play football, agents and sports management companies leeching money from the system, the ginormous wages paid to people who can't trap a football or kick it with their wrong foot etc etc - it all has it's roots in the obsession of our game with money - money pouring into the game through television. So yes, you can turn a blind eye to it all which I will not criticise you for doing so... or you could refuse to contribute a penny to the cause of the problem (subscription television).
  5. Thing is that Sky are dicking around people who have invested time and money over many years in their clubs in favour of Johnny come latelys with deep pockets and no desire to move more than 3 feet away from their couch in order to follow their team. Any right minded football fan wouldn't give them a penny and would encourage others not to do the same.
  6. Rainbow Moon is on offer for around £5 on PSN. It's a cracking RPG game. Not much of a story but the gameplay and mechanics make it a bargain.
  7. His team went to early and he was left isolated at then end. Shimano have the timing right, they don't go full pelt until around 2km to go meaning they blow all the other sprint trains away for speed.
  8. Wow - don't you work in a bar as well? Yep. Well, I did up until last week. Probably will again. It's probably the best test of my will power. Hang on a sec... You're a recovering alcoholic who works in a bar in Boston, and is a fan of the Red Sox... and I claim my 5 pounds
  9. You can't seriously talk about relative clubs 'spending' (the word you used) and only focus on spending in player acquisitions. Wage expenditure now outstrips money paid to acquire players (as we have found out to our detriment). No one is 'putting words in your mouth'. I was just highlighting where the two club's resources differ hugely.
  10. So wages don't count as 'spending' hmmm
  11. Yeah in here Just leaving for the airport to catch my Iran flight ... Will get there 24 hours later than planned but that's life sometimes Gave me a day out in Istanbul so it wasn't all bad .. Turkey? Iran? I hope MI6 aren't following you Tone
  12. As I've previously stated they were only £12m behind Man City on spending last season. Them spending isn't new and isn't because Suarez is on his way. Just the £100m (or 76% extra) difference in wage bill between the two clubs in 2012/2013 (last available verified figures).
  13. DA2 & the roleplaying aspects of ME3 were terrible. I hope it's a return to form for Bioware as Dragon Age Origins and ME2 were two of the best games of the last gen.
  14. Not pointing the finger at yourself but I wonder how many people who make this argument pay Sky over the money that makes his ridiculous wage a reality?
  15. I doubt the manager was pleased seeing his 'keeper make four or five last ditch interventions in the first half. I think that's the point they were making. A better team would have beaten Germany tonight. I don;t expect them to be as bad against France.
  16. The only way Germany will beat France on this showing is if France leave the Ardennes unguarded again.
  17. Why? It was the manager that has set them up wrongly in the first place. He'd be wiser to notice his own shortcomings. One of the most basic fundamentals of football is that you cannot play a high line if you don't pressure the ball. Add to this the fact that Germany's deepest defender has no pace and their holding midfielder cannot press the ball and you have a recipe for disaster.
  18. think you are missing my point whilst trying to make yours the outrage wasn't about them hacking the phone , that had been known for months ( even years ) the campaign was after the Guardian broke the "deleted messages " story that turned out to be false the point I was making was following on from Mikes post about the paper re-opening great they managed to get a newspaper shut down only for the same one to re-open a few weeks later ... and life carries on as normal , the Sunday Sun will still be the same rag upto the same tricks might just as well take out the Taliban and then let a new Islamic fundamentalist political movement group called Balitan take over the following week Edit: small point but other than Levi Bellfield nobody knew she was dead at that time .. so they were hacking a "missing girls "phone , indeed as it turned out they were even playing the messages to Surrey police so quite possibly aiding the investigation with police knowledge / consent ... far as I'm aware Surrey police haven't been shutdown , better get that twitter campaign started .... With respect Tony, you've got your timelines wrong. The NOTW was shut down (10/7/11) days after the first revelations of them hacking a dead girl's phone broke (04/07/11). The Sun on Sunday is not the attack dog the NOTW was. How many political scandals have the SoS broke over the first 18 months of its existence? I don't want to bore everyone on here so you can take this to the Murdoch thread if you want.
  19. Yeah, because hacking a dead girl's phone is acceptable as long as you don't delete the messages.
  20. I agree with your sentiment Peter but unfortunately the omission was protected by parliamentary privilege so could not be submitted as evidence. The saga isn't over yet. Lots more journalists will now be tried, Coulson may be retried after the jury could not reach a verdict on the other charges (then faces a trip north of the border), Murdoch and other executives face questioning under more general corporate laws. You can't discount more evidence being discovered. Maybe all the lose ends weren't tied up...
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