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Everything posted by RunRickyRun

  1. I wouldn't ban him. I'd just make him play with a muzzle.
  2. It was bad enough that Cameron hired him but what makes his stance worse is the inaction that followed. The story of News Group paying Gordon Taylor a settlement broke in July 2009. This blew NI's 'One Rogue Reporter' line out of the water (after all why would a Royal correspondent be interested in the PFA Chairman's messages). What sort of leader would do nothing in this situation possibly having been lied to in person? Cameron's view at the time was: Guardian Coulson did not resign until 2011.
  3. Inconceivable isn't evidence though. The police did not recover any of her notebooks, several electronic devices used in her home went missing, chunks of emails were deleted by staff and none of the people who pleaded guilty were hired by her. I would have loved to have seen Coulson's face though when he learned they did recover the tape of Blunkett from a lawyer's safe
  4. I followed the trial and I think justice has been done. The difference between the two was the tape of Blunkett being hacked. It was basically a bloody knife with fingerprints on it. Everything else from the hiring of those who had already pleaded guilty and their wages being signed off all lead clearly back to Coulson. I wonder if he will now have a trip north of the border to face more charges there. The jury decided the evidence against Brooks could not prove her guilty beyond all reasonable doubt. It lacked the killer piece of evidence (most of it disappeared without explanation).
  5. Ferdinand's mannerisms reminds me of Neil from the Inbetweeners.
  6. Some more stuff about blatter and his chums in the latest issue (link)
  7. Junior FD - Would you be registered with companies house as a director? If so then I would seriously consider it - more for the position and future job prospects rather than the wage.
  8. i need to find myself a good manbag. some are too big, and some look a bit feminine, so its tricky finding a really good one. They're called pockets.
  9. I love both, but Hotel California for me. I remember a while back they had that two-part documentary on the Eagles and they showed some old tour footage throughout. Seeing Felder an Walsh going back and forth in that solo and the twinning up at the end was brilliant. I switch off the radio if I hear hotel California , probably American Pie is the only song that can top it in the boredom stakes
  10. Does the 'Things that piss you off...' thread get more hits on average on a Monday than on a Friday?
  11. Couple of points i) 200m of profit over x years will not equate to 200m of cash. The profit and loss account and cashflow are two separate entities. You can have a company which is profitable but which is also overdrawn at the bank (not an ideal position though). Companies don't generally stockpile large sums of cash. It would probably be released to the owner/shareholders or invested in other assets. ii) If a club goes on a spending spree the losses will not necessarily be incurred in the season in which the money is spent. The losses posted by Aston Villa this year are more down to spending under previous regimes. At the point of sale you are effectively swapping one asset (cash) for another (A player - which I'd imagine would be listed as an intangible asset). Losses will incur when the players value depreciates over the course of his contract and as the wage bill rises. Therefore a club could spend more than its means and the resulting losses would be incurred over a number of years.Though being able to forecast such losses would be very difficult (as we have found!).
  12. When I saw gameplay footage, I wondered if the game was originally meant to be Desmond's game before they accepted that it was never going to happen (because Desmond is dull).
  13. There's nothing out there at the moment that makes either console a must buy. In 12 months there will probably be newer versions of both consoles and microsoft might have got their act together and offered something that would make the xbox one the better choice (much like when Sony introduced PS+ after the credit card theft debacle). There's always the steambox which might allow you to play pc games from your sofa which is very appealing to me. I've still got loads of last gen games I need to play so I'm going to wait this one out.
  14. Halliwell's (the film guide) has a good scoring system. Around half of films get zero stars. They say that these films might be watchable but are also at least equally missable One star for a film with some promise but mostly dross Two stars for a good level of competence and an entertaining film Three stars are for excellence and Four stars are for a film outstanding in many ways or a milestone in cinematic history. I like it because it groups the average films under one banner. Why bother separating mediocrity. Do you really want to know if a film is poor or awful?
  15. There will always be exceptions to the rule as certain individuals will practice in the right way despite poor coaching. GB has produced very technical players in the past as well as the present but to succeed at international level these days, you need a team of technically gifted players. Rooney is certainly good enough but the rest struggle to trap a football (see Gerrard's slip!), kick a ball with their weaker foot or play a 5-10 yard pass accurately and with the right weight on the ball. They're not bad players (some are even very good) and clubs compensate for this by pairing these players with technically better foreign imports but at international level, eleven English players usually results in poor performances.
  16. Yeah - I'd often run out of fingers in some of the more complex Fighting Fantasy books (not mentioning the magic dice re rolls) I did the equivalent in this game - I saved before the first 'moral' choice so I could go back... not realising that the game was designed that you are meant to play most of the choices anyway.
  17. Personally, I think the former group and the latter group are separated more by their ability to trap a football (ie technique) rather than any significant difference in professionalism. English players are good at the diving header, pressing, fitness and the last ditch tackle but how many times do you see an England player chase down a ball after bad first touch or have to run alongside the ball in order for it to slow down before controlling it (probably after an inaccurate 10 yard pass)? It comes down to technique which is ultimately down to an inadequate number of coaches in this country.
  18. Picked this up and started playing it over the bank holiday. Amazing game - very hard to put down! It's not going to be for everyone as it's more of an interactive story than a game (puzzles probably only make up 20% of the game) but the ability to switch through different choices is the hook. You get to a certain point in the game and then are forced to go back and chose a different option to progress. However you now have a bit more insight into some of the characters and therefore their dialogue takes new meaning.
  19. Plus buying Blose means buying unaudited accounts. It;s a huge gamble - there could be anything hidden from there.
  20. Giving ".5" marks in marks out of 10 (eg 8.5/10) Why not just mark out of 20 and do away with the .5s?
  21. Storyville: Hitler, Stalin and Mr Jones Link The story of Gareth Jones - the Welsh journalist who covered the famine in the Soviet Ukraine, met Hitler during his rise to power and was murdered while covering the Japanese mobilisation against China.
  22. Risso, is there any possibility that there are writedowns and/or provisions in that figure? For example, when we signed Kozak, we might have to pay £1 million if he makes 50 appearances. The club may feels this is particularly likely and therefore will make a £1 million provision in the books for this. Similarly clauses we may have written on past player sales might be viewed as unlikely now to happen and therefore provisions might be made against these. I'm not saying these would have a huge impact on the transfer figure but might cause a manager to believe 1 figure (an upfront figure) and the books to reveal a different one (ie the fee agreed up front and provision made against clauses in the sale).
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