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Everything posted by RunRickyRun

  1. Being a White Sox fan, I thought I had seen enough of Justin Verlander. Turns out I was wrong!
  2. Not winning the FA cup since '57 is nothing compared to following Mayo. Fair play to Kerry though - it was a great game
  3. Flannels. Yoox is good for a bargain on quality gear.
  4. We want our relegation rivals to lose so I'm hoping Burnley score a few today
  5. No you're right useless, Milner got a fair amount of stick on here and elsewhere until he moved into the center. Strange that people with join dates after he left are disputing this
  6. You haven't heard cricket on talksh!te then!
  7. Try Mean Streets, Pooligan. It's an earlier Scorsese gangster film which means there's less of a budget and it's grittier.
  8. Impey cleared So Impey is unlucky enough to be served behind someone (who I must stress was not Impey) buying a very effective masking agent for testosterone.
  9. I don't think the signing is particularly good value for money. We cant afford to have another 40k a week misfit. I hope it works out though if he signs. It may be part of a bigger plan - we almost signed Dempsey instead of Benteke and the leaking of the deal to the press speeded up the signing of the latter.
  10. Yea but r lot run ur lot all over VillaTalk. We smashed ur favourite pub, The Clearing in the Woods. DHUTWU army (what it must be like to be a small heath fan)
  11. I think its more likely there will be another dark age over a future with flying cars (etc). We're due a collapse at some point, though probably not in our lifetimes
  12. All that's missing is the West Midlands Police being sent in to help cover it all up.
  13. The Wire really isn't suited to watching once a week for a single season over 5 years. It's basically five separate 13 (or so) hour films. Very few of the episodes make sense in isolation. The same could be said (to a lesser extent) (sorry donnie) of Breaking Bad in the early days. That's probably why audience figures were low - even when the Wire was shown in the UK.
  14. England win 'le Tournoi' and look a good bet for the next year's World Cup. Also this happened: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crSkWaJqx-Y
  15. No nostalgia fest is complete without :
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