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Everything posted by RunRickyRun

  1. You could configure your own at PC specialist: http://www.pcspecialist.co.uk/laptop-computers/
  2. [Ray Wilkins] My word [/Ray Wilkins] Glenn Johnson was bad tonight! With Walker seemingly injured, who do England play at RB?
  3. Luftrausers and Persona 4 on sale on PSN. Both must haves if you own a Vita
  4. Obtain the Amulet of Yendor.
  5. Not worth watching the tournament now that Townsend wont be gracing it. Just Fontaine must be relieved.
  6. I wonder how many posters would not be on here if it weren't for Gazza's tears in 1990? The perception of football and football fans changed massively in this country after that tournament.
  7. It might not be that your left goolie is bigger.It might be that your left one is small and the other 2 are smaller still. Welcome Back!
  8. The fans were exonerated in the original Taylor report and the families were the victims of the biggest cover up in British policing history. How else were they meant to react? It's sad when one's feelings towards a particular team leads to this level of myopic ignorance.
  9. Vlaar and Clark's scouting reports are identical word for word. Smells like...
  10. Glory hunting Brummies are lower than small heath fans. Let them enjoy their glory wearing a replica shirt and clapping in front of a TV screen before joining the missus for a late afternoon shop.
  11. I miss the days of huge 250 page manuals.
  12. The vast majority wont care but MLB14 is a cracking game. The hitting mechanics seem to be a lot easier than MLB13 (just turn the pitching speed slider down to the minimum) At £24 it's well priced compared to other new games.
  13. There's a huge difference between the tobacco industry and the e-cig industry. The vast majority of e-cig vendors are simply distributors. They buy the stuff from China, add their own labels to the products and mix the chemicals to sell them to the public. They typically make money from the margins they make in buying the goods wholesale. They aren't represented by any trade federation nor are they likely to have the money to do so. The pharmaceuticals see them as a huge threat. They have the financial clout to fund biased research, fund health organisations and lobby governments. If nicotine is the problem then why aren't we seeing the same proposals for more traditional nicotine replacement products (like inhalers)? I think you'll find that the name on the label has more effect on regulations than any health concerns.
  14. I take it you don't drive or use motor vehicles. Far more hazardous to those around you than passive smoking.
  15. If you like retro shooters with a pumping soundtrack then TxK is a must. All hail the Yak!
  16. Not half as sinister as the amount of lobbying the pharmaceutical companies are doing in order to protect the profits in their own nicotine delivery products.
  17. The packages are weak imo. I'd just go for a preowned system which you should be able to pick up for under £100. Then buy persona 4 and you're pretty much sorted gameplay wise for a month!
  18. If you like Bioshock and can excuse poorish gameplay (especially infinite) for a great narrative then Spec Ops the Line is a must.
  19. Goat Simulator trailer (not for the faint hearted!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvWGLcdI8o8
  20. A typical office conversation in the midlands regarding football: Blues fan at work : "You lost on Sunday - ha ha" Me: "What are you on about? You lost as well on Saturday against Sheffield Wednesday or someone shite like that" Blues fan : "Really? I didn't know" Me : "Typical blues fan only concerned with Villa results" Blues Fan : "I don't follow them as much since the whole Yeung fraud thing" Me: "But it never bothered you when your lot signed a woman beater?" "..." They really are a one-off breed.
  21. Elergy RH8 is the best sports car in the game and it's free!
  22. pfffft. Sensi was for people who didn't have the skill for Kick Off 2
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