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The Fun Factory

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Everything posted by The Fun Factory

  1. Have all the cricket players on both sides been vaccinated? and If not, why not? Very flat ending to the summer.
  2. I think he may well start Nakamba or Ramsey for this one to be a bit more defensive.
  3. I remember it was just before I was going to uni. Our toaster had packed up and me and my dad went to a out of town electrical place to get a new one. So I saw the impact on the twin towers on about 20 simultaneous tv screens. On the way back we got caught in traffic as the nearby MOD camp at Ashchurch was being mobilised. I am not sure how loads of ancient Green Goddess would have solved a terror attack though.
  4. I presume the concert has been planned for quite a while, surely this could have been factored in at the fixture release day? Why the late change.
  5. A tip if you have a scratch on your watch face (if it is glass). Put a small amount of toothpaste on and gently rub and clean (Kenneth). Worked a treat for me.
  6. A utter shambles that never should have got to this in the first place.
  7. Having a left footed centre half instantly makes a team more balanced imo.
  8. There is a always a bunch of seats right in the corner of the lower Holte to DE which they never seem to sell now. The view can't be that bad is it? Offer a fiver off for the view and that is a couple of hundred extra seats per game to sale. Villa Park does not have any comically restricted views like some older grounds like Goodison or Loftus Road.
  9. I can't make the game so that will be 1 ticket put on the resale market mate.
  10. Selling our captain in 2 consecutive transfer windows would not be a good look. It hardly screams ambition does it.
  11. Brezhnev mark 2. An ageing leader presiding over a decaying empire.
  12. City too hot is a great track for a heatwave.
  13. It is a miserable turd of a newspaper.
  14. And a weak opening pair. And relying on your captain to get the runs every test for about 18 months.
  15. Calypso collaspo from England again. India are just too good. We are still relying on Anderson and Root to get us out of trouble, need some new faces to take responsibility.
  16. Its a amazing how far we have slipped in commercial revenue with the 3 years out of the top flight. You would think being the biggest team in the second biggest city in the UK would be a licence to print money but obviously not as simple as that.
  17. Going to be a tough game. Wouldn't be surprised if he plays Nakamba in the middle in a more defensive lineup. A draw would be a very good result.
  18. All my non Villa friends and family tell me we got a good deal and have spent well. And yet it still grates me that yet again our best player buggers off to City which makes a very difficult task in trying to catch up with the big boys, that bit harder.
  19. Its not that, its the question of trying to bring in the next level of quality player to break into the top 6. And to keep our best players. Which will be very hard to do. 8th to 10th would be a good season and is probably about where our budget and ambition is at the moment. September is going to be a tough month. We usually beat Everton at home but as far as I remember we don't have a great record against Benietz sides.
  20. Defenders can play well into their 30s. A asking price of 20 million for Mings is quite frankly ludicrous. He is our club captain and now probably our most marketable player.
  21. £20 million? Pardon? You do know that Arsenal have just paid £50 million for Ben White who is down the pecking order at England and has played 1 season of Premier League football? If Mings was sold it would therefore have to be north of 50 mil. 60-70 mil and the club might think about it.
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