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Everything posted by ferguson1

  1. That’s fantastic news. With a couple more solid signings like Daly, we could be in for a good season.
  2. Approximately 50,000 extra people have descended on Newquay, Cornwall for the Boardmasters Festival. Still on holiday here until the weekend. It’s carnage, mullets and the smell of Paco Rabanne everywhere! Kids had a pic with Tom Fletcher from McFly on the beach this morning. Nice guy to be fair.
  3. Absolutely massive signing this one for us and also interesting that it’s a three year deal. Most woman contracts are usually one or two year deals, so it’s a clear statement that we’re continuing to invest in the woman’s side of the club. Chuffed with this.
  4. Had no idea, cheers Absolutely loved Heat the movie, so will pick up a copy in the next few days.
  5. He would steady a sinking ship. Take into account our results since March, Benitez would have got more from this group.
  6. My Victorinox Swiss Army Knife. Goes with me on every holiday and probably only ever used it once or maybe twice? It’s a comfort blanket thing I reckon. Had one as a kid and now own a couple of newer ones (Huntsman) and (Ranger). I just like them.
  7. If and when a change is needed, then my top three choices for consideration (in order) would be: Pochettino Potter Benitez I wouldn’t even rule out or be disappointed with Bielsa right now.
  8. If Gerrard gets the boot then it has to be Pochettino.
  9. I’m a little fed up of hearing that we haven’t shown enough quality in the game and “that’s on me”. Heard this numerous times last season and same old comments already this season. Now I’m not saying he should go but blimey I don’t honestly think he knows his best eleven and how to play them? That’s the worry for me right now.
  10. A real shame this one and a total surprise on where the lad has ended up. A real talent and one of best in his age group across Europe. For Chelsea to offer him a six year deal says it all. However, approx £15-20m for an 18 year old with only a couple of appearances is not too shabby at all. Will also look good on a FFP perspective, as this is total profit on our balance sheet. Take Grealish away and we haven’t made a profit on many players over the last ten years. It also shows that all the hard work with our academy is bearing fruit again. Onwards and upwards.
  11. The five subs rule certainly helps his cause for minutes this season and a strong bench will be crucial when deciding games. He could be the difference of getting us a point or even three, when neither look likely.
  12. Anyone that grew up in the 80s will remember an original Stink Bomb? Little glass bottles of yellow liquid and one usually let off in morning assembly. Proper rotten egg smell and would last for hours. No doubt they were made with numerous banned substances now, bit like an 80s chemistry set.
  13. The tournament as a whole has been a great spectacle. Games played with the right attitude and very good crowds. Total success from start to finish.
  14. So so deserved. The WSL should really catch on to so many new followers now.
  15. If they’re not in the top ten by the winter/world cup break, Howe will be sacked! Poch lined up already no doubt.
  16. Gutted, feels like part of my childhood has gone with him.
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