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Everything posted by ender4

  1. I'm nervous watching it again, even though i know what will happen!!
  2. no link, but it was a very interesting comment! The long-term ambition of the owners was contained in that comment, they aren't here just for promotion, they plan to be one of the big clubs (in the long-term).
  3. trying to buy season ticket (x2) for the first time ever.... but the website not selling them today
  4. how much is our buy-out clause on Mings? I'm assuming we have agreed some sort of figure for first refusal, or something like that
  5. sorry, was watching on Sky Sports so no link. It was the on-the-pitch interview with Edens, Sawaris and Purslow about 20 mins after the trophy was lifted. It was literally 1 sentence but it just stood out as he was being serious about where we are, rather than celebrating promotion in the moment... Its almost like we have a long-term plan and i haven't ever seen that at Villa before!
  6. i love this thread Looking forward to the "race for 17th/40 points" thread in a few weeks. No sarcasm.... i'm actually excited about that!
  7. 2019!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. interesting comment from him.... something about being 1 year ahead of schedule and now we can move forward with our plan/ambitions.
  9. you want him to do what with your arse!
  10. Loved Endgame but preferred Infinity War. Infinity War - 10/10 Endgame - 9/10
  11. as is every game left this season!
  12. It's because people are weary of these mass killings now - they happen virtually every week, and it just washes over me now. It would only really resonate to me if it happened in the UK or affected someone linked to me. New Zealand is as far removed from me as i can imagine. 1000's of Muslims are probably dying in Syria all the time and 'bad news fatigue' means people don't pay attention anymore.
  13. yeah, i just chose some numbers and set up an direct debit through the lottery website about 6 years ago... and that was that. They email me if/when i win and send the money to my account. Apparently if i win massive, they will ask me to ring them. i'm still waiting.
  14. Should be banned from all football grounds for life. Plus a criminal charge of assault.
  15. ender4

    India & Pakistan

    One day in the future i'd hope that India and Pakistan rejoin as one country in the same way East & West Germany did, and possibly South & North Korea might slowly be edging towards.
  16. get a bigger SD card? Rip your old CD's into mp3 and add them to the SD card?
  17. Whoops, i meant benefits of free trade and don't have to pay the annual fee.
  18. In one sense you could say its a really good deal. We get to stay in the single market with all the benefits of freedom of movement, and yet don't have to pay the annual fee.
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