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Everything posted by cheltenham_villa

  1. i think it also makes it tough on the youngsters. If the expectation is that you come in and can play the role of a 30m winger.
  2. Im going to sit almost on the fence like others but i will say i dont think it will be Diego starting. I think Unai may have him as 4th choice
  3. a very well made point. for more recent evidence look at the Brentford team at the weekend. I wonder if any other board has such a long thread for a sub keeper
  4. Keep both preferred but I certainly wouldn't swap out Baileys goals and assists for a guy who's had a couple of good pre season appearances. Lets not get carried away.
  5. I think to do it consistently we will need better. I don't also believe that Newcastle can finish top 4 for multiple seasons with that team. It was a surprise I think all will admit. I can't imagine any other top 4 side playing Ollie up front for a season. I can see him coming off the bench for them. This tells me he's good but probably not someone who can play consistently in a top 4 side. Same with a lot of the others. Sorry, just how I see it.
  6. Making the jump from where we are into the top 4 is one of the hardest. Especially to do it consistently. Realistically it probably means replacing the majority of our starting 11 which includes Watkins, Mcginn and Mings. I don't think you can do it over night. I love Watkins but I can happily accept his failings. If you are suddenly looking for him to become Kane or Halaand you will be disappointed.
  7. I think it's a real stretch to look for a pattern with Diaby, they've probably had 90 minutes or less on a pitch together. I think Watkins has just been Watkins, scores some chances, misses some chances, work rate is still ridiculously high and add in the fact that he's playing In a friendly tournament in ridiculous heat. He'll get double figures again this season, I'm confident of that. He'll have some good spells and some dry spells.
  8. Have any VTers had to go back and delete messages at 2 nil?
  9. Really, I thought he made contact with the man and got none of the ball. Seemed blatant to me
  10. I thought he was in his own half when the ball played?
  11. So this is just the standard away ballot. Not some super special away ticket preference. I enter this every week, I've never won.
  12. Has anyone on VT with a terrace view seat been able to confirm that away tickets are possible? I've seen a screenshot on twitter of someone's iphone notes. Is that it?
  13. This is part of the loan experience I think. Learn to battle for a place, learn that your name doesn't guarantee anything. If he performs well he will play.
  14. Target would probably be someone 22-24. Similar attributes but hopefully turning a profit. I'm fairly sure our vast scouting network and leadership could source someone.
  15. Would any consider selling? He's 28/29 (can't be bothered to check which) probably at his peak in terms of value and will only reduce. Only 2 years left on a contract, Should we be looking to cash in and reinvest in the squad.
  16. His goal reminded me of Leon Baileys on his debut against Everton...... I much prefer your example
  17. I see it as an extension of an existing problem. The club needs to generate more match day revenue in order to compete at the top of the league, until the stadium is expanded they have very limited ways of doing it. They sold too many season tickets, how do you fix that problem. You can try to squeeze money out of the remaining or start cancelling some seats.
  18. Is it ridiculous? Picking through people on here and other fan boards, I'd say the club are on target to sell the seats. I'm not saying I like it, but I'll be surprised if the seats go unsold.
  19. Don't agree, it's a 25 day competition, no way decided by the weather. If you go two down, you make it incredibly hard to win.
  20. How have we gone from 50m being quoted in the press to 34m on VT?
  21. In my experience you don't need to offer help, just give it. Shut down gossip, allow more time on work tasks, make sure your requests are reasonable. Basically whatever your work interactions, make them as simple and nice as possible. This person is unlikely to come to someone they don't really know for help so just be the best person you can be and in the nicest possible way, don't look for them to thank you. Make their life easier by making sure you don't make it difficult
  22. I thought you got the pro-rata season ticket price which was roughly 80% of the match day price. But you could be right.
  23. Are you sure you have this right? Traditionally the club have given back 1/19th of the ST per game that you resell. This typically works out at 80% of the match day price. So you get back what you have paid. I'm not seeing any change to the scheme, other than they want you to transfer your ST seat to a friends fan ID rather than just giving them your card. They've asked people to do this for years for health and safety reasons.
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