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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Did he own a Camper Van?
  2. This doesn't stand up to scrutiny, The seat has not been trending towards Labour at all, since 2001 the vote has generally been in decline apart from the 2017 outlier 2001 - 49.4% 2005 - 45.8% 2010 - 41.5% 2015 - 43.2% 2017 - 55.5% 2019 - 42.7% 2021 - 35.3% If you add the George Galloway votes to the Labour Votes you end up with a percentage higher than any of the above. In that timeframe the Labour vote has never really faced a challenge until yesterday. The Tories however have nearly always had Ukips / BNP / Yorkshire Tea Party taking decent chunks out of their side of the vote Viewing it the way you have is the way the Tories are spinning it. It isn't true
  3. Labour win by 300 odd votes, which will be described as narrow etc by the media but in reality it's a great result as their vote wasn't split last time and it was this. The Tories vote was split last time and wasn't this. Based on the last results figures and who was standing this time, Labour shouldn't have won this. But I doubt you'll see it reported that way
  4. Not really Starmer's fault that though, nor yours. We live less in a functioning democracy now than we did even last year. People aren't talking about Starmer because lots of media outlets seem to be operating on the principal that if you can't say something bad about opposition politics, it isn't worth saying
  5. Yeah you go on wanting to rule the world, meanwhile I'll just stab my scrotum with a sharp object as the sound of my own pain is more relaxing
  6. bickster

    Ice rink

    Why have you tattooed your cat with a picture of yourself?
  7. Womens outfield footie is getting OK to watch tbh, then someone has a shot and you realise the goalkeepers havent remotely caught up with the outfield players skill levels. There are better keepers in mens pub teams aged 50 with 42 waist shorts
  8. That is great news, as is any small Indie music venue getting saved from devilopers
  9. bickster

    Eye Floaters

    I've had them since I can remember. Like everyone else has said, you just get used to them
  10. Viewing figures would dispute this Granted it's not popular amongst the VT massive but out there in the living rooms of the UK this cack is popular
  11. I assume the employer will be paying compensation if he's been employed long enough to be entitled to it.
  12. I really don't think it was lose your job behaviour. Nothing threatening just a bit drunk, wanting a selfie and pushing personal boundaries too far. No threats, no violence Public embarrasment should be enough. They didn't really do anything that deserves such a life changing punishment The press framing the pair as "Yobs" hasn't helped either, that has totally different connotations to what was actually in that video One for the unpopular opinions topic I guess
  13. Locked and site added to the blacklist.
  14. Thats Dub Vendor Record Shack on Ladbroke Grove almost under the Westway EDIT: Which closed years ago aparently And a worldwide shortage of vinyl apparently
  15. I Moonied it, turns out I'm the height of ladies fashion, it's a big thick shirt that can double as an outer garment. I've been doing that since the 80's, get me!
  16. Not much chance of Jack joining that club
  17. Not being worse than Hey Jude is the lowest of low bars
  18. Nah. the milk inhibits the brewing in the water. Standard tea is meant to be brewed with boiling water, as soon as you add milk before that process its all wrong
  19. Possibly the WORST song in the world ever was recorded there. B*h*m*** R*a*so**
  20. Are we talking bag or pot here?
  21. They shouldnt be called doctors, I'm sure about that
  22. Well that's one way of looking at it. I'd say there's a 99.999% chance that the beer being thrown everywhere is some utter garbage like Carling. Unbeknown to the very whoppers doing this, they are doing the world a favour and throwing away shit beer. They aren't wasting anything I'd drink
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