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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Essentially that is pink noise, same as the sound of rain, or running water. Lots of people use those to aid sleep. I'm not a big fan of silence at night either but I tend to put on some absolutely shit US tv or movie and bore myself to sleep
  2. We had a house system in our Comp. 8 Houses across the school and we knew who every house was named after. Sutherland, Elgar, Churchill, Nuffield, Fleming, Kennedy, Hilary and Curie. The houses mainly served as administrative units but were also used for sporting competitions. The School was divided into two halves with four houses in each and that did have an effect on the way you were taught too. In the first year for example if you were in the A half you did French and in the B Half you did Spanish. PE lessons again were done by which half of the school you were in. Also it meant until you'd done your options at least you never had any lessons with the opposite half of the school, so only in the fourth and fifth form did you get a limited opportunity to mix with the other half academically I never really had much of a problem with it, it was just what it was.
  3. You must we absolutely weeks away from the second jab, just change your appointment
  4. Sadly for you, she's more likely to get her assistant to tie you up and suspend you from a beam, then she can flick peanuts at you all day
  5. The single shot Janssen vaccine has been approved today I think
  6. This idea that pubs make their money on food is bollocks surely? Some pubs maybe The vast majority of the chains make their money on the alcohol sales surely, the idea that margins on booze are low is something that the gobshite in the Brexit Chain will tell you because he sells at such low prices. All the other low price, 2 for 1, sizzling testicles, big grub pubs cant possibly be making money on food (or much anyway) when you take into account kitchen staff, ingredients and power but they'll be making much more on the booze as they'll be selling booze from their own breweries
  7. Actually, its plausible that the gig was 1985, as I've just remembered some other events that may have lead me to being House Manager on the night
  8. Ah I know who that will be. Abdul Malik Al Nasir who was known as Mark Watson The story has been in the press a few times. Here's a link to the Guardian piece on him. Some of that isn't true. My recollection is that it was 1986 not 1985. GSH didn't play the Royal Court in 85 (I worked there by then), This was actually at the start of my reign as Ents Sec at the Uni, I was also acting as House Manager at the gig. The gig was originally booked to be in the Mountford Hall at the Uni but The University f***ed up their exam timetable and it meant we had to to move the gig to the Royal Court as the Mountford had become an Exam Hall by the date of the gig (it wasn't when we booked the show). There's absolutely no way on earth that gig was sold out. I'd have the estimate at about 800 (capacity of downstairs was 1500). The collective soul of the room might have had more to do with the huge amount of weed being smoked in the room than anything else It is great to know though, that a show I had a big hand in actually turned someone's life around. Gil Scott Heron, hardest man to get on stage ever! And his dressing room was just a cloud of ganja smoke in itself. Lovely man, so laid back he was horizontal
  9. I much prefer making my own Indian food to eating out or takeaway
  10. The only time I've seen winged horses, I was tripping my tits off, make of that what you will
  11. This made me wonder if Indian Country Music exists....
  12. It must be a decade since she released her debut album backed by Beak> on Geoff Barrow's Invada Label but finally she's back, Anika who sounds very like Nico. Again on Invada
  13. Oh hell, there's going to be a Gang of Four double tribute album featuring among others Idles and Gary Numan How did they find a double album’s worth of tracks worth covering? 4 decent tunes in a whole career and three of those are on the first album
  14. I'd have sort of agreed with that, then they released this in 2018 and I liked it so much I bought it
  15. This one is from your neck of the woods (between Cardiff and Penarth) Overthrown inflamation of the bladder or Snooping closed as usual
  16. Josep Almudéver Mateu, the last surviving member of the International Brigades, who died this week
  17. Having to be awake past midnight tonight to monitor a system change as it happens (and hope it works flawlessly) I'm ready for bed already
  18. Lying about vinyl purchases is legally allowed. It is the law
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