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Everything posted by bickster

  1. I always get confused between Ramsgate and Margate. It's Ramsgate that's the currently trendy one isn't it?
  2. Not true. I'm that sad, I Moonied "Pizza Pie Origin" when it was first mentioned upthread Crust Kingdom I think this all generally stems form the American misuse of the word pie in the first place. A pie is not open topped, it has a pastry lid All those things American pie dishes like Pecan Pie and Mississippi Mud Pie etc were never pies in the first place. They were always tarts
  3. Is it Clacton Pride at the end of July?
  4. Anyone that has gone to that Abroadia and hasn't factored the possibility of the country being degreenlisted while they were away is just a little bit silly Anyone that has booked to go to that Abroadia and hasn't factored the possibility of the country being degreenlisted before their departure date is just a little bit silly If you can't do the time don't do the crime... sorry.... holiday
  5. You can order direct from the RIngwood Brewery with the added advantage of them coming in bottles not cans. £37.50 for a case of 24, you have to buy in multiples of 12 or 24 but they sell Wainwright in 8's But that also means you can add some of the other beers they sell, which includes Bank's Amber Bitter (they sell beers by a few other Breweries too)
  6. On the list of first world problems I think there may be a shallot shortage too, haven't been able to get any, even frozen already diced ones for weeks
  7. They used to do all kinds of shitty theme weekends even back then, I used to get mail about them five times a year addressed to Mr Tom Bassey until I moved flats. The person who booked my room, knew my address but couldnt remember my actual name but came up with Tom Bassey from Tom Jones / Shirley Bassey (He knew it was something Welsh). The name Tom stuck in certain circles for a good while and my mate Roy Corkhill still calls me that to this day. How they laughed
  8. I once spent a night in the Norbreck Castle Hotel sometime in the late '80s whist ferrying the band Black about, they were filming a Sat morning kids TV show "It's Wicked" It was a shithole back then and from the reviews it seems its still the same shithole. Even now they only appear to be chargng £40 a room and by the sounds of it, they haven't changed even the wallpaper since
  9. Apartment management fees to the usual cowboys. If true to form the management company will change to a different company every year or every other year, the previous company will be disolved but the new company has remarkably similar shareholders and they'll still be the same shareholders than own the company that built the apartments in the first place Also what happens when it pisses it down? I mean seriously pisses it down, where is the excess water going to escape to? It doesn't look like its possible to go over the side (You'd hope). How long before it reaches a roof area that isn't totally waterproof?
  10. Cheap holidays in other people's misery as someone more rotten than me once wrote
  11. That isn't how I read the statement, I didn't realise it was capital cities with only four letters, I thought you meant capital cities with the same number of letters as the name of the country
  12. I give it 2 months before someone puts a shark in the pool for a laugh
  13. Not true. I counted three and I only got as far as A in the alphabet
  14. Oh dear Brexitpubco will have to put their prices up bringing them more in line with other chains and Indies His entire model is based on low prices and very low wages. Any wage rises will affect him more than most If the prices go up, will people put up with his sticky carpets as much, I really hope not His staff already hate him and that has nothing to do with Brexit, just him being a word removed in running his business
  15. Only for the rich though, the social housing part of the building can't access it. It's a monument to a divided nation
  16. Nope, not with Blackpool, you have to go about 6 miles headed south past the airport and Pontins to Blandy&Lancsland before you hit lovely, Anything north of there up to Fleetwood is a shithole Its not even that true with Rhyl either, you have to go through Prestatyn (Horrendous Pontins) to get to Rhyl
  17. Go to the perfume counter. The perfume counter will always have a staffed till. The staff have to unlock a lot of the product from glass cabinets and the staff get very small bonuses for hitting certain modest sales targets. My daughter worked there for a year before Uni.
  18. One is public infrastructure, the other is a private business handed money by the government on unprofitable routes It isn't that London prices have to go up, the others should come down by taking the whole shebang back under public control. Already happening in Manchester and about to happen on Merseyside. Mayors on the left of the political spectrum and in Birmingham they voted in.... Anyway, virus talk.
  19. Its the essential ingredient in a vindaloo
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