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Everything posted by YLN

  1. Well you get what you pay for...
  2. YLN

    Cameron Archer

    You nearly caught me you little devil. You nearly got exactly what you wanted there. That was a close one
  3. YLN

    Jhon Durán

    Also if Luke Shaw didn't punch the ball out of the air for no reason in the 99th minute against Brighton, I'd have won €2000. Plenty of blame to go around.
  4. Idiots! There are pills and oils take that will make your penis double in size in six weeks. No need to cut into anything. I've seen the evidence. On ad banners on legitimate academic websites. ahem
  5. I usually don't care about the kit. It's good or bad or somewhere in between and it doesn't bother me too much either way. This year's kit looks absolutely dreadful though. Just really horrible. It looks like if Burnley were relegated to the National League. I hate it. It has to be better in person, because the images I've seen it couldn't look worse. And that's before any consideration of the sponsor's legitimacy.
  6. Are you suggesting it's a publicity stunt by the club and the occupants will all emerge wearing the new kit at 2pm? I think that seems unlikely.
  7. How does this happen? Where you speculate to such an extent that you run out of money entirely and can't pay your staff. What was supposed to happen that made them liquid? They strike gold with a wonderkid, or were they banking on getting into the premier league? Or was it that they just kept spending money and no one said stop. Where were the accountants? I just don't understand how a football club can destroy itself. They expected more people to buy shirts or season tickets? Is it that the owners loaned the club money as preferential shareholders and when they decided they had had enough, they took out their investment from the day to day running of the club, and now the club can't pay wages? I'm not sure I understand how a club could agree to that, or how that would even be legal.
  8. "I'm a turkey. And the turkey needs feeding" What does this mean?
  9. When I go to Saudi Arabia, I hope I don't forget to bring a hard boiled egg. It seems to be the custom
  10. When a player signs a renewed contract with a club, that risk is factored into it. The cost of them running it down and them leaving on a free, so when they re-sign they get a big signing on fee. It's why Deadly Doug said that a player signing a new contract was like buying a new player
  11. Why do you think that? To me it seems like it would. Let's say you have two identical players Freelemans (on a free) and Tiedlemans (tied to a contract). Villa and Spurs want one of them. Lets say the wage is the same. Tiedlemans is costing them 50 million. Freelemans is free. Villa go to Freelemans and offers him the contract. He says I want 40 million of a signing fee. Villa go '**** off' and then have to spend 50 million on Tiedlemans. Doesn't seem likely. Because Spurs are going to do the maths and realise yeah paying Freelemans 40 million is insane but it saves them 10 million on the price of Tiedlemans. So there's a bidding war and the clubs want to pay as little as possible for a player, which means the player essentially gets most of any potential transfer fee. Tell me why that sounds wrong.
  12. When a good player moves on a free, the player gets the expected transfer fee as a signing bonus. We didn't get him for free.
  13. This was just pathetic. A pathetic idiot manboy. Wouldn't say he was a villain by any stretch though
  14. It would be nice to have a constant that could be applied to a referee's score for a game in the case of a loss to allow for that element of bias. Off the top of my head the best way to do that would be to take the games where we've won and average the score the referees got (x), then take the games we lost and take the average score (y) and then x/y= v, which is the constant v then is multiplied by the score for each refereeing performance where we lost to try to account for that potential bias. Would that work? Did you do it a better more sophisticated way?
  15. He also would have probably played in a European Championships if he could have scored from 2 yards against Slovakia
  16. YLN

    Getting older

    My left ear gets tinnitus. My right ear gets severe shooting pains in it. I suspect a hearing aid is in my future.
  17. I didn't realise that was our sponsor for the next three seasons. I also thought there was a ban on betting sponsors, but now I see it's from 26/27 season. It looks like a betting sponsor. A cheap betting sponsor. Thought to be too gaudy for Norwich - honest to god, Norwich. Ah well whatever
  18. It's not a seeding attributed to the English team that wins the League Cup or finishes 7th. The club has the its own seeding based on recent European form. And Villa have done **** all in Europe for more than ten years. The league's coefficient primarily determines the number and quality of european positions, but the club co-efficient is based on the club's form in Europe. We are lucky that we are from a nation whose co-efficient is the highest in Europe, so rather than getting a zero, we get a national association based co-efficient, which is still not very high compared to if we had won a few games in Europe in the last five years, but gives us an advantage over teams from other nations who have also been recently out of Europe. On the basis of us taking the national association co-efficient (21.799), there are 75 teams ahead of us in the rankings. These 75 teams include titans such as Qarabag, Gent, Cervena Zvezda and Plzen. We need teams who do not have good recent pedigree in Europe to finish in Europa Conference places so that our national association co-efficient trumps theirs.
  19. If we're unseeded and lose in the playoff round, I'll be very upset
  20. Especially relevant for Villa because we play so close to the edge with offsides and linesmen are bascially pointless now
  21. Everytime I see our new badge my instinctive reaction is that the lion is facing the wrong way. I'm sure I'll get used to it, but currently it looks to me like they've mirrored the image by accident
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