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Everything posted by dubbs

  1. I really don't know how this one will go. Chelsea will come at us which should give us opportunities on the break so Bailey and Emi B need to be there game to feed Ollie. Then we need him to keep on scoring l like he has done recently. The midfield will be key as there's a potential we'll get overrun.
  2. I'm just not using my switch oled as much as I'd hoped I would. I guess I thought it would bring back family sessions like we used to do on Mario Kart on the Wii but it's not happened. Then again everyone is about 10 years older and a lot less social than they used to be
  3. dubbs

    U.S. Politics

    How long before @Jareth mysteriously disappears.........
  4. Got too be honest, something didn't click with me this time like it has previously. Yes it looks really nice but I don't know. Maybe the combat system today is just a bit basic. Im sure I'll pick it up once it's been out for a while but for me it's no day one purchase.
  5. Yeah just finished downloading it to find out the open beta doesn't start until tomorrow
  6. Just downloading the Diablo IV demo. Remember playing 2 years ago and really enjoyed it. Be interesting to see how far it's come.
  7. Yeah I thought he retired whilst still at Arsenal!
  8. As long as we can bring in at least one to class winger we'll be a lot better off than we currently are.
  9. That's no more a pen than the 2 were didn't get yesterday.
  10. dubbs

    Gym Routine

    What the hell is one of those?
  11. dubbs

    Gym Routine

    I recently decided that I need to be more active. I've got a desk job so I spend 40+ hours sitting on my a## not doing much exercise. I'm late 40's and have definitely started getting a dad's body! So I talked my eldest son into taking a Body Combat class with me this morning. Jeez talk about starting off easy lol. It's a 45 min class but I lasted about 30 mins - although that was longer than my son who complained about a pain in his groin so he stopped before me. I probably could have gone longer but I'm a very self conscious person and when everyone else is doing it well and I looked like an uncontrollable puppet, I stepped out. I'm definitely going to go again because I think I enjoyed it, it'll definitely do wonders for my cardio and my general wellbeing.
  12. No doubt there will be a bridge on the HS2 route named after him.
  13. Finally finished the main story today. Gotta say the last few missions were one hell of a slog. And the exclusive PS mission is just pure s###. I actually envied the Xbox players for not having to play that one.
  14. Only one man for the job - step forward slippy G.
  15. Yes I thought that was hilarious, surely a WWE reference.
  16. Yeah it just looks really bad. Pity because done right it could be fantastic.
  17. PSVR2 launch day today I believe. Was interested but the price is insane and the previous iteration got used for about 6 months and it's now sitting in its box gathering dust.
  18. Surely the one doing is going to be sung to the tune of La Bamba??
  19. See it's kinda going to be interesting when more and more teams have seemingly unlimited wealth, and only 4 CL spots to go for. Another step closer to the revised plans for a ESL surely? Agreed though it was nice seeing them become a very average team while it lasted.
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