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Everything posted by dubbs

  1. dubbs

    Jhon Durán

    And we got him for £18 mil? Up yours City and Haaland!
  2. Hasn't really done it's any harm though has it.
  3. Pen disallowed cuz of a double touch.
  4. Have to say I'm always pleased when city lose.
  5. I think that's the thing. If you can find a good group to play with, games like COD are a different experience. There's nothing worse than being put into a squad with a bunch of kids.
  6. And then you'll have teams complaining about too much time being added, especially if goals get scored in added time. Just add the time that has been wasted, no more no less it's simple.
  7. Gwent never clicked with me so I've not invested anywhere near enough time in it as a probably should have.
  8. It's just so annoying being a Villa fan. That glimmer of hope when Emery came in is already beginning to look a tad dimmer. There's got to be some sort of hoodoo on us. We sack the manager and nothing changes, so we change the squad and nothing changes. Rinse and repeat.
  9. Every single time. Why do we bother even playing in the 3rd round.
  10. Out of interest, are you playing on a switch oled?
  11. Assuming you've spent a bit more time on it now @villa4europe, have your thoughts changed at all?
  12. Ended up buying the Dark Souls trilogy even though I've already got DS2. Looking forward to starting a new journey. Must complete Demon's Souls first though.....
  13. I've had my PS5 vertical since launch day and not had any noticeable issues.
  14. Well I finally did it! Really happy to get this one
  15. Bloodbourne DLC now completed. Orphan of Cos was a total #### but did it eventually. Now got a few chalice dungeons to do before the final boss to get the first platinum of 2023.
  16. Signed on a free to I'd tend to agree with you on that one.
  17. Haven't got a PC but I understand there is a version of this on the Switch. Anyone had any experience? Been years since I've played a FM game and interested to hear how it works on a console.
  18. I dunno. If I had two weeks off after having a child or getting married in pretty certain my bosses wouldn't be like 'ease yourself in gently, you can just make the tea this week'. I think I'd be expected to be doing my job to the full extent on my first day back. Anyway it's all speculation at the moment, we'll soon see how Emi is in a few hours.
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