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Everything posted by Ghost

  1. Apparently it was disallowed due to an earlier free kick being called.
  2. Back in contention for the Sunderland game according to the OS.
  3. He should probably change that Twitter name
  4. What about when you're sitting in the stands and one of his shots comes flying at your head?
  5. Is this on AVTV!? I've got to watch this ahahaha! For me, that's Young Player Of The Season in the bag. This is freakin' amazing.
  6. Two key free kicks (and man city was televised right?) is hardly the sign of a player who "crumbles under TV cameras" Every game is broadcast here live on TV (maybe not just in the UK?) Don't think that has anything to do with it. Was just a poor game from him on the day. He's been generally good.
  7. Defoe on his way to Toronto in the MLS?
  8. Ghost

    Xbox One

    You're not a chameleon by any chance are you?
  9. Ghost

    Xbox One

    Seen this on Facebook. Bit of a blooper by MS if it's real.
  10. From the games I played this gen, The Last of Us is right up there as probably the best. The story, the world building, the writing and characters - just unbelievable. One of the few games that really left an impression on me. I think the praise it gets is fully justified, although I can understand why some people would get put off by the setting and mood. For what it was trying to accomplish, I think it is definitely a masterpiece. Also loved the Uncharted series but for different reasons. Just really good fun and a rollicking adventure. Can't wait for Naughty Dog's next game.
  11. I love that Welsh accent. Absolutely brilliant. Proper tidy mun!
  12. Ghost

    Xbox One

    Have a like for the web design.
  13. My only Platinum is Assassins Creed 2. I loved Ni No Kuni as well. Such a charming game. Was considering the Platinum in that as well, but it seemed like a ton of work. I think I might actually purchase the DLC for Sleeping Dogs though. I haven't checked the cost, but don't mind if it's value for money. I'd love a reason to spend a few more hours in that universe.
  14. Surely I'm not the only who thinks this looks like a sci-fi comic book movie?
  15. Just a quick note: If you've seen the PS4 launch trailer Sony released a couple of days ago, a character that appears to be Cloud from FF7 can be seen walking in front of "Cid's" barber shop.
  16. I'm pretty sure Home was ditched for PS4. I think in the 5/6 years I've owned a PS3, I've never once clicked on Home. Not even by accident.
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