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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. Does anyone else find the bottom right swan really attractive?
  2. Was that before, or after the UN vote? I can see why he may have come around to his view in recent days or weeks. There was also a leadership election a few months ago that he didn't run for, so I don't really buy that he suddenly chose last night to make a run for it.
  3. I think Gary Neville must fancy the England job after the Euros and is getting some experience in. Good luck to him.
  4. Nowadays if I touch anything fizzy then I feel utter shit the next day. I occasionally have a bottle of wine to myself but that's rare, maybe a couple of times a month.
  5. Kinell they look like fresh scratch ones as well. I know hot cross buns are available all year but not ones they make on site, just the brought in ones. That's nuts that they're making them in December. Bastards.
  6. Crushing result. It's surely a question now of whether he is the man to drag us back up next season.
  7. As much as I don't really like ribs anyway, having melon does look a bit odd, even if it's free in the salad bar. I basically went for a bowl of croutons smothered in BBQ sauce.
  8. His second to last over was utter dogshite though which made it a lot closer than it should have been. Still I won a fiver on it, which I'm now in the process of losing again thanks to Hull v Derby.
  9. I went once, it was alright, cheap and cheerful with a salad bar to fill your boots
  10. It seems to me that the terrorist attacks are becoming far more 'professional' and it's due to proper training and organisation by ISIS in their homeland, even if they are largely carried out by homegrown terrorists, so logically it will make us safer if we take them out in Syria. You won't be able to stop an individual terrorist all the time, but the Paris attacks with so many different people involved in different places with precision timing and impact makes the likely death toll much higher. We have foiled seven attempts this year, the idea that they will ignore us because we aren't bombing them is ridiculous, especially as we are bombing them in Iraq anyway. Our missiles are supposed to be the most accurate in the world, as well as our surveillance equipment, we need to add our expertise to the fight to get the best results. We also need UN troops on the ground IMO and it will just be a matter of time.
  11. It was brilliant. I enjoyed Toast of London as well, I've been a bit iffy about it the few times I've watched but I laughed a lot yesterday. I don't know why but the name Penvelope had me in tears, and the weather girl, omg she is fit.
  12. Seems a balanced approach from Garde. Hopefully it gives an opportunity to Adama to come in, and he and Grealish can spur each other on under Remi's guidance as they are our future stars if they fulfil their promise.
  13. Aye she's on everything nowadays isn't she. Feel a bit sorry for David, he's been decent all the way through and he gets booted because he misprinted a couple of tshirts. The Welsh lady was proper bricking it when she got dragged back haha.
  14. I've just started watching series 2 of the Newsroom. I don't think I've ever watched a programme where I've found every single character so irritating. Still the series aren't that long so I think I'll stick with it and finish the third as well.
  15. I partly put it down to the players, but mainly down to Arsenal just being in a totally different class on the day. They can do that to anyone on their day. However, calling the players losers and revealing that Benteke had a release clause in his contract in the days before the final making most of the press coverage of us negative is one of the most ludicrous moves I had ever come across from a manager. That was before I witnessed some of the ludicrous shite he came up with the season, though, which was even more embarrassing.
  16. I think it was just a case that trying to repeat the Man City tactics backfired due to early defensive mistakes that we couldn't recover from. Saturday will give an indication of Garde's flexibility with tactics and a decent performance will go a long way in giving me hope of survival. A weak defeat or draw will probably drain whatever enthusiasm I have left. 4 points from those 3 matches would be a great start, though.
  17. It would be great to see him let loose at the weekend. I think it would allow Gil to play centrally and he is likely to help get the best out of Adama.
  18. Russia are basically at war with everyone in Syria but the govt, so it's perhaps not surprising. However I'm not sure how the Turkish story of them warning the plane several times works considering how small the bit of airspace they travelled through is and the speed they're likely to have been going.
  19. Not really misheard, but after hearing Smells Like Teen Spirit possibly 1000 times I still have no idea what he sings in the chorus. I think the word 'rhino' is in there so I just belt out random nonsense whenever it comes on the radio and I fancy a singalong.
  20. Yes, best to keep your use of Starbucks to yourself.
  21. Who turns up in time to watch adverts at the cinema anyway? You know the film starts half an hour after it's meant to, and the last 5/10 minutes before the film are for the trailers, if you fancy catching them. Plus it looks a bit of a shit advert to me anyway.
  22. I thought he achieved his goals therefore his performance was pretty good, until the last season where his head got scrambled by going to a few training sessions with Guardiola and he was clearly a man who couldn't take any more beatings. His record before us was excellent and I hope he does well at Blackburn.
  23. I'd take it with a pinch of salt, as some of the posters seem extremely negative to the point of possibly being closet SHA fans on the wind up, and they don't support it with any evidence. I'd love to see Adama getting a real run in the team, he has so much talent and potential.
  24. I think Guzan Hutton Richards Clark Crespo Gana Sanchez Bacuna Gil Sinclair Ayew I hope that would have enough in it to get a performance. The front four are the ones I'd think are most likely to create and score goals and should be fairly balanced. Left back is a proper pain in the arse though.
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