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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. The pics were there a few minutes ago, you in the pub with your son and another with a snowman
  2. Crikey £250 really is taking the piss. I think I pay about £50 each time, surely all it involves is a bit of filing and photocopying. I should really get round to finding a flat to buy but it's bloomin hard in the south east.
  3. It's the same whenever I extend my tenancy on my flat, the estate agents find all sorts of shit random payments for things which I'm sure take about five clicks of their mouse on the computer to do. rocket polishers, I hate them.
  4. I've been watching Peep Show from the start as it's a programme I've always dipped in and out of, I'm on series 7 and I think a bit of piss actually came out I laughed so hard at this bit:
  5. I've tried replying a few times in this thread but keep deleting it. I am completely on the fence about it, which means I'll probably vote for the status quo.
  6. Nah, they released so much shite they should have been called the Enema. If BRMC had been British they'd have been up there with the biggest since 2000 IMO.
  7. I'm not sure he started Veretout on the left wing, I thought he started in a kind of inside left position in a tight midfield like he started against West Ham and played well before Ayew got himself sent off. Then when we went a goal down Remi changed it so that we basically went 4-4-2 with Gil off Agbonlahor, with Veretout doing a job out left. Problem then was that every time the likes of Bacuna and Gana got the ball they either ran into the opposition or passed it straight to them, inviting more pressure, and Gil getting deeper leaving Gabby isolated.
  8. Can we all just run on the pitch and have a massive shit on it? That might get our point across. Though having said that Randy will probably be happy to be able to save money on fertiliser for the pitch. I'm not sure the walkout will help, I think not turning up and sacrificing the money you've spent on the ticket would get the point across more, as in 'This is how it will be next season if you don't sell up'. I understand many people can't afford to just throw away their money like that though.
  9. I genuinely would too. Previous years I've disliked Spurs but the way they've quietly gone about their business has impressed me. I also have a bit of a man crush on Pochettino, he is a truly brilliant manager.
  10. How many free kicks has Messi scored this season now? Must be about half a dozen, and he missed nearly two months.
  11. Indeed, My Sister Lover as well, I think it was b-side on the same single and despite being a bit incesty is a belter. I also like Shout It Out Loud a lot.
  12. People who stand at pedestrian crossings and hold the button until the light changes. It doesn't make them change any quicker at all.
  13. Whether you rate them individually or not, until today the back 5 had created a reasonably solid unit. I think Okore is decent, such a shame injuries have stopped him being so mobile as he could have been an absolute beast. But coming out with what he said was ludicrous and following it up with that performance, even more so. Add that to Lescott tweeting a pic of a car and Ayew getting himself sent off a couple of weeks ago, you do wonder how many braincells footballer have. Remi must be tearing his hair out.
  14. That run he did at the start of the second half where beat 3 or 4 was about the only positive thing in the whole match from us. He never hides from the ball which I guess puts him ahead of the other shite on display today, even if he had a poor game (though I confess I gave up at 4-0).
  15. I think he will walk tonight. The club is dead.
  16. If you aren't picking Richards at right back, and you're not picking Bacuna, who do you pick to play there? Also the defence has been solid since Cissokho came back from loan, **** knows what's happened today. Probably just an accident waiting to happen, it's amazing that we've been as solid as we have been recently, which I think you have to give Garde and the coaches credit for.
  17. He filled in surprisingly well at left back but in midfield he has been shit, and today's performance has reached new lows. Garde deserves stick for not putting him out of his misery at half time, if not earlier.
  18. The problem is this is probably the team I would have picked. It is utterly embarrassing. How can they not pass a ball to each other? How can defenders duck crosses and goalkeepers try to claim a ball a yard to the right of where it actually is? Bugger me.
  19. You're forgetting the midfield, which has been utterly inept. Gana has passed the ball to the opposition so many times and Bacuna is dire. Veretout needs to play inside and get some pace up top, even if it means Sinclair. Honestly that was absolutely shocking that first half, everyone should be refunded their ticket or sky subscription by the club. I have never seen a performance where all XI players have been 0/10 before, even from us this season.
  20. What on earth was he doing? He wasn't even following the line of the ball when it came in. Shocking.
  21. I love(d) watching Wilshere play. When Arsenal last went to the Nou Camp I thought he was brilliant, he wasn't afraid to pick the ball up on the edge of his area and turn to beat the pressing of Iniesta and Xavi and launch their counter attacks. Sadly injuries ruined him so far. I genuinely think Rooney is top class when played up top too.
  22. I didn't realise that Gondolen thing was a restaurant. It was closed when we went, must have been being refurbed. Got a cracking view from the walkway bit though. One place we had a pint in had the toilets in a dungeon underneath, I don't think it was a Viking pub but it was pretty scary having a shit in a dungeon. The confusing thing was the key was attached to a whisk, I thought it might be because the flush didn't work and you had to whisk your mess but it was just used as a big key ring so nobody lost it.
  23. It dates back to our year 7 residential when someone spotted skidmarks in his used underpants, and it's kind of stuck for the last 18 years or so.
  24. Heart is dreadful, I have to endure it regularly and they don't play Oasis except in the guess the year thing. Lighthouse Family on the other hand they play all the time for some weird reason.
  25. My mate Skidmark Greg briefly went out with a girl who nearly got to sing the Swedish Eurovision song. She also did reasonably well on their Pop Idol or X Factor thing, but is an air stewardess now.
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