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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. How can it be alleged that the scout has emigrated to Australia, surely he either has or hasn't and it's pretty easy to find out? Also, it doesn't say when he did or whether he still has the same role.
  2. Tbh I'd love to see Wilshere and Rooney playing alongside some of these players.
  3. I never knew Lothar Matthaus was this likeable. To be fair I'd be more than happy to see Rooney playing in attacking midfield with these players around him. These Spurs players have come such a long way under Pochettino, he is a genius.
  4. Agree, the Kane Cruyff turn and finish was a touch of class.
  5. Right, I've finally decided never to judge footballers on their YouTube videos. That just takes the biscuit.
  6. Perhaps if Butland had gone down they'd have stopped play but you don't know how serious the injury would be at that time. He'd made his way back into his goal so I think it's fair to shoot.
  7. It's such a huge difference between us and the real top sides, we can try our best to emulate the way they play but when it comes down to that split second of quality, we just don't really have it. Shame for Butland, but clever from Kroos to have a dig having spotted him limping.
  8. It does sound very grim. I've just started reading Luke McCallin's Gregor Reinhardt novels set in that part of the world during WWII, and dealing with the Ustase. Incredible that stuff like that was still going on into the 90s. It did allow my Dad to use the 'You get less for genocide' line on his and Mum's 41st anniversary yesterday though.
  9. It would be a classy move putting someone so badly injured on the transfer list. Just sounds like a load of lazy journalism to me, the French half of the club are painted as the villains in the press.
  10. Either way, all the coverage it's getting means we get a lot of Amanda Walker on Sky News which is good by me.
  11. Why is cheddar even more moreish when it's grated? I love cheese but after a chunk I'm satisfied, but give me a bag of grated cheese and I can eat it all.
  12. Yes I'm a bit dubious about statistics. I like Gana but he has undoubtedly had some absolute stinkers this season, which we couldn't really afford. In a better side he probably would be a lot more consistent but that's the same for most players. I'd like us to keep him next season though.
  13. It would sum us up if we ended up paying off Remi with more money than it would have cost to get some sort of striker in January to help him out, having stabilised our form a bit during the window.
  14. I hope Remi is raping Randy for all he's worth.
  15. I agree that Fergie signed Van Persie as one last little gift to himself to go out with a bang with the title, but I don't think he left the club in that bad a shape. Moyes was set back by incompetence by those above him buying the players failing to freshen things up a bit plus I think the fans just didn't fancy him. I do think in comparison, van Gaal had done a much worse job and given the same money to spend I think Moyes would have them challenging for the title by now. Id love to see him here, his football isn't as bad as some think and he always seemed to be able to spot a player from pretty much anywhere, be it their youth, lower leagues, Europe and further beyond and built different teams. It would add to my confusion as to wtf is going on at the club if we could convince someone like him to join in these circumstances.
  16. FFS I'm sure I'm not alone in that the Cruyff turn was the first bit of skill we learnt in football training when we were about 7 or 8. What a shit year.
  17. Is he still here yet? Thought it was meant to be done in 48 hours.
  18. I'd only use the word swarm for a large group of people moving in a particular direction, as per the definition. Though the example they give when you look of swarm on Google is for a swarm of protestors, it's only in respect to them storming a building, rather than merely as a group of people, which I doubt disabled people or pensioners would do. In the context of mass migration it is wholly appropriate to use the word swarm if you like, it's the other words being used alongside that give it context.
  19. Exactly. Just googling the word comes up with that exact definition, both as a noun and verb including people (well the example they use is journalists ) as well as insects . Synonyms are words like flock, stream, flood, which have all had similar negative press for people when they have used them in this context.
  20. I agree, although that video brings up some interesting talking points, it's got an undercurrent of something more sinister behind it. From what I remember the original big outrage came about when David Cameron said they were coming to Europe in swarms and I genuinely don't think he meant anything other than the longer-held inoffensive meaning of the word, but then I know people have a much worse opinion of him than I do, with him being a Tory, albeit a pro-European one.
  21. It's nice to have a drink on your own if you've had a shit day, or a good one for that matter. I don't really like getting drunk even on a night out, just tipsy enough to have a good time without making an idiot of myself or feeling too shit the next day. I can't do that any more.
  22. I struggle to think of another reason to go to Starbucks though. Certainly not for a coffee, anyway.
  23. Regarding the semantics of the word 'swarm', before the refugee crisis I've always come across the word for meaning large groups of people moving in a particular direction e.g. whenever we have a sunny bank holiday and thousands of people are photographed on the beach in a newspaper, they are often said to have swarmed to the beach. Obviously referring or comparing people to rats is horrid, but I don't think saying people are swarming (or flocking) is that unreasonable and shouldn't immediately bring comparisons to insects to mind.
  24. Sounds like another explosion at a metro station too.
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